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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2013 in all areas

  1. Dear Shinobi, As of today, Nin Online (or at least the current remake) is 2 months into development! 2 months ago, I decided I would bring Nin Online back to live, and release the game as quickly as possible. It has been a fun experience so far, bringing together a team of artists and programmers to build the game of my dreams. To reach the state we are in within such a short amount of time is truly an impossible feat with such a small team. Most of the time we have been just Whack and I, but I am glad to be joined by my fellow artists working with us now. Here's a shout out to them! @Hishido @Keezus @Wolf @ @BlackOpselite I'm also glad to have two very helpful forum moderators, who work their asses off to make sure I can focus my time on working on Nin Online instead of replying to questions and dropping ban hammers on the forum @Crosswise @ We all hope to bring Nin Online far, so do stick with us and support our development! Here is one of my favorite moments in the early alpha test. Regards, Rory
    8 points
  2. I've done my research, and I think I know how I want to do it. I'm going to make the land of toad, along with a Ryuchi Cave or the slug forest. If you have a Kuchiyose no Jutsu scroll, you can learn it, but using it should only teleport you to the temple of the animal which your character is affiliated to (randomly). This is the easy option to get a summoning contract made. You will complete a series of quests to earn the favor of the animal or defeat them, depending on which animal. Alternatively, somebody else who has contracted that kind of animal may help bring you there, but there will be higher level requirement and it will cost a large amount ryo to do it this way. This encourages players to go with the flow and sign contracts with an animal they are affiliated to, or to seek out powerful senseis like the Sannin were to follow in their footsteps. I also have decided that a limit of one per character would be better, and give each character a tighter identity.
    3 points
  3. Alright it been pretty stressful during this Alpha Test, but it was needed to fix these issues the game is having. So instead of stressing over login/server/killstealing/lag and other issues lets chill and wait for everything to be fix by the dev/admin. Lets post anything related to Naruto it could be a cool image or funny video or a awesome naruto soundtrack like sorrow and sadness ANYTHING just post it. I'll start here is a image i made as a joke .
    2 points
  4. Dude are you writing in 2 languages at once?
    2 points
  5. ROUND I IS NOW OVER, PLEASE CHECK THE ROUND II PARTICIPANTS LIST BELOW FOR YOUR NAME I'm thinking of a number between 0 and 100,000... Whoever can PM me this number or anything within 10 of it within 24 hours will receive a gold membership at my expense. Oh, and you only get 2 guesses. Here's a twist for you guys participating, everyone who guessed within 20,000 of the number will qualify for Round Two, Also those of you who happened to properly guess my method to choosing the number will be allowed to qualify as well. I'll be explaining the premise to Round Two when the time is right. Current Participants (Names will be crossed out upon failure of Round Two) Kazume - 50,000 Ryoshi - 17,770 and 21,210 Adrenaline - 42,000Drunken Guy - 24,867Liomli - 13,498Blastcore - 50,000Joker1480 - 28,623Jinxp - 25,000Nigel - 30,000FunkyFreshMonkey - 30,000Hansuke - 42,999Abhi2011 - 25,045Sam - 20,000 Anarchy - 20,500Megablue5 - 47,396Simeonus (Guessed the Theme to my Number.) The Number was: 31094 -------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 2 - Considering the fact that I unexpectedly got lazy and there are 14 survivors, this will be the final round of this competition and the next competition will begin on August 12th 2013. To those of you who had the luck to make it into the list of Participants, I am thinking of a Naruto Character this time and they were one of the Ninja to have participated in the first Chuunin exam of the series.. Your task is to send me a picture of the ninja, while they were participating in the exam. ALSO IF THERE IS NO WINNER OF ROUND TWO, then we will begin another contest where everyone is welcomed to try again.
    2 points
  6. Hey everyone, http://www.mediafire.com/?cm2yxia3gh3dvnd Install the game and get online, Nin online is back up and lag free! Credits to Jcsnider from Eclipse Origins community. Regards, Rory
    1 point
  7. Welcome Fernando to the forums ^.^
    1 point
  8. Welcome and what an epic avatar you've got there.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Hey Fernando, welcome to Nin online you seem like a really nice person. How are things in Spain amigo
    1 point
  11. Young friend Fera, glad my link brought you to here. Nin Online is always welcome new members any though ^_^ Me and you = Walking time bomb'd when we are having a conversation.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. why is this discussion even being held? you agree that you don't know the battle system, but you're afraid of it being unbalanced... WAIT and SEE, maybe it's the most perfectly balanced equilibrated stable system in the whole universe that has already gone extinct and it is still to come...
    1 point
  14. Regarding the login screen you have to understand that technically good design is something which looks and functions well for the end-user, and is also easy to maintain and expand for the developers. Early on in our careers, Rory's designs looked nice, but were a bitch to program in. His new stuff is waay better, and I feel the new image also matches the clean, cartoony look of the spritework as well.
    1 point
  15. I like the login a lot but I wouldn't say it is better.. It looks cool and all but pretty dull compared to the login now.
    1 point
  16. its far from trash but it could be better in some aspects
    1 point
  17. Should've did that SSJ Bardock xD He is the greatest dbz character known to man haha but it looks good
    1 point
  18. This should be after the contract and once you've reached lvl70 o/
    1 point
  19. Upon realizing that I had not previous made a suggestion about this I figured that I might as well make a suggestion pertaining to the various uses and pro-cons of Quest Starting Items! This is essentially just me stating other ways that they can be used and implemented by the developers. Jutsu Quests! This is a pretty obvious use but perhaps it could be possible for certain humanoid monsters or regular monsters to drop quest items that start a quest with a jutsu scroll and exp value as a reward. For example, Everyone here starts as an Academy Student so why not give each Academy a training area with 'monsters' in it that have a chance of dropping a quest item that yields a low-level academy jutsu? This however would imply that you do not -require- these jutsu to become a Genin and is completely up to the staff. Yea the above usage is pretty rough on the canonical knowledge that you need to know the three basic jutsu in order to graduate from the academy, but I think that in this game early on in levels Jutsu won't be the prominent focus of any natural minded 'MMOer' Equipment Quests! This usage of quest items isn't a practical as the previous suggestion but why not have it so you can find rarer equipment items by completing rarer quests? Are your +1 STR gloves not as good as your friends +2 STR gloves? Then this usage is for those of you who like the little details of things! Example, A level 15 Rogue Ninja NPC has a chance to drop a quest-item that yields a pair of rare gloves! The above usage is just a possible use of the quest-item suggestion, there are possibly hundreds of ways that they quest-items can be used in Nin-Online. I'm just here to get your creative minds rolling and working on something that will make everyone enjoy their experience.
    1 point
  20. Here's a very interesting twist on the fact that this game is a 2D-MMORPG, why not make it so that certain monsters will drop a quest starting item such as a 'Summoning Contract' where you have to defeat a certain amount of a certain type of monster(IE: Wolves, Toads, Scorpians, Slugs, Snakes, etc) and after defeating that tier you will receive another quest starting Item as a reward which will require you to defeat the next tier of that monster. The quest would turn into a chain-quest of sorts leading up you receiving the final quest which requires you to defeat a boss-type or elite-type that type of monster and upon defeating that monster you can complete the chain-quest and get a Summoning Jutsu Scroll which gives you the ability to summon the bottom tier of that monster and allows you to get quests from certain NPC to learn the next tier of that summon and so on. Just a thought though. Rory Whack
    1 point
  21. Hi, probably a lot know about what this topic is. so i want tell why not be jinchuriki as a world boss? who throw various combination of items to be better. This bosses could be created instance and it would be really hard to defeat. I do not know what Partyplay level cap, but I think this idea is not the worst what I said. Yes world boss should be from 1 to 10 drop chance 1% item drop. and they can drop rare drop like armors, weapons, skill scroll, summon scrolls etc.
    1 point
  22. winter 2013 no set date yet buy it for PS3/Xbox at your local game store or online PC can be bought through steam and i dont think they have confirmed prices but £30-£40 or $50-$60 are reasonable prices
    1 point
  23. Not really, just an epic battle.
    1 point
  24. I think Rory should stop using Gameshark in his own game...a level 100 shouldn't be an academy student!
    1 point
  25. Can't say it's overpowered when it's not in the game yet lol
    1 point
  26. It will probably be in the game eventually, but like everything else, it would be balanced.
    1 point
  27. Congratulations to everyone thus far to how everything is coming along! Even though it was just an alpha it was pretty amazing and addicting to play. We all know how hard you guys have been working on Nin and look forward to playing more and more in the future and witness the game develop and grow. Glad I could help contribute and become a gold member. It was great following up to alpha launch and seeing all the people that showed up for it! Thank you guys! ^_^
    1 point
  28. I skipped everything, even the tl;dr lul I'll get to this later
    1 point
  29. you watched all animes and mangas of it you dont watch mangas.
    1 point
  30. What summons do you guys want added to the game? Also, at what level will summons be available? Naruto was able to summon a toad during the Chunin Exams and what not, but, how long do they last and what are the advantages to summons. I feel like certain summons should have certain advantages and disadvantages just to create a balance and more of a Naruto feel. Rory's Decision: I've done my research, and I think I know how I want to do it. I'm going to make the land of toad, along with a Ryuchi Cave or the slug forest. If you have a Kuchiyose no Jutsu scroll, you can learn it, but using it should only teleport you to the temple of the animal which your character is affiliated to (randomly). This is the easy option to get a summoning contract made. You will complete a series of quests to earn the favor of the animal or defeat them, depending on which animal. Alternatively, somebody else who has contracted that kind of animal may help bring you there, but there will be higher level requirement and it will cost a large amount ryo to do it this way. This encourages players to go with the flow and sign contracts with an animal they are affiliated to, or to seek out powerful senseis like the Sannin were to follow in their footsteps. I also have decided that a limit of one per character would be better, and give each character a tighter identity. IDEAS SO FAR: Noimo: Here's a very interesting twist on the fact that this game is a 2D-MMORPG, why not make it so that certain monsters will drop a quest starting item such as a 'Summoning Contract' where you have to defeat a certain amount of a certain type of monster(IE: Wolves, Toads, Scorpians, Slugs, Snakes, etc) and after defeating that tier you will receive another quest starting Item as a reward which will require you to defeat the next tier of that monster. The quest would turn into a chain-quest of sorts leading up you receiving the final quest which requires you to defeat a boss-type or elite-type that type of monster and upon defeating that monster you can complete the chain-quest and get a Summoning Jutsu Scroll which gives you the ability to summon the bottom tier of that monster and allows you to get quests from certain NPC to learn the next tier of that summon and so on. Just a thought though. Vali Lucifer: I like the idea of summons being used for certain purposes and only a limited amount of summons per person. Based on the Manga/Anime only Nagato has been shown to have more than 2 type of animals/creatures if I am correct. So make it that at a certain level you may pick 1 and depending on what you pick you can or cant pick another depending on what it is. For example if I get a high enough level and choose Slugs as my first contract, Slugs would be my primary and I could use them to heal myself and comrades, but because I chose Slugs I can't have summons such as Toads as my secondary and instead I could have Ninja Dogs for tracking as my secondary. Different animal summon serving different purposes sounds like fun, but proper cooldowns for all of them will make the game seem more natural. Joker1480: For Rp events, maybe fighting big summoning creatures, (if it's possible to do that in this game) but regular pvp one sumon at a time and keep them player sized, I say. Maybe they can be just like the scorpions we fought, but with 2-3 moves they can use that would be specific to the summon you use? Some would move faster than others and all that technical stuff for balance, I guess. The one summon per person, and only summoning during 1v1 matches would probably be the best way to implement it with the least amount of lag.
    1 point
  31. Yeah the first two seasons are good but then it becomes shit.
    1 point
  32. And here I was ripping it from previews.
    1 point
  33. Small Question why cant there just be a competition for Swordsmen Spots instead of Swordsmen Swords..
    1 point
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