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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2013 in all areas

  1. Forum Awards! Hello community! A new feature has been added to the forums: New awards to earn. Members will be appropriated visual awards based on their achievements within the community.Icons will appear under your profile picture under each post to showcase your awards.There is no limit to how many you can have, but they are not easy to earn! Click on the award(s) to view details. More details regarding rewards. The requirements for each are secret! You will not know the parameters for an award until it has been distributed.Awards are only granted for productive behavior; you will not receive an award for being the biggest spammer!The administration team reserves the right to remove your awards if your [mis]conduct permits it. See my signature for forum rules and guidelines.We want your input! If you respond to this thread, please leave your suggestions for awards and their respective icons. That's all for this update. I hope you all enjoy the new feature and have fun competing to earn the most awards! ~Crosswise
    4 points
  2. 1. Tenshi 2. Canon fodder #1 3. Canon fodder #2 Jonin Name: Tenshi's ticket into the chuunin exams.
    2 points
  3. Decided to make a haku sprite in my free time today! Comments and criticism are welcome and encouraged. On the flip side, I got a job today! Thanks for reading! ~Tydon
    2 points
  4. I decided to fire up photoshop and give spriting another go, which I liked to do from time to time a few years ago. It was a hobby, and sometimes I did freelance work for some developers on BYOND. I used the Nin base to create a Minato Namikaze look-alike guy. The only problem is...that guy has a lot of hair, and hair was something i've never been able to quite do well. I'm sure i'll get the hang of it eventually
    2 points
  5. Kakashi with Kubikirib?ch? Kakashi without Kubikirib?ch? The reason I did this is I got inspired by Tydon's Haku, and saw @'s request for a Kakashi sprite, although Tydon said he'd be unable to or would rather due an ANBU version. So I made this for him. For you, Kakashi(user), feel free to use it in any way you want. I took the basic sprite, layerred the blue starting shirt/pants/shoes over it, and then the basic Jounin vest over it. I then slimmed down the Jounin Vest shoulders to make it more Kakashi-like. After that I did his signature mask and 'forehead protector over the eye'. After which I did the hair. Im still working on the hair, as well as a version where both have their Sharingans revealed - its really, really hard to do. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. *Edit I'd like to add, if anyone wants to use this base sprite to add hair to it, this would be really useful for any of the old ANBU!(Kakashi, Itachi, ect.) Really, it was supposed to be Itachi, but I just cant do that hair!
    1 point
  6. Nigga Beats #YMCMB #YEEZUS #MCHG
    1 point
  7. @Rory Now that you mentioned that, it will need a lot of effort to kick start it. I kinda change my opinion on this matter. I don't think I want an RP section anytime soon. If this is going to take time off on you programming the game or anything involving the game. I would prefer not having an RP section, I would like you to focus 100% on the game instead of this section that might or might NOT workout.
    1 point
  8. Now I at least know it was a good idea! & That shinobi player award looks good xD
    1 point
  9. We, The Naruto Fan Boy Community, Would light pitch forks, riot in the streets, politely walk up to the mangakas home, ring doorbell, kidnap torture and finally burn the mangaka, his helpers and the editor that allowed him to push that piece up crap forward. -Thank You For Your Time.
    1 point
  10. I know what you're saying. If you've ever played Rumble Fighter, they have it set up so you can equip items with the stats you want, and if you don't like the way the items look when equipped, you can put clothes and items on top. The items you wear on top will be what is displayed to other players, but you will keep the stats of the items you initially equipped. This could work by having two different sets of slots for items when a player opens his or her character menu. For example, you can have a slot for shirt, head wear, pants, shoes, etc. on the left side. Lets call this "Item Slots." This will be the items that will determine your stat upgrades. Then, you can have the same slots for the same items on the right side. Lets call this "Costume Slots" or "Display Slots." This will be the items that are displayed to other players. Example: I equip a blue headband with a boost in Chakra in my "head wear" slot on the left side, but I would rather wear the color red instead of blue. I could then equip a red headband with no stat boosts in my "head wear" slot on the right side. The red headband is what other players will see because it is in the "Display Slot," but I will still have the chakra boost from the blue headband because it is in the "Item Slot." If a player leaves a slot on his "Display Slots" empty, then the item that is equipped in the corresponding "Item Slot" is what will be displayed to other players. Example: I equip a blue headband with a boost in Chakra in my "head wear" slot on the left side, but I leave the "head wear" slot on the right side empty. The blue headband is what will be displayed to other players because there is nothing equipped in the "Display Slots" on the right side. This could actually be a cool part of the game, ya know one of those little things that makes the game just a tad bit better.
    1 point
  11. there is one, Rory already has it -_- joke : award for the one who reports the most "unproductive posts" --> report-er of the year, icon in the form of the communist flag maybe? now seriously : as much as I agree with the golden/silver shinobi badges for the ones that have previously brought the most players in the gamepixel art contribution (i'll say it straight, never done, never will, but i really admire those who help the game this way) and bonusesi have to say that personally i think this idea has too many downsides : most new ideas? people will spam the first thing that comes to mind, not giving real feedback on how it could work (i mean really think of a way it could be implemented) and most likely they won't even bother to check if it was mentoned before on the forums = more job for the modsmost new topics created? oh pleasebest bio? people will start hating, saying it's no good, just to get rid of the competition = no positive feedback or thinking on the forumbest grammar nazi? no real life interaction, since people will spend 2 minutes checking if their posts r wel whriten (=are well written)in the end, everything will just be a competition, negative thoughts everywhere or just your OP spam, yes, Madara Uchiha-style Over Powered spam personnaly i'm an adept of the "critic plus" system where if you give feedback and criticize, you have to suggest something in return, an alternative ; my something plus is that you should just stick with awarding (on the forum) people that bring something tangible to the game (art, story, new members, new forum design, help coding, advertising - like putting the game on web pages that show how popular the game is and where people can vote once a day, doing internet surveys to get money for the game & yes even money!) and personally i will not be pursuing the awards, i'm fine with a free forum, thanks but still, i'm trying my very best to contribue to the game with ideas and answer people when needed (yeah i'm that kind of guy, i like to help) still, to stay on the thread wavelength, ideas : helping other players get signatures, avatars customized pixel art --> "the art shop master", icon like a brush maybefollow all the developpement progress and give feedback on how to make it more "naruto-like" (but no stupid ideas like en allied shinobi force going to war against 3 guys) --> "the addict", small image wt naruto's face pre-shippuuden smiling
    1 point
  12. Really giving boosts would be a bad idea. @ To Tydon, I really dont think people will be mad if their character is automatically killed in a few months/a year. You shouldn't be sitting on a level 100, probably genin character who participates in no events for an entire year. The whole point is to show them that they're going to die whether they decide to be involved or not, perhaps giving them a reason not to stay genin. This would also make wipes completely pointless, something that would be great, and add a more history, time-moves-on, generation-to-generation feel to the game. As opposed to everyone advancing to a very high level, sitting there, and waiting for the next wipe, it would be continuing generations of ninja advancing through the levels and ranks. And as for the polls, I might actually start the two seperate ones after I ask one of the devs about the idea. If it doesn't pass at all, even as a far-future idea, I'll leave it at this.
    1 point
  13. Welcome, too lazy to come up with something extra to say.
    1 point
  14. Thanks everyone ^.^
    1 point
  15. cool! i think there should be an award for being the funniest, it can be a joker or something
    1 point
  16. Debating to get Gold or nawt, its alright still got 5 days to decide
    1 point
  17. i will hold my breath until the 1st of August is here...
    1 point
  18. Quite a intriguing idea!~ Suggestion: Helpful Player; This person is usually always helpful, he or she frequents the "" topic and usually always gives information regarding the game or refers the person to someone who may be able to do so. The icon could follow something along the lines of this
    1 point
  19. Make a reward for good ideas given, it can be a Lightbulb, cause somehow theres electricity in Naruto, manga never explains this. Award for creative bios, icon for that can be a notebook. Award for being sexy, cause every game needs one, i con can be some cool sunglasses.
    1 point
  20. Well what do you think guys?? Made this one in around 20minutes.. Gotta add some pointless stuff there later on when I've more time^^
    1 point
  21. Thank you all for the warm welcome.
    1 point
  22. Welcome and Happy birthday
    1 point
  23. Happy birthday again Streetz, glad to see you made the introduction topic We're far from "finish" though, we've barely even started. I mean we have only been in development for less than 2 months. Welcome to the community!
    1 point
  24. :lol: :lol: happy birthday streetz may u live a long life in this ninja world ,,/ nd welcome
    1 point
  25. Welcome! And choose.... whichever village I end up choosing for it will be the best. My decision will be televised on ESPN
    1 point
  26. Yeah i know, that's why I was talking about cooldowns "Also, i hope there are things like cooldowns (not necessarily very long).". It's basically the interval before you can use the same skill twice. Then again, if you have different stunning skills, then yeah that would be a little OP imo, since you could switch between them. Also may i suggest (maybe it was already put in the game) something like genjutsu resistance, if you train it alot (like a stat or a passive skill) then you could resist basic genjutsus or reduce the time it lasts. Like Deidara who after meeting Itachi would spend his time training to counter/resist the genjutsu (even if a little useless). And there may also be a "Kai"/"Release" option : by using it on an ally or anyone at all that is under genjutsu it is instantly ended. This way no genjutsu would be OP if (like in the manga) there are two enemies.
    1 point
  27. This is always a difficult question to answer, because I honestly enjoy EVERY single genre of music out there with the exception of country music. I like anything from classical to dubstep to metal. That being said, I usually listen to rock most of the time and my favorite bands include: Three Days Grace, Muse, Breaking Benjamin, Evanescence, Linkin Park, The Black Keys, Rammstein, Billy Talent, etc. I could literally list a hundred bands off the top of my head, but I won't pester you with that, haha.
    1 point
  28. Intro is cool, if you're into making trailers and visual effects, I recommend you learn After Effects, it's an awesome software.
    1 point
  29. I can't wait to see the very first "What the fuck is copy wheel eye?" haha. Then there's the even better, "I just unlocked my Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye, awww yeah".
    1 point
  30. I've always been loyal to Microsoft and the Xbox for many years, but they fucked up bad. Even with them deciding "LOL LETS REVERT ALMOST EVERYTHING WE JUST SAID WE WERE GONNA DO" it still doesn't cut it. The fact is that they sincerely thought they were putting in a bunch of features that believed *gamers* wanted. It's a shame, and proves that they're completely out of touch with their Xbox consumers. PS4
    1 point
  31. Nah thats not true.. The Ramen Guy is the sage of the six paths.. Strongest? Thats a stupid question...Dont you always wonder why he always keeps his eyes closed? because he has the rinnengan, silly!?
    1 point
  32. I still think it would be better/easier to just have a forum section for bios, where everyone would just make a thread for each of their characters. The section would be divided into to subsections categorized by rank, E-Rank, D-Rank, etc. We'd be able to critique each others' writing and if there are stuff that shouldn't be there like having MS or 3 releases before the game has even released, rather than PMing such things. It would also be easier to keep up-to-date on bios by allowing us to bump threads with what was updated.
    1 point
  33. Very good for a start. Though you need to make them less flat. Objects are flat depending on where the light hits on them or the amount of colors you use. Remember to sculpt with form also. Lighting: Forming: Paleting for Color: Sure looks different, doesn’t it? When I create a color palette, I’m not afraid to make a mess. I treat it like a real painter’s palette (remember that pixel art is much closer to painting than drawing). The idea is in the unity of the colors. Each ramp branches away from the same darkest shade and eventually reach the same lightest shade (notice that the light yellows in the opposite corners are in fact the same color). As a result, the entire palette is cohesive. I suggest that you take a similar approach—don’t feel the need to arrange your ramps into neat little lines just because you’ve seen them organized that way before. The colors need to flow into each other, so keep it organic. You can always rearrange them afterwards. -Jason Perry
    1 point
  34. Sasuke is a good boy given a bad path!
    1 point
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