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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2013 in all areas

  1. This would be the same thing as the final Kakashi, except his eye is closed, thanks to @Tydon, more realistic to how it is when he reveals his sharingan. As for @Takezo Kensei, here is a rough draft of Hidan's evolution. He's not quite done, though, as the scythe needs some work. But he's completely ready for use by you. I post these up like this in hopes of inspiring other people. As you can see its kind of shitty in the beginning, with that 'horribad' slowly fading into what I consider a decent work at the end. Every sprite has to start shitty and then be worked on for an hour or so(at least by me) with a lot of trial and error and changes before you get it to what you want it to look like. For Hidan, I took the base sprite and erased its arms, leaving its torso, head, and legs. Then I drew a cloak over it and added some tight-holding arms and hands. Then, I worked on the clouds on the akatsuki cloak and the border in the middle. After that, I openned up his cloak and detailed his chest. Unfortuneatley its impossible to add the Jashin star necklace. Then I put in the difficult neck-forehead protector, and finished with his slicked back hair that falls over his ears and appears below them. The last thing I did was put the scythe on his back and add the rope to it. Then I went back and decided to do 'Jashin Ritual Mode', first ripping his cloak at all 3 points (lose entire left collar, rip part of right, rip middle-chest area of cloak), then made his skin completely black. After which I added the 'bones' on him and shitty little Jashin Triangle >_<. Takezo, feel free to use them or tell me if you want any changes before you want to use it, as long as you give me credit.
    5 points
  2. Kakashi with Kubikirib?ch? Kakashi without Kubikirib?ch? The reason I did this is I got inspired by Tydon's Haku, and saw @'s request for a Kakashi sprite, although Tydon said he'd be unable to or would rather due an ANBU version. So I made this for him. For you, Kakashi(user), feel free to use it in any way you want. I took the basic sprite, layerred the blue starting shirt/pants/shoes over it, and then the basic Jounin vest over it. I then slimmed down the Jounin Vest shoulders to make it more Kakashi-like. After that I did his signature mask and 'forehead protector over the eye'. After which I did the hair. Im still working on the hair, as well as a version where both have their Sharingans revealed - its really, really hard to do. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. *Edit I'd like to add, if anyone wants to use this base sprite to add hair to it, this would be really useful for any of the old ANBU!(Kakashi, Itachi, ect.) Really, it was supposed to be Itachi, but I just cant do that hair!
    3 points
  3. Gosh it's just too tempting. I definitely have faith for this game since I've been lurking for years. I'll have to scrap up 20$ before the first then.
    2 points
  4. @Rory I'd give you a kidney if you ever needed one, not one of mine but I'll get you one, don't worry about where it came from.
    2 points
  5. Okay, well, like I said before it needed some work. And so I present to you what should be its final version: < Last! I finished off shading and fixing his hair, then added Sharingan. After which I changed small details like the wrap around his ankles, detailing his 'ninja pouch, and adding his pulled-back sleeves/armored gloves. It feels so good! Feel free to use it!
    2 points
  6. Alright. Please do not take this to heart. I wouldn't honestly be able to call your profile average even. In fact it's pretty lacking. I will say one thing you did well was keep your character sort of "plain." Given his age and rank he shouldn't be some super genius or super character which I want to congratulate you on. However he still needs to have some sort of oomph- something that gives him originality and a creative edge while still not being like a large majority of the site's population. (I've read some profiles and the characters have perfect stats, their geniuses, they're super strong, etc. First, the game hasn't come out yet so it's unlikely their character will be that way. Second, if you're going to be a genius you cannot RP poorly and describe it poorly. It just makes for a bad, corny, and unbelievable character.) I don't consider myself an asshole though, so keeping up with the statement of my dislike and what was a redeeming quality, here are some tips: [*]Originality. You don't want to be Sasuke Uchiha. You don't want to be a Naruto clone. You want to be you. You want to be creative and a character- but at the same time you don't want to go overboard with that edge to a point where your character becomes unbelievable. [*]Depth. Sakura has the depth of a piece of paper. You don't want to be a Sakura. You want a character who feels deep, real. For instance, remember being 10? You weren't so simple minded. You had tons of thoughts. Tons of beliefs. You acted many ways. It would be hard to truly describe the workings of your brain in four lines. Channel this ;] [*]The music does create a feel of hype but it's too over the top and I think it hurts the character because it winds up taking control of the app. [*]Reality. An academy student would not have even basic elemental mastery. Remember they only serve to master basic ninpou in the academy. This also goes for things like "natural born strategist". It's hard to ship that too an academy rank student with barely any abilities yet- or a strong history to back this reasoning up. [*]The Verse. You do a decent job of fitting the verse. (I.E. Your character isn't named Jack Cold, or Arnie Armhammer, or something that is totally not the japanese/naruto universe.) I like how "Thirst of Blood" fits Kirigakure's theme... this isn't really a specialty though, I'd actually put this and his goal into something like a "personality." [*]Your Affinity specialties as a mechanic is kind of broken and makes no sense. Over all, your simple steps away from making a marvelous player profile. ;] Hikaru, stay classy. (These tips apply to anyone.)
    2 points
  7. Decided to make a haku sprite in my free time today! Comments and criticism are welcome and encouraged. On the flip side, I got a job today! Thanks for reading! ~Tydon
    2 points
  8. The History of Nin Online More images coming soon.. Introduction Nin Online's history dates back to 2006. This was the year which I decided I wanted to make a Naruto online game. What made me want to do it? During one long holiday back in 2006, I started watching the early episodes of Naruto and I was really obsessed with it. I was sure that there must have had been an MMO based on this world. I knew that It was too good a concept to not have one based on it and sure enough, I was right. At the time, there were two projects attempting what I would soon find myself doing. They were NarutoQuest and NarutoRealm. The latter being the game project created by Robin, who I'll talk more about later on. After realizing that none of these were released, I decided why not make my own! So I googled "MMORPG Maker" and found a Visual Basic 6 engine called "Konfuze" to use, I started learning to do my own graphics badly, opened a forum and which became the rise of.. 2006: Naruto Project Back then, I gave the game a working title. It was called "Naruto Project". The graphics the game was based on was mostly edited from other sources, graphics released into the public domain, and even rips from another Naruto game project back then known as NarutoQuest. The game was based on a really crappy engine, which back then I was modifying and programming on. I was really bad at pixel art or any form of graphics for that matter. Suprisingly, the game gained a large amount of attention. Though the Internet was a much different place back then, and there wasn't any good Naruto BYOND games released at the time. Early 2007: Hidden Villages Online I renamed the game to "Hidden Villages Online" abbreviated as HVO. The game was still really bad, based on the same horrible engine. The graphics slowly improved as people pointed out the faults with the game's graphics and I started working on them. The game was starting to shape up, it saw a release at one point, the server was hosted "24/7" by a guy who volunteered to do it on his VPS. It saw constant downtime due to the server files being unstable and buggy. I eventually decided to close the server and rework the game entirely. I was a dumb kid, and after receiving a few fake C&Ds, I decided it would be best to throw aside the Naruto theme and make it a purely "Ninja" online game. Mid 2007: Hidden Villages Online: Inochi Yes, I did a sequel to a game which was barely ever released or known to anyone. Inochi means "Life" and the reason I added that into the title, which seemed to make sense at the time, was because I was going to focus the game on the living aspects of the game, like being a civilian. I'm not sure how I expected this to work out, and so the idea never lasted. Late 2007 Nin Online This eventually came to be the title i stuck with for the next 6 years. it grew onto me, it was my game - the game I just had to make - from that point on. I continued using the graphics from Hidden Villages Online: Inochi. The game was going to be less about civilian life, and more about Ninjas. The game also lost a huge part of its fan base when it became a ninja online game and I almost entirely left out anything related to Naruto. Because of this, my motivation to create Nin Online literally vanished one day. I hated everything I did in terms of planning and graphics that point. Early 2008: A Short break I took a long break from working on Nin Online, I started working on a few other projects and because of one of them I met Robin the creator of NarutoRealm, one of the games that inspired me to start making games and what was back then known as Naruto Project. One day, I pitched to Robin, to bring Nin Online and Naruto Project back as one project. He agreed, and we started working on an amazing project. We had a large, active community with thousands of members. Late 2008-2009: Nin Online remake 1 Nin Online started off with whole new graphics. They were good at the time, and I was finally grasping how to make really good, solid graphics, thanks to working with Robin who had an eye for these things. The game project's development dragged on for over a year without seeing a released. This was due to both Robin and I having really busy schedules. Initially, because I was studying at the time, I was working on the game a few days a week, which soon became just the weekends, and slowly.. progress just stopped there. The game's graphics was constantly being reiterated by myself, and I spent so much time redoing the graphics just as Robin had spent a lot of the time rewriting the game engine (for the better). But because of this, the development never made substantial progress. The community was large, active and filled with enthusiastic members. But eventually, my graphics skills improved too far that I despised all the work I had done up until that point. The game died in 2009 with a long apology to all our followers. But I promised that Nin Online would be back, better one day. June 2013 to Today: Nin Online Yes, it took 4 years. But I improved a hell lot since then. I'm determined this time to create a game fast, to get a release early, and work our way up from there. Nin Online has always been on my mind since that day in 2009. I missed the project, wanted to work on it again, but every time the idea of bringing Nin back came to mind, I felt it wasn't the right time. I was waiting on a good game engine to be released, one which Nin would be perfect on. But then I realized, there is not going to be a better time to make Nin online than now. I started making graphics for the new Nin online. Day after day, I just kept making these graphics with one goal in mind - release a game. I was determined that I would learn to code the game myself as well.. But that's when I met Whack/Eddie. At first, when I posted around forums for any interested programmers, I was looking for just anybody to take on the role. But this guy came in and blew me away. He is talented, hardworking and fun to work with. That's when we started getting online everyday to work together on. Lets see where we can take Nin Online from here
    1 point
  9. Oh shit @Hizashi I played Summon Night: Swordcraft Story like a billion times over. Also, DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 3. Although I still own and regularly play it Pokemon Yellow Oddworld: Abe's Oddysea[and the rest of the games in its series] Medi-evil 1 & 2
    1 point
  10. Wow...I must be hella old and classy. You guys are talking about GTA as kids. SMH. Pokemon Red,Blue and Yellow Mario kart 64 Donkey Kong Country on N64 All the need for speeds on the playstation 1 Mortal Kombat on the playstation 1
    1 point
  11. and this is where someone should facepalm
    1 point
  12. Monkey . D Luffy is my favorite Anime character everything about him is cool and epic
    1 point
  13. im going to partner with anyone who's looking for a teammate it doesn't really matter who he or she is
    1 point
  14. Thanks! I am bad at drawing, so I have to ask someone do that That is why im gonna improve myself ingame :ph34r:
    1 point
  15. also pictures, pictures help alot
    1 point
  16. Remember to keep your RP profiles believable. In a world of thousands of ninjas not everyone is a naruto or a uchiha-nara-god.
    1 point
  17. Welcome, Send me a message also if you need help, Kirigakure ninja look out for each other.
    1 point
  18. Welcome to Ninonline ! If you ever need help anything feel free to send me a message
    1 point
  19. Here are some sprites I made??. looks good? EDIT:
    1 point
  20. Because clearly any topic that even mentions GOA, is focusing on that game and not Ninonline. I have a dream, that the average forum reader will understand what he or she is reading and not make idiotic statements that are untrue. Oh wait this is the internet, never mind.
    1 point
  21. vs Sipher, Undo, Slash Zeke, Kazuma Torisuna, Claus Vaginas would moisten, the landscape would change, the game would crash. That, or Crosswise would be the only real challenge.
    1 point
  22. Then don't make the topic until later.
    1 point
  23. If I get bored I'll just start trolling random people, or we can play a game, called run a way before I kill you, hehe.
    1 point
  24. @ It was very intresting reading your character by the way. I enjoyed th depth and work you put into your character. I'm honestly not quite sure who or what I want my character to be. I usually build him as I go, which is the best way instead of planning everything out. It makes it more fun. Because something will happen that will change the course of a character and you will probably be upset.
    1 point
  25. Being an early supporter takes some faith. I'm confident in bringing Nin Online far, but for people who have yet to even try the game to donate. You guys have my gratitude Thanks for all the support so far, on early alpha release, depending on how many players the server can maintain, I will decide what kind of server the game will require and can afford in the long term. The money will be put into good use.
    1 point
  26. Then you'l be a true forever alone ninja. lol
    1 point
  27. Got my Gold!!! Now looking forward to my headband xDD
    1 point
  28. , will definitely purchase Gold. Now I just hope the game is a huge hit/ I like the game/advances past Alpha stage, because if not........holy shit there goes $20. Its a god damn recession.
    1 point
  29. Naruto 641: "I have no idea what I'm doing anymore" lol
    1 point
  30. It's not random, you're supposed to form your own teams. nobody reads what I write.
    1 point
  31. Hey, I never even thought about making a profile like that! Thanks for inspiring me! =D
    1 point
  32. I didn't even hear the intro song because somehow my volume was down at the time. But I actually like that intro song quite well. Kudos for the awesome party intro song @Fleimin
    1 point
  33. I voted "Best" because the profile song intro-ed you amazingly well, woke me up!
    1 point
  34. Decided to make one actually, not as detailed but w.e
    1 point
  35. Your profile's pretty good.
    1 point
  36. welcome to our little home
    1 point
  37. Females are not real!~ They are an illusion on the internet..! Welcome!~ And just kidding.. Maybe.
    1 point
  38. Welcome to NinOnline !
    1 point
  39. Welcome to the community Asia
    1 point
  40. another female on the forums? ) welcome ^_^
    1 point
  41. It's made good , i like it
    1 point
  42. It's almost as "great" as mine.
    1 point
  43. The reason all games do this is because it's a system that both makes sense, and works. If you already have enough money for what you need, meaning you start the game with money, or you receive money by intervals from doing nothing, what will stop people from making multiple accounts to farm gold? If money is not earned through missions, why would you do missions? for experience. That's like making our ninjas like a non-profit organization. Which we all know is not how it should be. Definitely though, we will have very rich ninjas, and things only they can afford. But the way they get this money is going to be from working hard and finding rare loot. It won't be hard to have a list of the richest. But rankings aren't very important for now Thanks for the suggestions!
    1 point
  44. And your cousin Soul ^_^
    1 point
  45. If i was in a bad mood, I'd have given you a warning point for that. >_> damn you.
    1 point
  46. Best most useless character ever.
    1 point
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