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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2013 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, This is a topic on how to fix the DirectX8 issues you have on your system. Nin Online folder is located at program files by default First off make sure you have installed the run time files. The installer can be found in the Nin Online folder. If this doesn't work move on. Download the DX8vb.dll from here. (This is from the installer.) Extract the archive and place the DX8VB.dll in the client folder within Nin Online folder. Register the dll by going to cmd in elevated or administrator mode. Type in regsvr32 {Where the .dll is located.) It would be like this for me regsvr32 "c:program filesnin onlineclientdx8vb.dll" Hit enter. A box should appear saying that it was registered. If this doesn't fix the issue then move on.If the above steps didn't work then you have issues with DX8 not rendering device not initializing properly. To fix this go to the Nin Online folder and from there go to client and then data files. There should be a config.ini file. Open it up. It should be something like this. Change the Device=1 to Device=2. Save the file and re-run the game.
    5 points
  2. I'll be releasing a video for this on youtube. If you have any more errors please do PM me and I'll try to find a solution.
    4 points
  3. My Official Suggestion List (Last Updated: 8/2/13) Well first of all this is just going to be a compiled list of ideas and/or suggestions that I come up with while playing the game and getting to know the systems intimately. Combat with NPCs should only yield reward to the person who either hits it first or deals the most damage to the NPC (Typical MMO type distribution where the first person to hit the monster will get the majority of the benefits of the kill while others will get little to nothing) I've seen other people suggest this, but perhaps Gold-Shinobi could get an orange-ish name applied to their characters? ( Not really a must have considering the fact that Gold-Shinobi don’t really have any in-game benefits aside from that epic headband) Separation of IGN Name and Client Username for both security purposes and also for the sake of future RPEs This may contradict a few of the other suggestions but I believe that we should be able to 'scroll' through targets by using the TAB key. I'd personally like the ability to gift people Gold-Subscriptions, for ya'know incentive to be an upstanding member of this community. Sell command/action needs to be added into the game so that people aren’t mindless grinding quests and have the option to grind like the no-lifers some of us are. ( I know this is being added, just here so that I may keep my mind sane) A Missions System that caters to all sorts of players including; Light Role-players who would enjoy picking weeds, escorts, finding lost cats or simply a string quest where you have to investigate something by interrogating villager NPCs or by looking for clues through-out the village. PvE Players who would enjoy endlessly killing mobs for drops, kill counts, boss hunting. Oh and let me not forget that PvE players are also more open to some of the prior light-RP missions! Player Killers who would enjoy assassination missions, escort thwarting events and even things that even minor people wouldn't ignore like the BINGO BOOK! There definitely needs to be a cap on the amount of ninja tools you can carry at once, because by the way I was spamming Shuriken Throwing Jutsu on NPC... I can tell that people will be resorting to that A LOT if they have enough ryo to buy about 500 Shuriken, it would spell the end of MANY players and possibly kill the player-bases intrigue in the game. Perhaps remove item dropping upon death? Keep leveling where it is at and don't let anyone tell you it is too slow! Place a cap on the total amount of Ryo you can carry at one time, along with a banking system that allows for expansion upon this cap by keeping some of your currency off-hand and safe from the death grievers. ? My Official Bug List (Last Updated: 8/2/13) 'Drop' bug needs to be addressed! PLEASE LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THESE SUGGESTIONS BELOW!
    3 points
  4. With GIFS :3 because GIFs are fun. I'm not sure whether some cases are just me lagging or not. Map/Lag Flaws(Please wait for GIFs to restart): Walking on water? Not sure if a flaw but I managed to walk on that rock in it. Near the top left corner of the map? By the hospital. Game not saving my location or I'm moving but it's not really happening. Weird case of lag and/or map flaw? It teleported me back to the spot I was a few seconds ago like in the above GIF. This is the hospital btw. Pretty sure you're already aware of the bald thing XD. You should make a way to enter beds placed like that without doing what I have to do lol. Buildings on the right side of where the scorpions are located Forgot to fringe Corner fence near blue house on the right side of the scorpions. Clothes owner shop
    3 points
  5. Hello, I noticed a lot of "Is the server up?" and "Is the server down?" in the shoutbox. I'm not even sure why I'm writing this right now, but it's just a little something that bothers me. I hope that in the future there will be some tool on the forum to see the server status. There's a very simple answer for it, and it might seem rude, but please, Check for yourself, it is much faster and efficient than asking it in the shoutbox. I can understand confusion if people can't connect but others can, so I'll try my best to explain a few situations. 0.5 The server status There is now a handy tool that shows the server status. It can be found under Portal. 1. The loading screen. If this is the screen you are getting, this means that the server is online and you are loading the map. If you seem to be stuck on here, please just let it load for a few minutes. If after a while (Say 5 minutes), it still doesn't load, feel free to restart your client. Do not restart because the circle stopped spinning, this means it's at the final loading stage. Server status: Online 2. "The server seems to be down" Not much to say here, other than that the server seems to be down. This doesn't mean you can't reach the server, this means the servers are actually down. Server status: Down. 3. Version outdated / "If you are reading this" This screen means you are either using an outdated version (I reinstalled with the old client and got this message), or something went wrong during installation. Uninstall your version and get the new installer from either here or here. Once that is done, try again with the new version.
    3 points
  6. Alright it been pretty stressful during this Alpha Test, but it was needed to fix these issues the game is having. So instead of stressing over login/server/killstealing/lag and other issues lets chill and wait for everything to be fix by the dev/admin. Lets post anything related to Naruto it could be a cool image or funny video or a awesome naruto soundtrack like sorrow and sadness ANYTHING just post it. I'll start here is a image i made as a joke .
    2 points
  7. The amount of pixel work needed would be a bit overwhelming.
    2 points
  8. Then again, if shuriken didn't have a targeting feature then increasing damage would be balanced; landing them would come down to player skill and a bit of luck. Because of this same feature in GOA, throwing shuriken at someone was like throwing marshmallows at them. Keep them difficult to land and make them hurt.
    2 points
  9. McAdams is correct. This is something that can be easily googled. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=most+common+computer+resolution
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. I like your use of a dither shade. I'm not too big a fan of the color palette. It's too abstract. Try and work on your line art - the technique is very rough and tends to distracts from the overall robustness of the image. The mark of a good line artist is that the line fades into the icon so well that you don't even realize it happens. You have a very good grasp on human anatomy, which is -excellent-. Not many artists have that.
    2 points
  12. I think targeting should aim the person in the direction they interact with,or if you throw a shuriken it should aim towards the player in their direction*. For example, you're locked on to a scorpion when you attack it attacks in that direction, or if you throw a shuriken it should follow the scorpion for a certain distance then its just ends up going in that direction. Thanks for your time
    2 points
  13. @ I mean, there HAS to be a reason why every girl except Hinata were so horny towards Sasuke and so bitchy towards Naruto (besides the fact that their parents hated Naru) So yeah.
    2 points
  14. Rather just play my music on the side or listen to my ipod haha but good tut
    2 points
  15. Hey everyone, http://www.mediafire.com/?cm2yxia3gh3dvnd Install the game and get online, Nin online is back up and lag free! Credits to Jcsnider from Eclipse Origins community. Regards, Rory
    1 point
  16. This is to hopefully lower the amount of spam being sent into the shoutbox. If you notice that your screen isn't showing the entire game, particularly the very bottom, that's because your resolution is too small. If you're not able to increase the screen resolution on your computer, then that means your hardware does not support a higher resolution. If that's the case, there is nothing you can do about it but wait for newer resolutions to be implemented. The game runs at a static 1024 x 768 resolution 1024 being X(Horizontal) 768 being Y(vertical) The game screen itself is 1024 x 768, but because it's running in a window as opposed to full screen(which it can't do because it hasn't been implemented) it creates a border around game which causes it to be pushed down a bit. That border is part of the reason why the bottom of your screen is getting cut off. Again, there is nothing you can do about it but wait for newer resolutions to be implemented.
    1 point
  17. King of a BYOND game, what a title. You should be proud of yourself; to possibly have the chance to play with real gamers. AHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    1 point
  18. A suggestion is a suggestion. Nothing useless about it.
    1 point
  19. Just to clarify. What is being suggested is an auto-target function, not having shuriken and other things home in on people. For example. As it is now Scorpion Selkie-------------------------- Auto-Target Scorpion ---------- ------- Selkie----- Homing --------Scorpion (Shuriken Follows) -------- ------------- Scorpion runs over here Selkie-------- As you can see, auto-target would add angles of throwing shurikens instead of throwing it in whatever direction you're facing. Homing would just be silly, and is not what's being suggested at all. EDIT: keeping it how it is now, COULD work if diagonals were added. But as of now, there aren't any and they haven't been mentioned, as far as i know anyway.
    1 point
  20. I didn't really mean homing shurikens I meant it getting aimed towards them instantly and continue in that direction, its hard to pvp/pve without automatic aiming. I think it would be more fun if we can actually land some hits while moving.
    1 point
  21. Agree with Anewidea. They should really put alot of work and attention to Genjutsu. Like the user effected being effected by the jutsu or the player I should say, would see the allusion on their screen. For example, lets say Uchiha Izuna uses the Bringer-Of-Darkness genjutsu on me. Everything I see around me would appear black to my character and I wouldn't have a clue what was going on. You want to make the player (Victim) feel like they are truly in a genjutsu and you want to make the user(manipulator) feel like they are truly in control of you. Now of course this is all based on the person you cast the jutsu on. A Sharnigan, Senju, Sage, or byakugan user would easily see through this and therefore have a much easier time getting out of it however, if the user, the person that places the genjutsu on you is a master of this A-Ranked Genjutsu, unless you are a master with a certain skill that can break that genjutsu, you will be stuck under it and receive internal damage as a result from it. However before they even put such jutsu or family trait in the game, We are going to need more key slots and more room for other jutsu.
    1 point
  22. So... you want homing shuriken? How does that apply skill? lol
    1 point
  23. Otaku is used in several different contexts. Weeaboo is not a person with an unhealthy obsession. The reason that Otaku is used negatively, is because of Tsutomu Miyazaki.
    1 point
  24. Don't need the colored names. This is just your ego feeling a bit left out. Some of these have already been openly pointed out, and have no place on your suggestion thread as well. Other than that, sure... good list.
    1 point
  25. Let me explain you guys something. Everyone is kill stealing, it`s just that some are better than the others. And the ones that are not good at it are angry on the ones that are good at it.... It`s simple as that, you can hate me now
    1 point
  26. Love how everyone is grinding when we're going to get wiped.
    1 point
  27. This thread made me laugh, thanks. - Law
    1 point
  28. I think character speed should be based on the player's agility.
    1 point
  29. Well I don't know the code, but I know that before you code you need to see how you're going to do it. Something like, you make an int for the different characters who hit it, every time a new one hits it it goes i++. So you'd have three vars for this, int A (player amount) int B (EXP) and double C (Division). Say there's two people hitting it, and you get 50 exp per mob, it would look something like this: int A, B; double C; A = 2; B = 50; C = (double) B / A; You just reward the people with C and that should work. Feel free to correct me though :huh:
    1 point
  30. I'm so motivated by all the player activity, I'm glad everyone is enjoying just these simple things at the moment. All I can say is that there is so so much more in stall for everyone! Don't worry about combat, as for training through just using that thing more, I'll look into how we can make the player become better at something he utilizes a lot, but most importantly - note that our combat will be very much based around stat points.
    1 point
  31. Welcome to the Ninja world.
    1 point
  32. Kill stealing is currently a severe issue in the game currently, finishing missions is becoming quite a hassle when certain members simply swoop in and get the last hit and all the EXP/Kill of the respective mob. Many [new] members are becomming quite displeased and the player-base is dropping quickly due to this issue, what I suggest is that the player that hits the mob (first?) or deals the most damage gets the kill OR that there should be an EXP sharing system based on the damage each player had done splitting the overall total, example: Player 1 hits mob and does 3/5 of the damage while Player 2 does the remainder, Player 1 gets 3/5 of the EXP while Player 2 gets 2/5. All other suggestions are welcome as this is just off the top of my head at this point. @Crosswise, move this to Suggestions!~
    1 point
  33. I was wondering why it was spike lagging even after the update. Guess now i found the answer lol.
    1 point
  34. Yeah, there need to be a suggestion topic about that (but later when Rory will actually have time to do it) and also what if, sage mode would be only for non clans.. this way they could get on the same power level with Uchihas and other clans ... Also don`t double post u nub >:| !
    1 point
  35. I think he was referring to the fact that any doujutsu beyond the canon three would be non-canon and unwanted. Might wanna check the context next time, just to be sure. Kay? Also, just so we're clear: Doujutsu means "Eye Technique". Kekkei Genkai means "Bloodline Limit". Doujutsu -are- Kekkei Genkai, but that doesn't mean all Kekkei Genkai are Doujutsu.
    1 point
  36. I know im finally chilling I got everything working (Screen, Logging In. Loading). Time to just go to sleep and wake up to play some Nin Online.
    1 point
  37. But I don't watch Naruto
    1 point
  38. The text in game is hopefully easy to change, as it is kinda hard to read (also, straining) hit numbers and what people are saying in Chat Box. As it is I like the speech bubbles, great idea I honestly never would have thought of it myself. For hits it is usually good to have multiple colors (ex: Green = healing, red = enemy damage taken, blue-white(?) = Your damage taken) Maybe adding Blue to white for harder hits? Hell go crazy throw some Yellow in there I've seen a 'PARRY' hit show a few times as Violet (good color) Maybe making numbers a bit bigger too? Right now it's pretty clear, so not sure if size change is necessary. Chat text White is OK, but maybe test out different colors to see if less straining to read? Idk, it really just needs a Size/Font change* to be able to clearly make out letters while in combat or moving. I hope it's easy to change. Maybe it can be implemented soon for more appeal? (game is still great, best free game I've played in a while, even if it's only Scorpions and Wolves xD) * Examples of Fonts sizes that might be good: Arial: Aa Bb Cc Dd Georgia: Aa Bb Cc Dd Not many choices for this post, but bigger, bolder text like the above might be good, :unsure: Idk.
    1 point
  39. Also, if Whack was to implement the an updater that uses hash generators, then this will not work as running the updater with a different file will cause the file to be replaced with the actual file.
    1 point
  40. Set Debug = 1. (The error might not show up now when the game is run.) Go to the logs folder. Open the log file and post its contents here.
    1 point
  41. Only dumb people would give away their game files. I think people are already updated about these hackers. Giving away their gamefiles it's like giving away their game saves, passwords, usernames, etc. But it was nice from you, Ju. This will prevent people from getting hacked. - S00N
    1 point
  42. Or.. You could have just posted it here.
    1 point
  43. These are going to be suggestions, not just of my own but something that other people thought of. Reason for this is to show my support towards those suggestions because some are things that really should get added soon. I'll put a checkmark [?] next to anything that has been finished if it ever gets finished. Suggestions -Running needs to be a bit quicker then what it currently is. -Toggle-able running but also being able to hold Shift. -Toggle-able music/sounds. -Barber Shop, pay to change your hair style or color. -The purple hair color needs to be more purple then black. -Highlight doorways that you can enter. -Chat should be retractable or expandable so you can see more or less of the chat. Or hide it completely. -The Chat options like '/g' should be a click option with an arrow selecting which chat you want to use. -Show all the different chats you can use; Global, Whisper, Local, Emote, etc. -Colored chat to tell the difference between Chat & Global. -Gold Members should have gold name instead of white -Window should be adjustable. -You should be able to see how the starter clothes looks on you in the main screen. -Link Forum Account with Login Account in-game. Character creation screen should be seperated name from Login information (if chosen to do so by the player) -Experience should be distributed properly in any form. -Wider area of locations to train. -Server Status Indicator. Before logging in, it should show when the server is offline or online & how many players are on. Example -Quests currently available for you to do & the location of that quest. -Disable the "Player A has logged off." & just add a "Players Currently Online" list. Too much spam in the chat with players logging off/on. Bugs & Reports -A Bunch of density locations need to be fixed from having players running around to other areas they shouldn't be. -Scrolling through the chat system is a little buggy. -To target players you have to click on their lower half of their body but you can't click on their heads to target them. -Game constantly randomly crashing for no apparent reason. -Receiving an error, causing the game to crash. -World Map button isn't working. -Getting teleported back to a previous location (probably giant lag spikes) -Stats don't effect your character yet. I'll keep one updated. Others should probably keep other suggestions and bugs on this thread.
    1 point
  44. This also happens on entering doors, whether they take you anywhere or not.
    1 point
  45. Just gonna post random pixel art I've done here: -Hi guys. Well this isn't really a "new" icon. I had an older version ages ago that I had done sloppily. I just added a few tweaks like changing the stance and some colors and added new accessories. It would have been better if I remade it from scratch, but I just felt like editing my old one since I'm lazy so: -This here is my semi-naked shady-looking informant hidden in Konoha... He knows things.. Resources courtesy of Nin Online. - Our little secret... - Knock-back
    1 point
  46. I am a pervert but I keep it in the real world.
    1 point
  47. Lol don't we all have perverted parts of our minds. I know i'm a pervert I constantly think about all the opportunities Naruto has to take women from behind...
    1 point
  48. Instead of having a Bijuu system where one person controls the bijuu and is completely over-powered, I believe it would be better if each village had their own Bijuu in a dungeon where other villages could raid. By attacking another villages Bijuu, the attackers Bijuu would get stronger while the Bijuu being attacked would get weaker. A strong Bijuu could have benefits, such as an XP boost for the village. Each village's Bijuu would be EXTREMELY over powered, requiring villages to attack in groups to damage it. I believe that a system like this would encourage a village to work together, giving the Kage and high-ranked ninja the ability to plan attacks. Also, it offers a major PvM element for those who don't like PvP. For example: 5 Sound ninjas attack Leaf's bijuu, who has a current level of 5000. After doing some damage, the Sound ninjas get the Leaf Bijuu down to level 4996, in turn making the Sound Bijuu level 5004. If the default level for each Bijuu was 5000, Sound's Bijuu would be a +4, which would make every Sound Villager have an XP boost since it's Bijuu has a positive rating. Just a suggestion loosely based off a naruto browser game I used to play. Rate/Hate/Masturbate
    1 point
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