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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2013 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, The stress tests have been very useful for us and we have managed make the server much more stable. We also solved a major lag issue and found plenty of bugs we need to fix. For now, we are taking the server down while we work on fixing some of these bugs and addressing these issues. The reason I have decided to do this as too much trouble is spawning from the players being unsure of things and being unable to get in the game. I would like to apologize on how poorly managed everything was in these few days, we will learn from these experiences and do much better in the near future! As such, the server will remain down until further notice. Thank you for all your time, I'm glad to see, so many enjoying the game despite the lack of content. As I've stressed before, the content we've presented in this early alpha test are only for testing! There will not be a scorpion and wolf infestation problem in Konoha. If you would like to participate in closed tests, be sure to donate to be a gold member, as you will be given priority in any closed tests. Look forward to more updates soon! For the rest, just look forward to our re-release! Regards, Rory
    3 points
  2. With GIFS :3 because GIFs are fun. I'm not sure whether some cases are just me lagging or not. Map/Lag Flaws(Please wait for GIFs to restart): Walking on water? Not sure if a flaw but I managed to walk on that rock in it. Near the top left corner of the map? By the hospital. Game not saving my location or I'm moving but it's not really happening. Weird case of lag and/or map flaw? It teleported me back to the spot I was a few seconds ago like in the above GIF. This is the hospital btw. Pretty sure you're already aware of the bald thing XD. You should make a way to enter beds placed like that without doing what I have to do lol. Buildings on the right side of where the scorpions are located Forgot to fringe Corner fence near blue house on the right side of the scorpions. Clothes owner shop
    3 points
  3. The banner on the homepage looks nice with all of the gold members together in one place just something funny i noticed though, the ninonline logo says "A 2D NINJA ONLINE RPG GAME" in the top right corner. "RPG" means role-playing game right? So putting game at the end of it would make it role-playing game game which is pretty silly. Could just be "A 2D ONLINE NINJA RP GAME" or, "A 2D ONLINE NINJA RPG" Switch Online and Ninja just because it rolls off the tongue better.
    2 points
  4. Good Suggestion/topic. I think I read somewhere there will be the possibility of Jounins creating a squad, but I would like to know more. I've seen the 2nd part of Chuunin for scrolls done very well in a BYOND game (which I will not speak the name of <.<) where the scrolls are randomly placed on a set map disconnected from every other map. Everyone gets a random scroll, (Even amounts of both I'm sure) and it played out really well. The only issue was too many free scrolls allowing waaay too many people to pass into the third part. This kind of made the fights boring and take too long. I suggest it pretty much the same way it is in the show, maybe add corpses throught the map (big forest I guess) that have a chance of holding a scroll left behind from previous Chuunins. This would be rare, of course, but give the ones who are down on their luck a chance. Fighting near the exit to the 2nd part seems to be on everyones mind, so I wouldn't worry about that. The players will most likely set up their own traps and things to lessen the competition. Also, with my 'corpse scroll' idea, you could add random traps that the corpses left behind, probably to defend themselves from creatures (from what I've sen so far, creatures could be a huge part of Chuunin part 2). These traps could be very simple, a single kunai slinging trap, for example. The creatures in the 2nd part should have a lot of aggro and not be restricted to a specific area. Random movement, and maybe for effect, attacking certain other creatures (natural food chain kinda deal) that could get the player caught in a triple fight. I would understand if some of this is too much to code, but I would like to see creatures in part 2. That would be cool .
    2 points
  5. Just a few questions ~ Will there be Genin squads where you pair up in a team with actual team members? If so, how will this work for group missions and such? Chunin Exams ~ I'm guessing those will be implemented as well because what's Naruto without exams hehe. Will it be just like the show? How will we do the scroll thing? Most importantly, how will the Chunins be chosen if the exam isn't based on who wins? Thanks guys, searched the forum but couldn't find these.
    2 points
  6. ROUND I IS NOW OVER, PLEASE CHECK THE ROUND II PARTICIPANTS LIST BELOW FOR YOUR NAME I'm thinking of a number between 0 and 100,000... Whoever can PM me this number or anything within 10 of it within 24 hours will receive a gold membership at my expense. Oh, and you only get 2 guesses. Here's a twist for you guys participating, everyone who guessed within 20,000 of the number will qualify for Round Two, Also those of you who happened to properly guess my method to choosing the number will be allowed to qualify as well. I'll be explaining the premise to Round Two when the time is right. Current Participants (Names will be crossed out upon failure of Round Two) Kazume - 50,000 Ryoshi - 17,770 and 21,210 Adrenaline - 42,000Drunken Guy - 24,867Liomli - 13,498Blastcore - 50,000Joker1480 - 28,623Jinxp - 25,000Nigel - 30,000FunkyFreshMonkey - 30,000Hansuke - 42,999Abhi2011 - 25,045Sam - 20,000 Anarchy - 20,500Megablue5 - 47,396Simeonus (Guessed the Theme to my Number.) The Number was: 31094 -------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 2 - Considering the fact that I unexpectedly got lazy and there are 14 survivors, this will be the final round of this competition and the next competition will begin on August 12th 2013. To those of you who had the luck to make it into the list of Participants, I am thinking of a Naruto Character this time and they were one of the Ninja to have participated in the first Chuunin exam of the series.. Your task is to send me a picture of the ninja, while they were participating in the exam. ALSO IF THERE IS NO WINNER OF ROUND TWO, then we will begin another contest where everyone is welcomed to try again.
    2 points
  7. The amount of pixel work needed would be a bit overwhelming.
    2 points
  8. Hey everyone, I've decided to give some information on the system I have planned for things like the Chunin Exams. This is not a entirely new concept as I've heard of things like this in other MMORPGs. This system is called Roleplay Events (RPE) The system can be compared to a game of Dungeons & Dragons, where players will play out their character through the actual game rules, while it is being watched over, moderated and led by a Game Master. More information regarding RPE The player must have a Ninja Biography on the forum to qualify for a RPE. Examples of RPE are the Chunin Exams and Diplomacy by the Kage. Permanent death takes place during RPE. About Game Masters There are 2 kinds of Game Masters, which are the Head GM and Village GM aka. Village Elders. Head GM In charge of events and decisions being made that affects the game on a global scale, such as wars & diplomacy. A head GM will only be necessary once we have released Suna. Village GM In charge of internal affairs (of one village) such as giving ranks. He/she is answerable to the Head GM. About Kages Kages are players who appointed by leaders by the other players through elections. They are in charge of making small and large village decisions. Elections will be held once every 2 months or if a Kage has permadied. The players running for the election will need to be a player who is powerful and well respected by his fellow village ninjas. There will be some minimum requirements before a player can vote for a Kage, these are being registered atleast 2 weeks before the election date, and they have to be at least a level 10 Genin in-game. Kages will have the ability to change their village member's ranks & organization, but he is still a normal player. He is a figurehead, it is a role which comes with plenty of respect but is riddled by risks of permadeath. Kages which abuse power (their actions will be logged for Village GM to look through) will be removed, and banned. They may start a war with any village, but through the discretion of Village GM, who will stop any unreasonable decisions. Permadeath & Permadying Permadeath in Nin Online is not exactly the end for your character. Imagine it as a end for your indentity, but not your character. These permadeath cases will be rare, and only high ranking players will be at a very high risk for this. The system will effective kill your identity, your character will from then on be his own Kin, his son or daughter or a brother etc. as such name change will be required. His items will be passed down as well. As the perma dead characters die, their Kin becomes more willful, and embodies his dreams. Though the characters which permadie will be reset to level 1, they with slightly higher starting stats than a normal character depending on how powerful he used to be, characters who have perma died multiple times will hence be slightly more powerful. To make friendly diplomatic decisions such as forming alliances or settling/ending wars, player Kages must decide decide on a meeting place - preferably & traditionally within one of the villages as a symbol of trust. There, they will discuss and come to a decision which will be executed by the Head GM. How to Start Kages must request a meeting to the Head GM, and then choose a time & date agreeable by both parties and the Head GM. Travelling The travelling/escorting phase of this RPE goes like this.. [*]As this is a dangerous journey to go alone, the Kage should preferably stay away from fighting for himself. He is to find escorts from his most powerful ninja to accompany him for this journey (maximum of 7) [*]Kages may go about this any way they like, without escorts, or even request assistance from other villages to escort them. [*]If players not involved from the village are being annoying, they may be kicked or banned by the GM. [*]If the travelling Kage is killed on the way to the diplomatic meeting, this will be witnessed by the GM who will then determine based on whether any foul play was involved. [*]If the death was fair and it was a planned ambush on the Kage, he will face permanent death. [*]Escorts will not be at risk of Permanent death, but they will be at risk of losing their rank if they fail to protect their Kage. [*]Other players may attempt to overthrow the Kage by force. Assassinations are bound to be attempted. [*]Attempting to kill the Kage so that wars will be prolonged is also an option. [*]The Kages may choose to keep the details of the meeting secret or low profile or change the date and time if they feel it is suddenly too risky. Meeting phase The location chosen as the meeting place can be private. Thus, mostly no external threats will happen from this point on, unless it is badly guarded or planned. Decisions for the diplomacy must take place within the game chat, and both villages should have somebody documented what is said during the meeting. Once the meeting is over, and the decisions are made, Village GM and Head GM will make the necessary changes to alliances, wars, diplomacy. Players should report or announce the news/decisions on the forum. Eventually, there may be individuals or groups of players who want to be "Reporters" and run their own news section. I am all for this! The Kage may allow or forbid reporters at the meeting, and they are not to speak or ask questions unless permission is granted. Ending After decisions have been made and meeting has been called to an end by both Kages. The RPE is over and the Kages are no longer at risk of permadeath. Chunin Exams is a very important and core RPE. It will have a lot of permadeath risks. But at the discretion of the Head GM, if the Chunin Exams has been held poorly, he may decide to call the whole event off. How often is there a Chunin Exam? The Chunin exam will be held once or twice a month by the Kage and Village GMs. How to participate in the Exam? First, you will need to form a team of 3. You must register for the Chunin Exam on the forum, and your account must have made a minimum of 10 posts. Your character must at least be a level 20 Genin to join the exam. You will need to have a supervising Jounin during the event, unless one of the team members is above level 50. If one member of this team is not present on the day of the exam, a replacement is allowed. Registration fee of 10,000 Ryo per ninja in the team is required. The fee should be sponsored by the Jounin supervisor, or can be paid by the Genins themselves. Registration for the Exams will take place 1 week before the actual exam, and the teams applying should work together and practice fighting as a team before taking place in the exam! The exams consist of... Written Test 10 Minutes Not much to explain for this. Forest of Death 20 Minutes (No Permadeath, but Eliminations) Each team will be given a Heaven Scroll or Earth Scroll item which will drop when the player faints. Before they die, they may choose to simply run or surrender the item to the other team. Players may go about this however they like. Teams which fail this round, will be eliminated, hence half of the players or more will not make it past this stage. Once you have both scrolls, you must proceed to the finish point. If a team loses both their scrolls, they may still attempt to ambush other teams to get back the scrolls they need. Medical Ninja will be very important in this round. Preliminaries - 20min - 1hr Finals - 10 - 30min Both the Preliminaries and Finals will be held in different arenas. However, they will happen very similarly. Two ninjas will be pit against each other, they must fight until one surrenders or faints. High level Medical ninja must heal the player if he has fainted. If the player is not healed, he will perma dead. Only the 2 ninjas and the medical ninja will be allowed into the arena. Many possibilities are are available. Obstructing the player who has fainted from being healed is allowed within RPE. However, the player would be subjected to being banished from his village and/or be killed himself during the event. How does the player become a Chunin after the exam? All players who make it to the finals may be promoted. However, the Kage must make the final decision. He may choose any player that he would like to promote, and may hold back any player as well.
    1 point
  9. Hello everyone! I'm Robin. For people who've followed this project (and its predecessors) you'll know me as the programming guy from Naruto Realm (2004/5 MMO), early Nin Online and the engine this iteration is currently built on. I've worked with Rory on and off for the last 5 or 6 years and currently act as Nin's website host. Decided to make an account to make it a bit easier to follow what's going on, and keep an eye on any problems people face. You may see me in and out of the game as and when I need to take a look at things. Glad to see everyone enjoying the game.
    1 point
  10. My Official Suggestion List (Last Updated: 8/2/13) Well first of all this is just going to be a compiled list of ideas and/or suggestions that I come up with while playing the game and getting to know the systems intimately. Combat with NPCs should only yield reward to the person who either hits it first or deals the most damage to the NPC (Typical MMO type distribution where the first person to hit the monster will get the majority of the benefits of the kill while others will get little to nothing) I've seen other people suggest this, but perhaps Gold-Shinobi could get an orange-ish name applied to their characters? ( Not really a must have considering the fact that Gold-Shinobi don’t really have any in-game benefits aside from that epic headband) Separation of IGN Name and Client Username for both security purposes and also for the sake of future RPEs This may contradict a few of the other suggestions but I believe that we should be able to 'scroll' through targets by using the TAB key. I'd personally like the ability to gift people Gold-Subscriptions, for ya'know incentive to be an upstanding member of this community. Sell command/action needs to be added into the game so that people aren’t mindless grinding quests and have the option to grind like the no-lifers some of us are. ( I know this is being added, just here so that I may keep my mind sane) A Missions System that caters to all sorts of players including; Light Role-players who would enjoy picking weeds, escorts, finding lost cats or simply a string quest where you have to investigate something by interrogating villager NPCs or by looking for clues through-out the village. PvE Players who would enjoy endlessly killing mobs for drops, kill counts, boss hunting. Oh and let me not forget that PvE players are also more open to some of the prior light-RP missions! Player Killers who would enjoy assassination missions, escort thwarting events and even things that even minor people wouldn't ignore like the BINGO BOOK! There definitely needs to be a cap on the amount of ninja tools you can carry at once, because by the way I was spamming Shuriken Throwing Jutsu on NPC... I can tell that people will be resorting to that A LOT if they have enough ryo to buy about 500 Shuriken, it would spell the end of MANY players and possibly kill the player-bases intrigue in the game. Perhaps remove item dropping upon death? Keep leveling where it is at and don't let anyone tell you it is too slow! Place a cap on the total amount of Ryo you can carry at one time, along with a banking system that allows for expansion upon this cap by keeping some of your currency off-hand and safe from the death grievers. ? My Official Bug List (Last Updated: 8/2/13) 'Drop' bug needs to be addressed! PLEASE LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THESE SUGGESTIONS BELOW!
    1 point
  11. Pre Ordered Doris Album by Earl Sweatshirt on Itunes B)
    1 point
  12. Hahaha I was gonna yes you are, you're at the very left end.... But that editing thoe :wub: haha
    1 point
  13. Welcome to the forums Guys, if you guys need help with computers. Contact this man here. He's really good and knows his stuff
    1 point
  14. Welcome and I saw your video
    1 point
  15. Haha! Yes, this will be in
    1 point
  16. If no body guesses it within 24 hours, I'll half the number range... and repeat the process several times over if needed.
    1 point
  17. Yeah even with the lack of content I still had an amazing time playing the game, looking forward to release date. I wish I had the money to donate and help support the game
    1 point
  18. Figured I'd add two of the not saving location places I've found: These two are in the bottom part of the map near the village entrance and near the festival area in the top right corner respectively.
    1 point
  19. Hey everyone, We just opened up the game to Gold Shinobi an hour ago, and so it's without too much delay I'm posting the link to the installer here! IMPORTANT: Server is down for bug fixing! Download Mirrors Mediafire UploadingIt Mega Google Drive I'll add more information here, but for now take note of these things. [*]Game may be buggy [*]Not much to do but hang out with your admins for now! [*]Iruka Sensei does nothing yet, as we're still creating the mission content. [*]Game may crash occasionally [*]Runtimes are required [*]Konoha can take a few minutes to load as you need to download a large map file! Regards, Rory
    1 point
  20. they're really great suggestions best 1 are for me are -Chat should be retractable or expandable so you can see more or less of the chat. Or hide it completely.-Window should be adjustable.
    1 point
  21. [suggestion] Instance Missions Well, this suggestion is about doing missions in separated generated map instances. It would be something like this: Player (With his group in case there's one.) talks to the Mission Guy selecting any of the available missions.After selecting the mission, player (and it's group, in the case there's one.) will be teleported to a new (or used map instance in case it's empty) generated map instance just for them.Then the process of doing the mission would be the same as you do always. It would avoid kill stealing, and also, if there's a lot of people doing the same mission as you, map would be full of people making it a bit annoying. It would also make group missions (in case they're added) way better. ---------- Instead of deleting the map when players have finished the mission, it could be used by other people.(It'd avoid creating more maps, and it would just need to set the NPCs, sort of a restart.)
    1 point
  22. Oh for fuck sake (Sowwy) get over it, it's only Alpha, and to make matters worst it's over kill stealers. I'm sorry but I can only laugh hysterically at how immature this topic and tears are. *Haku steps infront of Zabuza* *Naruto yells out:* "Kakashi nooooooo, that's my kill!" *Kakashi impales Haku with Raikiri* Kakashi smiled evilly and says "GG."
    1 point
  23. Personally, I acknowledge the whole : it's alpha, it will get a wipe, no worries thing I'm not against KS in a full launched game where everything was fixed... It's also part of the game. And there will also be many more "scorpion spots" (places with npc monsters to kill) But still, at this point, I have to agree "against KS" for the same reasons people say "it's only to test the game" A one in a hundred player could get a specific bug that the others didn't have Let me explain : - it's about testing fights : those that did the mission with no worries, good for them, let other people test the system too, you never know what they can find out YOU missed - it's about testing leveling up : same argument + they will need exp for this - it's about testing every aspect of the game, stuff that comes with new levels, new items to get etc. : same thing SO IF YOU (yes you, dear ks) HAVE NO BUG TO REPORT, WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO PREVENT THE POTENTIAL BUG DETECTION IN THE GAME? Seriously, it won't do you no good... As for the game, there will be more players to bug-test the new things that would be available with new levels (for example). That's why at this point i'm sooooo against it. Because it is potentially slowing down the game progress. (personally, i didn't see this coming, so first thing I did was check the map, see how graphics are and stuff... then i wanted to see "if all goes well" in the missions/leveling-up/items sections... big mistake apparently)
    1 point
  24. Of course there's Ksers. There's 5 scorpions and 50 players.
    1 point
  25. Kill stealing is currently a severe issue in the game currently, finishing missions is becoming quite a hassle when certain members simply swoop in and get the last hit and all the EXP/Kill of the respective mob. Many [new] members are becomming quite displeased and the player-base is dropping quickly due to this issue, what I suggest is that the player that hits the mob (first?) or deals the most damage gets the kill OR that there should be an EXP sharing system based on the damage each player had done splitting the overall total, example: Player 1 hits mob and does 3/5 of the damage while Player 2 does the remainder, Player 1 gets 3/5 of the EXP while Player 2 gets 2/5. All other suggestions are welcome as this is just off the top of my head at this point. @Crosswise, move this to Suggestions!~
    1 point
  26. First episode of naruto has gay kissing(anal fisting if you watch closely in the background). So yes, Naruto is a hentai anime that we were forced to watch as children. Enjoy your corruption
    1 point
  27. I actually like how we don't have pay to win perks, I'm satisfied with my headband and maybe some unique clothing items in future updates
    1 point
  28. This is mainly aimed at Whack. I have seen that it takes a lot of time to login the first time a player logs in. I was just wondering whether you could just compress the packets sent from the server to the client and vice versa. It will help bandwidth for both the host and the player. Thanks.
    1 point
  29. Alright so as a user, I found it quite frustrating the first few minutes trying to figure things out whilst admittedly spamming the chat to get someone to notice me. Once you delve in, sometimes you just forget there are others around you. Understandable. The game is a work of art. I will thus, post a few quick tips to getting around the game, thus far, that I have discovered, and hopefully, others will post their quick tips to navigating around the world of Nin Online. Movement: - Utilize either W,A,S,D or the Arrow Keys on your keyboard to move your character. Equipping Items in Inventory: - Double-Click on the specific item to equip it onto your character Picking up items: - Stand on top of said item and tap the Spacebar to pick up items. Dropping Items: - Right-Click items within your inventory to drop them. Running: - Hold down Shift + Direction keys to run in the game. Attacking: - The Ctrl key commands your character to attack. Hold it down for continuous attack. Interaction (NPC's): - The Ctrl key also enables interaction in the game. Chatting: - Hit the Enter/Return key to enable chat input. Hit the same key again to send your message to those within proximity. Note: After sending your message with Enter/Return, the focus it automatically reassigned to the map Global Chat: - Enter "/g" within the left section of the chat to speak to the world. Whispering: - Enter a player's name in the left section of the chat to direct your chat message specifically to them. Selling (Courtesy of S00N): - Since the selling system is currently unavailable, there is currently no way to go about this. Trading: - Whilst targeting the Player you wish to trade with, enter /trade within the chat box to initialize trading. Character Rotation (Courtesy of Ju-Hee): - Hit the Home key to face North - The End key to face South... - The Delete key to face West.. - And the Page Down key to face East! Note: Use these to get into those sweet spots and pretend you can actually sit on the swing near the Konoha Academy training grounds . Tip: Remember to pick up items dropped no matter how meaningless as they could be sold for Ryo (Selling System - Currently not in...) to purchase better items. Important Security Tip: - Basically, keep your game files to yourself. Follow link above for more information... Please post further tips to help players get around easier until an official guide is crafted. Thanks.
    1 point
  30. These are going to be suggestions, not just of my own but something that other people thought of. Reason for this is to show my support towards those suggestions because some are things that really should get added soon. I'll put a checkmark [?] next to anything that has been finished if it ever gets finished. Suggestions -Running needs to be a bit quicker then what it currently is. -Toggle-able running but also being able to hold Shift. -Toggle-able music/sounds. -Barber Shop, pay to change your hair style or color. -The purple hair color needs to be more purple then black. -Highlight doorways that you can enter. -Chat should be retractable or expandable so you can see more or less of the chat. Or hide it completely. -The Chat options like '/g' should be a click option with an arrow selecting which chat you want to use. -Show all the different chats you can use; Global, Whisper, Local, Emote, etc. -Colored chat to tell the difference between Chat & Global. -Gold Members should have gold name instead of white -Window should be adjustable. -You should be able to see how the starter clothes looks on you in the main screen. -Link Forum Account with Login Account in-game. Character creation screen should be seperated name from Login information (if chosen to do so by the player) -Experience should be distributed properly in any form. -Wider area of locations to train. -Server Status Indicator. Before logging in, it should show when the server is offline or online & how many players are on. Example -Quests currently available for you to do & the location of that quest. -Disable the "Player A has logged off." & just add a "Players Currently Online" list. Too much spam in the chat with players logging off/on. Bugs & Reports -A Bunch of density locations need to be fixed from having players running around to other areas they shouldn't be. -Scrolling through the chat system is a little buggy. -To target players you have to click on their lower half of their body but you can't click on their heads to target them. -Game constantly randomly crashing for no apparent reason. -Receiving an error, causing the game to crash. -World Map button isn't working. -Getting teleported back to a previous location (probably giant lag spikes) -Stats don't effect your character yet. I'll keep one updated. Others should probably keep other suggestions and bugs on this thread.
    1 point
  31. If you get an automation error, directx8 missing error, or missing dependency error: You need to install the runtimes. Reinstall the game, and after Nin is done installing, make sure you install the box that pops up called Crystalshire runtimes. If you have a 64-bit system, google how to manually register a directx8 dll file on a 64-bit machine. I've got a Windows 7 32-byts system. I downloaded a DirectX8, it still doesn't work. And I already have the Crystalshire runtimes :/
    1 point
  32. I normally go with the medic, support/tank, types of characters with weak (but fast) offensive moves. I figure there will be medical jutsus added in, (as they are very important in the manga and every other game like this) but I figure some suggestions for moves, old and NEW would be good. Only things to keep in mind: Medic are mid-close ranged primarily, close to combat but not leading attacks, and have advanced chakra understanding without massive amounts of it utilizing every bit to the extreme. I played (for about 10 seconds HELL YEA! ) so I did not see how anything works, but I did see Nariko (fellow Nin Online forum user) post an idea about weapons and misc. items including Nara Clan Medical Encyclopedia. This would be a great idea for medics to have to 'study' to learn the jutsus (not literally this isn't med school, I hope!) and maybe find the books in the world (for example: Chiyo was in Sunagakure her books could be found by anyone, maybe) since these are very advanced and useful techniques. This is just an idea, feel free to suggest anything you want. List of techniques seen in Naruto (source: Narutopedia): Mystical Palm Technique: The basic medic move every medic should have (also what makes them a medic) where the user, AND the target both stay still while the user heals at a constant rate. (not sure how stats of players works so rates would be on the makers I guess) This can of course be stopepd at any time to avoid attacks, but will take some time to activate giving an opening. I would say conversion of users chakra would be good at 1 chakra per 1 health point, but again I do not know how stats work. This can be used to repair tendons or whatever type of wounds (>> feel free to add your own ideas for wound types since this is kind of related <<) with ease, but only if the user understands how scalpels work. (not too sure on that, but hey...)* Chakra Scalpels: This is the primary combat jutsu of Medical nins. It covers the users hands in chakra in such a way to be as sharp as a real scalpel. This can be used to cut through flesh, or if mastered(?) through flesh and armour for precision hits on tendons, arteries, etc. The amount of chakra and contro over said chakra would be stressful on the user and would be very difficult to be used succesfully, making the medic almost always need a bind or ally's assistance to successfully use. Even then the chances of it working would be low to make the game fair. (not sure if this is too much of a limit on scalpels effectiveness, it is a very powerful technique and the ability to sever important organs and tissue shouldn't be so easy as standing next to the target like in some games, IMO) The Strength of this technique should only vary on where you use it. This jutsu should probably not be just a blade you can slash the opponent up with, but if you prefer it that way, it wouldn't be all that strong, just very fast. Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique: A VERY advanced jutsu seen in Naruto manga needing 4 trained medics to use and needed reserve medics to swap out due to the massive chakra useage. This jutsu would be very impractical in a fight requiring set-up and a lot of concentration. However, in a Role Playing screnario (Akatsuki(?), Bijuu attacks, Assassinations, Rouge ninjas, etc.) you could have a group resusitate someone. This would be only for players, or if you think using it on important parts of an Rp event (bad guy reviving or w/e) then go for it, could make it more intense if you have to focus on the bad guy and the medics healing him using this technique (I'm thinking an 8th Gate Event, maybe?). In PvP, however, I am not sure maybe after a fight villagers can revive someone on the spot instead of having them wait for respawn and be far away? Seems ok, especially if there is a large drain and amount of time to prepare the move with 2-4 people(?). Chakra Rebirth Technique: This move basically causes the user to regen all health instantly after storing enough in a gem (Not sure if it should be on the forehead, but it should be visible to anyone so they know to dispatch of you quickly) of pure chakra. This will take time to make and requires complete understanding of all medic jutsu to learn, but can be brought anywhere once made (maybe having to make it everytime you use it or relog, not sure). This move should NOT make you invincible, from what I've gathered so far there seems to be no Over Powered moves in this game planned unless for Rp (hopefully) it can only be used the one time with a long delay (although I doubt anyone will try to charge a gem mid fight). Due to the fact that this move rapidly grows new cells in such a short time (almost instant) it should have repercussions such as: Slower Movement (short time after use then normal speed, and maybe faster?), Health Drain (very slow but enough to matter eventually stopping at 10% Health maybe and due to the fact that this move would be Op without it), and Weakeness (same as Slower Movement, maybe slowly getting stronger as if there were new muscles?). Maybe more, but these side effects would cause for a chance of beating the user back down before they can get to regular strength again, or possibly stronger. Strength of a Hundred Technique: Lolololololol, no way this is Op no matter what. Maybe for Rp bosses (return of Kabuto :blink: DUN DUN DUUUUUN)? If the Chakra Rebirth Technique slowly increases the users strength from a weakened state, then there would be no need for this jutsu (the player gaining new muscle cells would cause this). This jutsu causes the user to basically tank everything and walk away clean at the cost of their life when they run out of the chakra that was used in Chakra Rebirth. It would require the use of Chakra Rebirth first, making it a time consuming process for the near invincibility. I just want to say again; Rp only, this would be crazy in someones hands. Body Pathway Derangement: This move utilizes chakra in an electric state (so Raiton users only?) transfered from the user into the spine of the target. This causes a loss of contol (and I imagine hurts like crazy) of movement, possibly reversed arrow keys or mixed up randomly (whichever is easier, both seem fine) Ex: Up = Right, Down = Up, Left = Down, Right = Left. This should also cause weapons to be used on opposite hands (assuming we can dual wield?) and two handed weapons slower swing than usual. This move shouldn't be as simple as a tap like in Manga, it should be a process where you bind the target, allowing them to break free (not easy to do) and making you an easy target. One vs. one it would be a great technique to use, meaing not easy to master. Kabuto was able to figure this move out very quick (too qucik :huh:) so it should be a timed effect lasting only for a while, maybe shorter with more understanding of Medic/Taijutsu(?). Yin Healing Wound Destruction: This technique allows the user to prepare chakra in specific areas before an attack hits. This cuses the wound to heal faster and take less damage(?), This move would be hard to make, I would think, so maybe just allow the user to change chakra into health over time. This would be more powerful than Mystical Palm Tehcnique, as it allows you to charge chakra into any body part (Ladies.... ) draining more chakra. Maybe this can be used to reduce damage of impact moves, and not Katon/AoE moves? Cherry Blosom Violent Impact: This technique requires the user to charge chakra into their hand(s?), then slamming the chakra infused fist into the target/ground. This causes massive damage on impact, or moderate damage from shrapnel if used on the gound. Not much to explain here; Basically Sakura's Rasengan <_< ... Too long; Didn't Read >>> READ: I'm probably missing something, but that's where the readers come in! Add anything you think is good. Add some twists like I did to make the jutsu balanced, or comment on my own tweaks to the jutsus above. I will check on this forum to add anything that doesn't exist in Naruto world, but probably should in this game as I play it. I hope this gets serious thought put into it Medics are pro and fun. In closing, Genjutsu and Taijutsu medical jutsu. Who says it has to be just ninjutsu? Not me, that's for sure. Sadly I lack creativity for this (good ideas will probably hit me 3 years from now :lol:). So I look to the fellow.... forumers? Yea, forumers, sounds good. What do you think about this idea? *I would like to think that this should be available to any player, but it should have limits to how much you can focus on Elemental/Genjutsu/Taijutsu and Medic, unless you guys decide anyone can be anything no limts (not a bad idea, most people stick with a few moves from what I have seen in Naruto games on BYOND, no matter how many they know) @Rory. Only issue here is; People can heal themselves with this technique (y/n) it would make sense,, but at the same time can give huge advanages in fights over people who don't have it. Solution: HUGE Chakra drains that will obviously be lower for players more focused in Medical jutsus than anything else.
    1 point
  33. [bug Thread] Blastcore's Bug Reports So I though I should leave them all in only one thread instead of posting them separately. Hope you don't mind #1 - "Outside" Map <missing preview, until server is on again> This is fairly easy, you can get somehow outside of the map by just walking. It doesn't affect gameplay in anyway. #2 - Add Friend Input blocks Chat Input <Can't attach an image to this bug> This one is also easily reproductable, if you click "Add Friend" and then close the Window, you wont be able to input anything into the chat.
    1 point
  34. [5:31:38 p.m.] UnwantedEnergyDumpling: Does orochimaru get a period when he goes into a female body?[5:31:52 p.m.] Sushi?: no he 2 kwl 4 dat m8[5:31:59 p.m.] Sushi?: he jst gunna wrek u[5:32:11 p.m.] Sushi?: wid hes vaginal summoning of do0m[5:32:16 p.m.] UnwantedEnergyDumpling: maybe that's why he was craving sasuke.[5:32:27 p.m.] Sushi?: u gon b drownin in de red see[5:32:31 p.m.] Sushi?: dat he summnd[5:32:34 p.m.] Sushi?: ye[5:32:59 p.m.] UnwantedEnergyDumpling: but like[5:33:12 p.m.] UnwantedEnergyDumpling: only his soul goes into a female body[5:33:16 p.m.] UnwantedEnergyDumpling: not his penis[5:33:17 p.m.] UnwantedEnergyDumpling: so[5:33:24 p.m.] Sushi?: r u sure[5:33:26 p.m.] UnwantedEnergyDumpling: wouldn't he get a period?[5:33:39 p.m.] Sushi?: he never stays a female for more than a month because of that[5:33:42 p.m.] Sushi?: wait[5:33:47 p.m.] Sushi?: u know the anbu and stuff[5:33:48 p.m.] Sushi?: the female ones[5:33:51 p.m. | Edited 5:34:01 p.m.] UnwantedEnergyDumpling: mm[5:34:00 p.m.] Sushi?: do they get a break during that time of the month or is that the time they get hired[5:34:07 p.m.] UnwantedEnergyDumpling: . Yeah. So.. Does Orochimaru get his man-period? pleaseawnser.
    1 point
  35. That would be an ugly sprite. lol, unless you didn't want the ridiculous fabric lines/threads on the clothing.
    1 point
  36. Wow...I must be hella old and classy. You guys are talking about GTA as kids. SMH. Pokemon Red,Blue and Yellow Mario kart 64 Donkey Kong Country on N64 All the need for speeds on the playstation 1 Mortal Kombat on the playstation 1
    1 point
  37. I've always been loyal to Microsoft and the Xbox for many years, but they fucked up bad. Even with them deciding "LOL LETS REVERT ALMOST EVERYTHING WE JUST SAID WE WERE GONNA DO" it still doesn't cut it. The fact is that they sincerely thought they were putting in a bunch of features that believed *gamers* wanted. It's a shame, and proves that they're completely out of touch with their Xbox consumers. PS4
    1 point
  38. Actually, KH3 will be on both the PS4 and XBOX One. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/11/e3-2013-kingdom-hearts-iii-heading-to-xbox-one I personally like the PS4 exclusives over the Xbox's though.
    1 point
  39. In the last 3 or so days I've done nothing but pixel and here's the small gallery of what you've seen and a new addition. Yeah I know, these aren't the best but eh. Guess I'll add more and more and eventually build a portfolio from this.
    1 point
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