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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2013 in all areas

  1. So as everyone I assume has heard of Xbox achievements, Playstation trophies, BYOND medals, etc. just a quick simple suggestion (if this hasn't already been added or discussed) that Ninonline would basically have the same thing. I don't ask that we have a giant list of Badges in the game, just a small short list to work towards. The way I would want to set it up is by like different colors, designs, or whatever else. The different colors would represent the Badges earned for that character or account. For example, if you have 2 characters on a one account, doesn't matter which character completed the tutorial for the first time, they'll have the red badge. The blue badge shows that that character/save has completed the final story line mission, now he had to get that badge with his other characters. The different design would of course represent what badge it is, along with a description of who you got it & what it's called. You could have different sized, shapes, etc. Again, I wouldn't expect many badges at first but it's something that should be considered because its a fun thing to aim for and later brag about to fellow gamers to compete on who can get all the badges first or who has the most badges
    6 points
  2. Here is where I will post all my spriting work from hereforth instead of the 'Kakashi Sprite' thread. Kakashi: For @ Hidan: for@Takezo Kensei Akatsuki Sasuke: for @Yassrab Sasuke Evolutions and Development: Aaaand this is all of the finished ones in order of when they appearred in the show: Sasuke was a bitch to do just because of his everything. About the only thing not difficult to do was the shirt and sword. His whole fancypants, rope-belt, hair, and collar were annoying. For now im working on a CS-2 Original Shippuden Sasuke and maybe a pre-ship Sasuke Feel free to use any of these just give me credit when you do, and dont be afraid to ask me to make a sprite, I take commissions!
    6 points
  3. ^heres the liar from the goa community... im pretty sure he found out about ninonline from all the goa'ers that migrated here. He was a faggot on the goa community and attempted to be one of the old gens(people that played in 2007/golden age goa) but later on got exposed and admited to being a new gen, crappy ass pixel artist and a person that doesn't tell the truth about his life. he's a loser. @The Monster Atlas
    2 points
  4. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
    2 points
  5. Because clearly any topic that even mentions GOA, is focusing on that game and not Ninonline. I have a dream, that the average forum reader will understand what he or she is reading and not make idiotic statements that are untrue. Oh wait this is the internet, never mind.
    2 points
  6. Kakashi with Kubikirib?ch? Kakashi without Kubikirib?ch? The reason I did this is I got inspired by Tydon's Haku, and saw @'s request for a Kakashi sprite, although Tydon said he'd be unable to or would rather due an ANBU version. So I made this for him. For you, Kakashi(user), feel free to use it in any way you want. I took the basic sprite, layerred the blue starting shirt/pants/shoes over it, and then the basic Jounin vest over it. I then slimmed down the Jounin Vest shoulders to make it more Kakashi-like. After that I did his signature mask and 'forehead protector over the eye'. After which I did the hair. Im still working on the hair, as well as a version where both have their Sharingans revealed - its really, really hard to do. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. *Edit I'd like to add, if anyone wants to use this base sprite to add hair to it, this would be really useful for any of the old ANBU!(Kakashi, Itachi, ect.) Really, it was supposed to be Itachi, but I just cant do that hair!
    1 point
  7. Note: I know this idea may already be planned to some degree and a lot of the information on the roleplay aspect hasn't been revealed. After reading a few topics on the roleplay aspect of Nin I decided to make a small suggestion. I'd like to see individual village forums and sub-forums. Seeing as politics and diplomacy is very important in Naruto there would be public sections to each village and parts that are closed off from the public. For example, a village tavern or forum for village-wide chit-chat would be open to all members even members of other villages, whereas The Kage's Room or forum for discussing village strategy and secrets would be closed off. This would greatly enhance the roleplay aspect. Some members may decide to sell village information in the form of direct quotes or screenshots. That's just one example of the many things users will gain from village forums. I'm not sure how PK will work in-game but this will also give players a place to post bounties and etc. A Forum for Missin Nin would be great as well. If you decide to become a Missin Nin, you should lose the privilege to have access to any Village forum (even the public sections) but still have a place to call your own. Village members should have zero access to Missin Nin boards. This would promote community involvement. From what I've read, the RPEs are optional. Note: Chances are something like this was already planned from the beginning.
    1 point
  8. The topic about RPEs talks about events such as Chunin exams being held on the forum. The topic also goes on to talk about Village Masters and such. I think it's safe to say that we'll have villages in-game. My suggestion is nothing more than a suggestion. There is no time in which my suggestion needs to be taken into consideration or rejected. It is merely a suggestion of an idea. My suggestion doesn't mean that this should be implemented right now. It only means that I thought it was a good idea. Lol. Perhaps we should only suggest things that are based around what we do know?
    1 point
  9. Lol Open up ur own little shop in the forest of Death, only a truly OP team could pull this off.
    1 point
  10. And more post farming coming through...Your whole discussion is pointless(including my comment) we have a chat box for this kind of shit :rolleyes:
    1 point
  11. just google kiba's bio on google or naruwikia
    1 point
  12. Konohagakure...because Konoha is the place where stuff happens. Felling bored?Don`t worry someone is probably already on his way to bomb the village. Going outside to take some air?You better watch out for the rapey snaked guy who lurks the village... Staying inside your peacefull house with nothing to do?Don`t worry Akatsuki members are probably already at your door (for your sake you better say you don`t know who Naruto is) Konoha,felling suicidal? Join now!
    1 point
  13. Yeah Aido your Hebi is still better. I kind of threw that one together - ironic since it was the first he wore in Shippuden and the last I made lol. I was only going to make the Akatsuki Sasuke but figured I might as well do all versions of him, it'd be fun. What you should be prepared for: Hebi Sasuke CS2 Itachi(ANBU and Akatsuki) Minato Namikaze(Jounin and Hokage) Itachi is going to be a BITCH just because of that damn hair - its as hard as Sasuke.
    1 point
  14. ..Thats so smart. Why didn't I think of that?
    1 point
  15. Forest of Death name changed to Forest of Trolls I'm not sure how I feel about this. I do like it..but..I feel as if every one will do this and camp hoping to get a real scroll. I don't think it should automatically spring a trap. You would have to do that yourself IE hide in a tree and then use genjutsu or another jutsus or something. The scroll itself shouldn't activated a set trap. Unless some type of exploding tag can be planted under ground or something..as a matter of fact, the exploding tag can be planted inside of the scroll..but that would coincide with not opening the scrolls which you're not suppose to do or it's an automatic ejection or something like that right? I'm sure such traps can be made IE the tag on the scroll or something...But still the fact remains with how many people would do this..I 'm really on this fence with this because this is something I would really like to do in game..lol but I'm not sure of the amount of 'campers' this would bring to the FOD part.
    1 point
  16. every couple of months i typed naruto mmo on google and search for one...and i found this one
    1 point
  17. Toss up between Robert Jürgens (Beyblade) and Android 17. (DBZ) Robert Jürgens - Android 17 -
    1 point
  18. Wisteria forced me to come here.
    1 point
  19. Hinatagakura. I'd be a proton inside Hinata c;
    1 point
  20. Condoms A Porno Forever Alone Volume 2 Spicy Cheetos
    1 point
  21. I remember playing pokemon games on my gameboy color, still have that old thing laying around somewhere First pokemon game was Pokemon Red Was addicted to Runescape as a kid, got beatings for playing way too much After I was introduced to Naruto Goa and it became my life Now waiting for Ninonline
    1 point
  22. Yah its okay, I could change up my avatar Basically Sasuke in a Akatuski suit if that's not too challenging
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Welcome to Ninonline ! If you ever need help anything feel free to send me a message
    1 point
  25. L from death note obviously
    1 point
  26. DBZ Budokai all of them The GTA games Yu Gi Oh Midnight Club NFS Undergroud Sims Naruto Ultimate Ninja
    1 point
  27. vs Sipher, Undo, Slash Zeke, Kazuma Torisuna, Claus Vaginas would moisten, the landscape would change, the game would crash. That, or Crosswise would be the only real challenge.
    1 point
  28. You should scale down the size of the blue text a bit. It's a tad too large.
    1 point
  29. If only I could see the look on your faces when you kids first login and realize that Alpha is bare bones, because, ALPHA.
    1 point
  30. This would be the same thing as the final Kakashi, except his eye is closed, thanks to @Tydon, more realistic to how it is when he reveals his sharingan. As for @Takezo Kensei, here is a rough draft of Hidan's evolution. He's not quite done, though, as the scythe needs some work. But he's completely ready for use by you. I post these up like this in hopes of inspiring other people. As you can see its kind of shitty in the beginning, with that 'horribad' slowly fading into what I consider a decent work at the end. Every sprite has to start shitty and then be worked on for an hour or so(at least by me) with a lot of trial and error and changes before you get it to what you want it to look like. For Hidan, I took the base sprite and erased its arms, leaving its torso, head, and legs. Then I drew a cloak over it and added some tight-holding arms and hands. Then, I worked on the clouds on the akatsuki cloak and the border in the middle. After that, I openned up his cloak and detailed his chest. Unfortuneatley its impossible to add the Jashin star necklace. Then I put in the difficult neck-forehead protector, and finished with his slicked back hair that falls over his ears and appears below them. The last thing I did was put the scythe on his back and add the rope to it. Then I went back and decided to do 'Jashin Ritual Mode', first ripping his cloak at all 3 points (lose entire left collar, rip part of right, rip middle-chest area of cloak), then made his skin completely black. After which I added the 'bones' on him and shitty little Jashin Triangle >_<. Takezo, feel free to use them or tell me if you want any changes before you want to use it, as long as you give me credit.
    1 point
  31. How can all you ex-GOA players say Democracy is the way to go, when that very system was used to pick the last half a dozen (garbage) kages. Leave it entirely up to the administrator list to decide on who is best suited for such a position. This way Rory won't need a GM to cockblock a decision in case of abuse. I honestly don't know why this topic exists at the moment, there's only 1 village in production and it's not even remotely close to being finished. Afraid to say that this forum is more naive than GOA.
    1 point
  32. amazing, i just found this game and im so excited! i had to donate to contribute! great work! keep it up
    1 point
  33. I just hope that they don't make history repeat itself again. If Sasuke dies like his brother, that's dumb. If Naruto becomes Hokage and sacrifices himself like Minato somehow, that's dumb. If Sasuke remains evil and follows the curse of his clan, that's dumb. After all this time, things have to change. Masashi Kishimoto needs to show that the world isn't just a pattern of repeated shit asdp oii fadnsfsdnasdf.
    1 point
  34. We, The Naruto Fan Boy Community, Would light pitch forks, riot in the streets, politely walk up to the mangakas home, ring doorbell, kidnap torture and finally burn the mangaka, his helpers and the editor that allowed him to push that piece up crap forward. -Thank You For Your Time.
    1 point
  35. I'm not here to tell you guys what to do, I'm just trying to enforce the rules.
    1 point
  36. @ @Toshio @Uchiha Izuna @ Do not welcome members who joined earlier than you. aside from that welcome bubbles
    1 point
  37. Kai's Dragonite is Super effective!
    1 point
  38. I deactivated my facebook when my professors and bosses began sending me friend requests.
    1 point
  39. thats the outdated version i went with a shiny version of dragonnite some highlights here and there really makes it pop.
    1 point
  40. ~~~~~ Welcome to the forums! Good luck with your flames of youth! @Maitogai
    1 point
  41. I have already been informed that I will be receiving a free Gold Forehead Protector just for being entirely awesome. I'm looking forward to both the game being released and the piece of gold material that will most likely be the only article of "clothing" on my character's body.
    1 point
  42. Not bad for a first try however your sigs don't have any flow to them and you have a bunch of c4d's over your render which, especially in the last one it makes it hard to see. Try Googling some tutorials. Here is a good one I found.
    1 point
  43. True I enjoy the fact that I can outrun someone cause I've trained my stamina longer than them. Can even make like a relay or marathon running event, seems like it would be cool.
    1 point
  44. I see, Mizukage will be either Undo, Sipher or Ourico.
    1 point
  45. Whack's Development Log #1 Graphical User Interface Hello everyone, welcome to my first dev log! For the past week, I have been working on the GUI, or the graphical user interface. Basically, it is the buttons and visual pieces that you use in game to view your characters stats, your inventory, people talking, and other things not part of the Nin world. For the most part, I am done with the menu interface. It looks beautiful, feels smooth, and the sound effects and music really finish it off. As soon as you open the menu, it will immerse you into the fantastic and exciting Naruto world, and that is definitely something that we want. Although it might seem like an easy task, GUIs are one of the most time consuming and boring parts of programming. I program because I enjoy it, but when I tell you that I hate GUI programming, I'm not exaggerating. It's pretty bad! Alas, I am nearing the end of it, as all I have left is renderring common windows such as inventory, character, options, friends, missions and others. It should only take a few more weeks to finish up, and then I will be working on core gameplay features. Speaking of features... There are a few things I have already programmed into Nin Online. For one, there are over 20 animations for each player. Walking, running, attacking with two hands, hand to hand combat, punching, kicking, breathing, standing, and even dead bodies. This took a lot of work from Rory, and a lot from me as well. No matter how hard a mapper works to make the game look good, animations are what makes a game feel beautiful. The constant moving of water or players makes the game feel alive, and makes it fun for everyone. Anyways, thanks for reading, and I'm looking forward to bringing you all more content soon! Regards, Whack
    1 point
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