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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2013 in all areas

  1. Well, you can learn for the game sake, that's easier since we all speak English here. People who don't know Japanese and don't watch the anime will find it harder to start memorizing Japanese words/names. Also, Henge/Transforming will definitely be in I'm planning two kinds, one that transforms you into target players, and one which will turn you into objects. You'll have to remain stationary for the objects one, so it'll be pretty hard to utilize in actual combat. But imagine its possibilities as a way to ambush or escape. Lots of fun things we can do with this as well, like find the admin events xD
    3 points
  2. I almost hit the "Report" button instead of "Quote"... Guess I wanted to report this for its awesomeness B) objects FTW!!! I'll have a blast with this one! Imagine all the possibilities to peak in the girls-side Hot Springs!!!
    2 points
  3. I think you're underestimating the intelligence of the game's potential playerbase, it's not that hard to memorize Japanese names, or unorthodox names in general. It's kind of insulting that a jutsu's function has to be spelled out for us because it might "confuse" us.
    1 point
  4. Hey there, good to have someone cool around here. We could use the cool. I'm too smokin' hot. Welcome to the Nin Online community.
    1 point
  5. You're never too old for Final Fantasy games. If you need help playing any of the games just send me a PM, I'll help you out.
    1 point
  6. @Ryoshi Rurouni has reached sub zero... Ryoshi cannot compete unfortunately Thanks for the welcomes though! Nice community
    1 point
  7. Good job @Ryoshi Yours is one of the best so far, I'll look at it when deciding on a format or a "what to include" section atleast
    1 point
  8. I'd like more people to be posting "Gold Shinobi Badge" here
    1 point
  9. Lol yeah I used to kick it with Leon and his bro on Reborn (GOA Rip) as for Exodus I played it for a little minute, it was fun. But yeah ^_^ I feel you will be ally in the Cause.
    1 point
  10. A genjutsu where the target thinks he's a Game Admin. A genjutsu where the target starts swearing. This way he gets (automatic?) warnings from the system or the mods and will eventually be banned. Edit : And yeah, Rory, didn't think stuns will be limited to genjutsus. But maybe make ninjutsus that deal damage and stun ; while having genjutsus that could also "only stun" the enemy but for a longer period of time.
    1 point
  11. @Sam to escape, you'll have other Jutsus, like cloaking. But that's detectable by sensor ninjas. It also dispels if you get hit, or attack. Yes, you can use Jutsus all the time @Ryoshi I'm glad!
    1 point
  12. Sorry, I'll be calling Jutsus with their English names though. Body Replacement Technique Shunshin is pretty OP, but I'll see how I can have it in, but a very balanced version of it. One possibility is that I can make it simply move you about 3-5 tiles nearer to your enemy, but it won't instantly teleport you to the enemy if he's too far away, just close the gap a little. It also will not be able to be used to run away. I emphasize a lot on making it hard to escape from fights because it kind of makes PvP annoying, and make PKers need to do burst damage instead of sustain damage in order to be viable. This way, you can have it as a method to move you nearer to your enemy, while enemies who are already far away, can escape.
    1 point
  13. Ah, hello Kurenai...
    1 point
  14. Did you really just question me why this topic is useless after your question has already been answered? The only thing left a person can do in this topic is comment for post count and spam just like people are starting to do already. You may be raging right now from another person which I wont name, but that doesn't mean you have to act childish by fighting in your own topic, you named yourself after a role model, you should act like one instead of behaving otherwise like continuing to fall for a trolls hook.
    1 point
  15. Body Replacement Technique With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. From this, the user can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the battlefield. http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Replacement_Technique I'm going with the attack one for Kawarami, because if you wanted to escape, you could just use our cloaking jutsu.
    1 point
  16. Welcome to Ninonline Bennz
    1 point
  17. I've already created and completed the animation, but I have not gotten to personally try it out in-game. I'm sure it's in-game though. This should answer 1 of your questions.
    1 point
  18. So.. the villages are gonna be full of organised RP'ing and stuff which includes a real "life and death" situation, wherein it's all like DayZ: DayZ: Trust no one. That guy you think is your bff? He'll kill you in a heartbeat and leave your body as fodder for the zombies all over a can of baked beans.
    1 point
  19. You can't create multiple characters in each account. There will be a bank, but the purpose is to store your rarer items so they don't drop when you die. Remember, dying will cause some of your items to drop, so any items you risk bringing into the battlefield is naturally at risk. How confident will you be in equipping an extremely powerful and expensive weapon if you can't defend it or match up to it's power
    1 point
  20. On the narutopedia site they list how much ryo you get on ranked missions
    1 point
  21. Urgh. So much tl;dr posts. I read briefly, it seems you guys still don't understand the system well enough, and are still comparing the game and it's staff to the 13 year olds running BYOND games. If you haven't noticed, this isn't BYOND. You will not face corruption from the staff themselves. We are here to provide a fun gameplay. About the game being a purely PvP game, this has never been said. The game is open to people who would like to play the game for only the PvP elements. You can level, you can get to max level, learn every jutsu without being a Kage, so if its not your thing to participate in RPE, it is your choice. Permadeaths do not make you lose your gear. Permadeaths only happen to people who want to gain ranks above Genin. Permadeaths only give a minor stat boost like 1 point to each stat. People will not farm permadeaths because the difference in power is so minor. To farm permadeaths you would need to constantly be joining RPE which aren't as frequent as you imagine. To die permadeaths in an event could actually be a challenge since medical ninja will be on site to heal you whether you like it or not. GMs will not stop playings from making decisions, or being corrupted. They will stop Kages from being douchebags and/or promoting toxic behavior. I might increase the time a Kage serves. This way it would be more important for people to kill Kages they dislike during a RPE. A mistake here is assuming that leveling in Nin Online will be boring like a BYOND game. We have an actual storyline and unique missions. Compare Nin Online to an actual MMO, with actual content to fill up 100 levels.
    1 point
  22. Well I know what I'm going to do. Become Raikage, then ban rap and hip hop.
    1 point
  23. Final Fantasy has some of the best soundtrack you could ever hear. The FF7 boss theme is awesome, and FFX Zanarkand ruins is incredible. A lot of the songs on FFX are really, really good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkAFi88J5Aw Also, Auron is a fucking boss and makes all vaginas moist.
    1 point
  24. Haha I like the option where it says I don't wanna take crap from you(or whatever it says lol), I wonder what happens when you click that option lol a kick in the face? Banned from the store xD. Well in any case I like the way the interface looks.The npc's will have a different types of clothing on right? or will they stay naked. Also is that how much space will actually be for inventory? or will their be things like backpacks or an extra ninja pouch that increases your inventory space?
    1 point
  25. I find it horrible if clan immigration becomes possible, the difference between a game and the anime is that parents teach their children village loyalty.
    1 point
  26. If the kage accepts a missing nin who could betray the village and steal theyre secret scrolls then why not let it be possible. Cause he can join then just kill all your genins or kill your kage so it should be a human decision in the game to allow others to join who deserted theyre village.
    1 point
  27. Such a democratic and unbiased poll. I salute you!
    1 point
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