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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2013 in all areas

  1. Best post ever... so inspirational, so interesting,it`s like i`m getting touched by an angel. I have never seen a more complex comment in my entire life!
    3 points
  2. Well that'd just suck. I enjoy a little RP but when you start limiting the customization of a player for RPing purposes then you take a risk of ruining the enjoyment one might be able to obtain through unlimited customization. I have no problem with everyone being Uchiha or any other clan, it is not my business what they choose to create as.
    3 points
  3. I really despise how in most Naruto browser games or whatever, half the people will be of the Uchiha clan. Why is the Uchiha clan such a fad? Honestly, you can be badass without belonging to the Uchiha clan. If they do incorporate the Uchiha clan into Nin-Online, I hope only a rare few can join. Like, only ultra premium members who have been playing for a long time or whatever.
    2 points
  4. Rory's Development Log #7 Chunin Exam Arena, Ino's Flower Shop, Konoha buildings & more! Dear Ninja, This is going to be a pretty long, detailed development log, I'd like if everyone take their time to enjoy each picture and sentence, because It's a whole lot to take in! First of all, I'd like to apologize for the lack of development logs, and the scarcity of live streams recently. I've been making good progress, however, a lot of this is hard to show in pictures, so I've kept them to myself. Some of these things include GUI pieces like the new shop window, buff display, team/party menus etc. These things are usually not much work on my part, and thus I don't enjoy showing them off, so I wait for Whack to code them in and let him show them off. I've been concentrating on maps for the first demo release, a lot of which has been rebuilt since the previews which were shown. Konoha is about 1/2 done at the moment. I took a short break on that to touch up on certain other important visual aspects, and interior maps. Here are some previews of the Konoha map in action, along with some new buildings & locations! I'd like to stress that this is not everything, and I'm showing things selectively! Random Building/Shop Ino's Flower Shop Besides this, I've also spent some time to improve the previously one colored, boring water sprite into this! It's a small addition, but it really gives the village much more life! This is a big thing I took a really long while to do, it's only the exterior of the Chunin Exam Finals arena! This is a screenshot of a playground in Konoha. It is based off (but not copied exactly from) some scenes of Konoha from the latest Naruto movie. I've also spent some time on some really juicy looking interiors. These are iconic places that every Naruto fan should recognize in an instant! Chunin Exam Finals Arena Chunin Arena within the forest of death, where the preliminaries are held! The hands took almost two days to complete because of all the detailed shading it required, but it's finally done. The rest of the arena still needs touch up, but I'm glad the hardest part is done. I spent some time working on jutsu scrolls. This pales in comparison to the other work above. But I'd like to show it off anyway. Some of you were complaining of me being "lazy" and not posting dev logs, so I decided to get this one out. So you can rest assure that progress is coming along smoothly on my side as well as Whack's! For some bad news. First early Alpha release delayed! Don't panic! It's only delayed till the 1st of August. We initially wanted to do it on the 31st of July.. so the delay is of one whole day! That's all for now! Regards, Rory
    1 point
  5. Hey there whats up everyone? I'm Kidpaddle45. A BYOND user. Knew about Nin Online a LOOOOOOOONG time ago. It was cancelled...And now it's back on track! Hopefully that "chat server" will be fun and we'll enjoy the testing. Hope to see a lot of BYOND users there too. XD Have a nice day.
    1 point
  6. Cough syrup? More like super happy fun time drug to me
    1 point
  7. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Yes YES YES YES YEEEEEEEEEEES!!! WooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooo!!!!!! @Rory , love you baby
    1 point
  8. Just f*cking kill me.
    1 point
  9. To think I messed up my sleeping pattern so I could stay up all night... And now I'll be sleeping when it is released...
    1 point
  10. lool people care to much about this uchiha stuff and its honestly not that deep. If a lot of people are uchiha then so be it no need to be scared of that, just play the game and not all uchiha users will be good.
    1 point
  11. That's fine while there is just the Leaf. But once other villages are added the balance of power between villages becomes tilted in favor of the Leaf because 80% of players are Leaf because of the ability to be Uchiha.
    1 point
  12. I love you both so very much for this, and ofcourse I agree. The Uchiha are chosen by most people because of some belief that they are superior, or cooler than the rest of the nin. In my eyes, non-clan people can be much more interesting to RP, and play with.
    1 point
  13. I agree with this. In fact, I hope you won't be able to choose clans, but that you have a slim chance to be "born" under one.
    1 point
  14. Obito is Aizen status and the series has beed degraded into a less interesting version of DBZ. I think the decline started around the Hidan and Kakuzu arc.
    1 point
  15. This is usefull link if u dont know what time is it for you: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
    1 point
  16. From what I've seen in Naruto games/Manga, Genjutsu is a lazy man's game. From what I've read in questions it seems things like handseals and grinding won't be looked into, and the result being more intense gameplay. If you had some kind of button combination or something (not really creative for this kinda thing) that makes both the user and the target have to actually 'fight' even while in Genjutsu. This will cause the target to be preoccupied, and the user would be too. I don't see why it has to follow Naruto guidelines to the letter where you just use Genjutsu and tell your comrades to beat down the target, while the target struggles through it all. Genjutsu should be difficult, but at the same time people who want it as a main form of fighting can grow accustomed to. The user would have the advantage knowing the Genjutsu was going to hit and prepare for the mini-event while the target is caught off-guard, retaining the Genjutsu way.
    1 point
  17. Honestly, I think i've actually had enough of Obito. I'm still baffled and trying to figure out how this sexually-driven predator, this pedophile (who went as far as declare war on the world because he wants to create an illusion of a 13year-old girl and do God knows what with her in an artificial reality which in my eyes has flaws which will probably never be touched on nor explained) was on the verge of being the final villain of Naruto. <- * EpicRant is epic* Either way, decent chapter but you really have to focus on every fightning panel if you want to actually understand what's going on, the Naru/Saku combination was long awaited, lol but nice, also i'm getting the idea that Madara is stalling for something, perhaps another Obito transformation ? Nontheless big expectations for Madara, the only man who can and will save this series from ending on "Jubito".
    1 point
  18. Once again we need a link to the FAQ page on the portal..
    1 point
  19. no clans and if i see anyone bearing the uchiha name that is not a true uchiha i will slap them until they die
    1 point
  20. No clans, 1 village. Konoha. Anymore questions refer to the Q&A section
    1 point
  21. You must be the first one to draw his own character. Kudos! Good work
    1 point
  22. You enlarged it and added pixels half the size of the regular pixel? Whaaat? No
    1 point
  23. Kubikibocho, three sided scythe, goldheadband hax.
    1 point
  24. I rather enjoyed reading about the history of this game and I hope it goes a long way for future days to come. Good work Rory and everybody else apart of the developers team. :-)
    1 point
  25. I've see in done ok before. Just a bunch of one hit NPCs that serve as a distraction. It could be a good justu if used in that way.
    1 point
  26. Ah. Explains it. It looks real good then. A little bit of shading depending on your light source could also help improve the piece.
    1 point
  27. Not bad not bad my good friend. Much better then what I could do at least lol Looking forward to more :-)
    1 point
  28. I think I'd be cool if special groups are implemented at some point. It will show who is "The best of the Best" in each Village. Sannin: Leaf Sound Five: Sound Swordsman: Mist Ect Maybe make the bounties for people in these groups slightly higher than someone that would normally be of their rank? Sannin would obviously get the biggest bonus since there are only 3 traditionally followed by Sound 5 then the swordsman. But there is no rush in my mind. Something to think about later @ you can't have Kubikiribocho and the three sided scythe AND a golden headband. Hax status bro.
    1 point
  29. Sup guys i had this guy I threw together in my Bioso I decided to try and depict him through a sprite and computer drawing to also add to my bio. Not the best but ehh I think I did alright for first attempt ^_^ also I am still working on his legs but I just needed something to throw up for the moment and after the seeing the sprites some of you guys put up I was just gonna say forget it I'm not putting this up but ahh wth why not. Edit: Did some slight editing to vest and left arm/hand and added legs/feet & Completely redid sprite
    1 point
  30. Also, I was never really a Madara fan but when he made this face Omfg I was fangurlin
    1 point
  31. there is one, Rory already has it -_- joke : award for the one who reports the most "unproductive posts" --> report-er of the year, icon in the form of the communist flag maybe? now seriously : as much as I agree with the golden/silver shinobi badges for the ones that have previously brought the most players in the gamepixel art contribution (i'll say it straight, never done, never will, but i really admire those who help the game this way) and bonusesi have to say that personally i think this idea has too many downsides : most new ideas? people will spam the first thing that comes to mind, not giving real feedback on how it could work (i mean really think of a way it could be implemented) and most likely they won't even bother to check if it was mentoned before on the forums = more job for the modsmost new topics created? oh pleasebest bio? people will start hating, saying it's no good, just to get rid of the competition = no positive feedback or thinking on the forumbest grammar nazi? no real life interaction, since people will spend 2 minutes checking if their posts r wel whriten (=are well written)in the end, everything will just be a competition, negative thoughts everywhere or just your OP spam, yes, Madara Uchiha-style Over Powered spam personnaly i'm an adept of the "critic plus" system where if you give feedback and criticize, you have to suggest something in return, an alternative ; my something plus is that you should just stick with awarding (on the forum) people that bring something tangible to the game (art, story, new members, new forum design, help coding, advertising - like putting the game on web pages that show how popular the game is and where people can vote once a day, doing internet surveys to get money for the game & yes even money!) and personally i will not be pursuing the awards, i'm fine with a free forum, thanks but still, i'm trying my very best to contribue to the game with ideas and answer people when needed (yeah i'm that kind of guy, i like to help) still, to stay on the thread wavelength, ideas : helping other players get signatures, avatars customized pixel art --> "the art shop master", icon like a brush maybefollow all the developpement progress and give feedback on how to make it more "naruto-like" (but no stupid ideas like en allied shinobi force going to war against 3 guys) --> "the addict", small image wt naruto's face pre-shippuuden smiling
    1 point
  32. Instead of having a Bijuu system where one person controls the bijuu and is completely over-powered, I believe it would be better if each village had their own Bijuu in a dungeon where other villages could raid. By attacking another villages Bijuu, the attackers Bijuu would get stronger while the Bijuu being attacked would get weaker. A strong Bijuu could have benefits, such as an XP boost for the village. Each village's Bijuu would be EXTREMELY over powered, requiring villages to attack in groups to damage it. I believe that a system like this would encourage a village to work together, giving the Kage and high-ranked ninja the ability to plan attacks. Also, it offers a major PvM element for those who don't like PvP. For example: 5 Sound ninjas attack Leaf's bijuu, who has a current level of 5000. After doing some damage, the Sound ninjas get the Leaf Bijuu down to level 4996, in turn making the Sound Bijuu level 5004. If the default level for each Bijuu was 5000, Sound's Bijuu would be a +4, which would make every Sound Villager have an XP boost since it's Bijuu has a positive rating. Just a suggestion loosely based off a naruto browser game I used to play. Rate/Hate/Masturbate
    1 point
  33. DBZ, the best there ever was.
    1 point
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