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  1. The Beginning The concept of a beginning is a curious thing, but our tale must start somewhere. From the myriad gods which inhabit this realm, two legendary beings emerged; these were known as Izanagi and Izanami. Together, these beings descended from the heavens and thrust a great jeweled spear into the vast ocean creating the eight islands of the Japanese archipelago - the first land. Izanagi and Izanami sought to populate the new land, and imbue it with the powers of existence. From their intercourse were formed the first kami, entities which lie somewhere in the gray area between gods and spirits. Some benevolent and some wicked, these kami permeated the natural world to create and hold dominion over a great many elements, concepts and qualities. Death and Rebirth Being mortally injured from birthing the kami of the fire element, Izanami passed away to the underworld in the land of Yomi. Desperately seeking to reunite with his partner, Izanagi risked venturing into the land of the dead in search of her. When Izanagi found Izanami and looked upon her, he saw that her flesh was rotting and maggot-ridden. Horrified, Izanagi fled from Yomi and sealed the entrance behind him with a great boulder, forever separating the world of the living from the world of the dead. Disgusted by his close contact with the rotting body if Izanami, Izanagi plunged himself deep into the ocean so that he might be purified of the experience. As a result of this purification, many new kami were born. Among these was Amaterasu. Assigning an Emperor Amaterasu was the sun goddess, and she was also tasked with dominion over the land; a giver of life. Amaterasu had many children and grandchildren, and one day came to the realization that the great nation of Japan should be ruled by an emperor. She cast forth one grandchild by the name of Ninigi, whose son - Amaterasu's great grandson - would be Jimmu Tenno, the first emperor of Japan. Henceforth, Jimmu's bloodline would be considered that of divinity and his family would forever rule over the land. The Eight Kami Jimmu Tenno would, over time, be diluted and detached from his kami essence as a result of his exposure to humanity and his indulgence in worldly pleasures. Jimmu would remain forever ignorant of the eight other kami sent forth by his great grandmother, Amaterasu, and their divine bloodlines which were to be tasked with dominion over eight elements of the world. These kami were created by Amaterasu's hand from worldly material; they would assume a human-like form and live in relative solitude, their descendants taking surnames after the names given to them by Amaterasu herself: Seikatsu, created from a stream of sand allowed to slip through Amaterasu's fingers; he and his lineage are charged with overseeing the continuity of daily life; the regular cycles of sun and moon (Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi), the coming and going of seasons, and new life and new death. @ Howaitora, created with frozen snow from the peak of the highest mountain; he and his lineage are charged with guarding all things at a high altitude; the climbing of steep, icy mountains made a very perilous endeavor, and the clouds always kept pure and high - far from the grasp of humanity. @Stylishninja Enzan, created from the most beautiful flower in the world which was found and plucked by Amaterasu; he and his lineage responsible for maintaining the balance and harmony of the natural world, ensuring that all things in nature interact peacefully and remain beautiful. @Crosswise Shousetsu, created with an urn of ocean water which Amaterasu foolishly took from her brother, Susanoo; intended to rule over the cycle of evaporation and condensation of water. However, Susanoo being a kami of storms and destruction, the water which was used to create Shousetsu was of a dangerous nature. This kami forsook his original task and defeated Konpira - the kami of safety at sea - in combat; he and his lineage now hold dominion over the oceans, permitting safe travel and inflicting turmoil at their discretion. @Sipher Tetsumei, created from a fragment of Ninigi's broken mirror; he and his lineage are tasked with the structuring and distribution of wisdom with relation to universal truth and rationality, allowing enlightenment to those deemed worthy and withholding it from those who are not. @Mr.Yagura Donsu, created from the dreams stolen from other kami; he and his lineage maintain the boundary between reality and the world of dreams, blocking off from the minds of humans and other kami those which are dangerous or forbidden, and permitting them only dreams which the Donsu deem important. @Gary Oak Raishuu, created from the blood of Amaterasu herself, which she spilled during her time of solitude and depression; he and his lineage are charged with dominion over all human conflicts; the Raishuu determine the outcome of wars, and are responsible for inflicting and relieving human suffering. @Undo Minamiyori, created from the deep, black roots of a weeping pagoda tree; he and his lineage are charged with dominion over thick forested areas as well as the darkness and shadow which inhabit them. All things which happen in concealment are attentively presided over by the Minamiyori. @Southend_boi
    3 points
  2. Level 5's auto blocking?.. Isn't that a bit overpowered. And Gaara was never really a clan, more or less it was due to his Shukaku. All the moves that aren't sand related, i.e. Renkuudan isn't fitting to the clan, more or less it's just a wind style move. ~I sense copy paste~ Iron Sand on the other hand was a Kekkei Genkai, so maybe that could be used in it's place, although it wasn't really all that discussed or talked about in the anime and there was only ONE known user.
    2 points
  3. i understand your point tetsuo but most people who end up as kage will be players who are loved and trusted by the community and not these little kids with no imaganation
    2 points
  4. Or each month maybe? If its important, we can have records of which month you graduated, and give it a numerical name.
    2 points
  5. As strange as it may sound, we WANT the douchebaggery and the promoting of toxic behavior. It will give us more of a reason to assassinate the asshole, it gives us more numbers so that these Coups actually work instead of it being 3 guys who don't like how the Kage uses lol in capitol letters.
    2 points
  6. There is far too much "big brothering" going on in regards to GMs and decisions kages make. If a Kage isn't allowed to make their decisions quickly without being blocked by a GM, then that Kage is not the undisputed leader of their village, the person cockblocking him is. Isn't the whole point of a Coup d'état to get rid of a Kage that the village doesn't want? Why would a Kage need to be banned or forcibly removed at all? If the village isn't willing to revolt, then they deserve to be taken advantage of. Any intelligent leader knows that they are nothing without something to lead. I'm pretty sure that a Kage being assassinated does not prevent/prolong wars, it does the complete opposite. Enemy village has no leader and is in disarray, time to take advantage of that. Not everyone who plays a video game participates in the forum, a 10 post requirement to do the chuunin exam promotes mindless spam just to be able to enter the exam. It also means more work for GMs to verify post count, which will eventually feel like a second job to them. Assuming only one kage needs to be in attendance to a chuunin exam, what's to stop them from choosing only the genin from their village to be promoted?
    2 points
  7. Hey everyone, I've decided to give some information on the system I have planned for things like the Chunin Exams. This is not a entirely new concept as I've heard of things like this in other MMORPGs. This system is called Roleplay Events (RPE) The system can be compared to a game of Dungeons & Dragons, where players will play out their character through the actual game rules, while it is being watched over, moderated and led by a Game Master. More information regarding RPE The player must have a Ninja Biography on the forum to qualify for a RPE. Examples of RPE are the Chunin Exams and Diplomacy by the Kage. Permanent death takes place during RPE. About Game Masters There are 2 kinds of Game Masters, which are the Head GM and Village GM aka. Village Elders. Head GM In charge of events and decisions being made that affects the game on a global scale, such as wars & diplomacy. A head GM will only be necessary once we have released Suna. Village GM In charge of internal affairs (of one village) such as giving ranks. He/she is answerable to the Head GM. About Kages Kages are players who appointed by leaders by the other players through elections. They are in charge of making small and large village decisions. Elections will be held once every 2 months or if a Kage has permadied. The players running for the election will need to be a player who is powerful and well respected by his fellow village ninjas. There will be some minimum requirements before a player can vote for a Kage, these are being registered atleast 2 weeks before the election date, and they have to be at least a level 10 Genin in-game. Kages will have the ability to change their village member's ranks & organization, but he is still a normal player. He is a figurehead, it is a role which comes with plenty of respect but is riddled by risks of permadeath. Kages which abuse power (their actions will be logged for Village GM to look through) will be removed, and banned. They may start a war with any village, but through the discretion of Village GM, who will stop any unreasonable decisions. Permadeath & Permadying Permadeath in Nin Online is not exactly the end for your character. Imagine it as a end for your indentity, but not your character. These permadeath cases will be rare, and only high ranking players will be at a very high risk for this. The system will effective kill your identity, your character will from then on be his own Kin, his son or daughter or a brother etc. as such name change will be required. His items will be passed down as well. As the perma dead characters die, their Kin becomes more willful, and embodies his dreams. Though the characters which permadie will be reset to level 1, they with slightly higher starting stats than a normal character depending on how powerful he used to be, characters who have perma died multiple times will hence be slightly more powerful. To make friendly diplomatic decisions such as forming alliances or settling/ending wars, player Kages must decide decide on a meeting place - preferably & traditionally within one of the villages as a symbol of trust. There, they will discuss and come to a decision which will be executed by the Head GM. How to Start Kages must request a meeting to the Head GM, and then choose a time & date agreeable by both parties and the Head GM. Travelling The travelling/escorting phase of this RPE goes like this.. [*]As this is a dangerous journey to go alone, the Kage should preferably stay away from fighting for himself. He is to find escorts from his most powerful ninja to accompany him for this journey (maximum of 7) [*]Kages may go about this any way they like, without escorts, or even request assistance from other villages to escort them. [*]If players not involved from the village are being annoying, they may be kicked or banned by the GM. [*]If the travelling Kage is killed on the way to the diplomatic meeting, this will be witnessed by the GM who will then determine based on whether any foul play was involved. [*]If the death was fair and it was a planned ambush on the Kage, he will face permanent death. [*]Escorts will not be at risk of Permanent death, but they will be at risk of losing their rank if they fail to protect their Kage. [*]Other players may attempt to overthrow the Kage by force. Assassinations are bound to be attempted. [*]Attempting to kill the Kage so that wars will be prolonged is also an option. [*]The Kages may choose to keep the details of the meeting secret or low profile or change the date and time if they feel it is suddenly too risky. Meeting phase The location chosen as the meeting place can be private. Thus, mostly no external threats will happen from this point on, unless it is badly guarded or planned. Decisions for the diplomacy must take place within the game chat, and both villages should have somebody documented what is said during the meeting. Once the meeting is over, and the decisions are made, Village GM and Head GM will make the necessary changes to alliances, wars, diplomacy. Players should report or announce the news/decisions on the forum. Eventually, there may be individuals or groups of players who want to be "Reporters" and run their own news section. I am all for this! The Kage may allow or forbid reporters at the meeting, and they are not to speak or ask questions unless permission is granted. Ending After decisions have been made and meeting has been called to an end by both Kages. The RPE is over and the Kages are no longer at risk of permadeath. Chunin Exams is a very important and core RPE. It will have a lot of permadeath risks. But at the discretion of the Head GM, if the Chunin Exams has been held poorly, he may decide to call the whole event off. How often is there a Chunin Exam? The Chunin exam will be held once or twice a month by the Kage and Village GMs. How to participate in the Exam? First, you will need to form a team of 3. You must register for the Chunin Exam on the forum, and your account must have made a minimum of 10 posts. Your character must at least be a level 20 Genin to join the exam. You will need to have a supervising Jounin during the event, unless one of the team members is above level 50. If one member of this team is not present on the day of the exam, a replacement is allowed. Registration fee of 10,000 Ryo per ninja in the team is required. The fee should be sponsored by the Jounin supervisor, or can be paid by the Genins themselves. Registration for the Exams will take place 1 week before the actual exam, and the teams applying should work together and practice fighting as a team before taking place in the exam! The exams consist of... Written Test 10 Minutes Not much to explain for this. Forest of Death 20 Minutes (No Permadeath, but Eliminations) Each team will be given a Heaven Scroll or Earth Scroll item which will drop when the player faints. Before they die, they may choose to simply run or surrender the item to the other team. Players may go about this however they like. Teams which fail this round, will be eliminated, hence half of the players or more will not make it past this stage. Once you have both scrolls, you must proceed to the finish point. If a team loses both their scrolls, they may still attempt to ambush other teams to get back the scrolls they need. Medical Ninja will be very important in this round. Preliminaries - 20min - 1hr Finals - 10 - 30min Both the Preliminaries and Finals will be held in different arenas. However, they will happen very similarly. Two ninjas will be pit against each other, they must fight until one surrenders or faints. High level Medical ninja must heal the player if he has fainted. If the player is not healed, he will perma dead. Only the 2 ninjas and the medical ninja will be allowed into the arena. Many possibilities are are available. Obstructing the player who has fainted from being healed is allowed within RPE. However, the player would be subjected to being banished from his village and/or be killed himself during the event. How does the player become a Chunin after the exam? All players who make it to the finals may be promoted. However, the Kage must make the final decision. He may choose any player that he would like to promote, and may hold back any player as well.
    1 point
  8. On the narutopedia site they list how much ryo you get on ranked missions
    1 point
  9. Sand Manipulation should ONLY be for the Jinchuuriki of the One-Tail Demon, even though his powers were given to him by his mother I think.
    1 point
  10. Creepy pastas man!!!!!!!!!! :blink:
    1 point
  11. There won't be a sand clan.
    1 point
  12. i love scary shit throw them in all versions
    1 point
  13. I really am not a fan of player controlled Kage's personally. There's too much bullshit. I know I'll get hate for this because there's a lot of power hungry kiddies that want to be Kage etc. The biggest thing that bothers me is cliche, boring, bad rp'ers. Especially if those rp'ers become a Kage etc. I think introducing some RP standards in the future would be good. (The Orochimaru wannabe's, the Sasuke wannabe's etc. The people with no creativity that are just Mary Sue characters. The tragic rape backstories, etc. That will just hugely depreciate the game for those of us who want RP yanno?)
    1 point
  14. This story is why i will never go to arazona....... For her birthday I took my girl, Katie, to Arizona so we could stay with some friends of hers and spend a few weeks partying and getting crazy and stuff before heading back to school for the year. We drove up in my Dad's car. It's a really old Ford make, and it's pretty beat up. The road there was bumpy and long. Our relationship seemed at its strongest on the road. We were really in love. That was the first time I realized that. I had never truly been in love before. We were about half the way there when we realized we were going to run out of gas long before the nearest petrol pump. Katie's head was out of the window, sunglasses on in the blistering heat outside. Nothing but the wild desert landscape to be seen in all directions. We became frantic. We hadn't seen another car on the road in almost an hour. What if we broke down here, in the middle of the desert, with no food or water, with no one out there to find us. I sped up slightly, driven by these fears. It was then that we came across the Gas Station. Smack bang in the middle of nowhere, in dry, empty nowhere. It was an old worn down servo. Long, yellow grass blew in the breeze beneath it. Outside were two rusted gas pumps. At first we didn't know if it was occupied - it seemed so lifeless. But as we pulled up and saw the petrol stains in the dirt we were convinced otherwise. Katie started refilling the car and I went inside to pay, and grab something to eat on the road. When I first went to open the door, it jammed. This perturbed me, so I looked up at the sign to check, and was reassured that the store was "OPEN", according to the torn sign that hung in between the dull yellow curtains at the door window. I pushed harder and harder with effort, got into the shop. Inside it was totally abandoned, and left to ruin. Complete isles lay on the ground, the fridges were smashed and glass coated on the floor. Despite the brightness outside, the interior of the Gas Station was dark and bitterly cold. Then there came, from behind me, this quiet weeping, like a child's. I felt my heart race. It was coming from the back room. I stepped over the smashed glass and twisted metal remnants on the floor, over where the patches of grass had grown through. I ran my hand along the wall an felt the criss cross of ivy beneath my fingers. It was overgrown. There came the crying again, and now I was facing the back room door. It was directly infront of me. I pushed the door open, and it creaked with rust in its joints. Inside there lay several wooden steps into the basement. It was pitch black, and the smell was horrific. The drip drop of water alerted me to the fact the basement was flooded - the water was up to my knees. Again, there came the crying, and a small splash in the far corner of the basement. "Hello?" I called out, "Is anyone there?" I started approaching the corner. The smell was horrible, and cold water eventually got to me. The sobbing was getting louder. In the corner I swore I saw something move amongst the shadows. "Hello?" I called again, "What's wrong?" I finally reached the corner. Still dark, I had to bend down to avoid the pipes, which leaked down my back and trickled down my spine. The figure infront of me was very small and black. Hunched over, sobbing quietly, head in its hands. "Why are you down here?" I whispered. Then, it stopped moving completely. It was totally still. All noise seemed to cease, but for the quiet dripping of a broken pipe somewhere behind me. I outstretched my arm to touch it's tiny shoulder, but it then began to slowly turn in my direction, to look me eye to eye. As it's face swiveled around to look into mine I remember screaming, and swinging my head up in recoil, cracking it on the pipes up above. The face was white as a sheet, pale like a hideous, moving mask. The eyes and mouth were completely black holes, huge and widening even as I looked at them. They were so huge, they almost consumed it's entire face. As I desperately tried to escape, it splashed towards me at rapid speed, uncurling it's long, thin fingers. It was wailing now, staring into me with its huge black eyes, and as I scrabbled up the stairs with great difficulty, as I felt my legs begin to give way beneath me. It sprinted out of the water and up the stairs towards me. I slammed the door, flipped the lock and tore out of the store, into the old Ford. Katie began to laugh when she saw me, jeans wet, trembling with sweat soaking my chest, but I grabbed her and screamed at her to drive. For about a half an hour I could barely tell her what happened in the store. She listened and gave me a look of sheer horror, when I finally gave in and told her everything. She pulled the car to the side of the road and began to cry herself. I asked her what was wrong. She said, "I saw something while you were gone. When you were in the store, I was just putting the pump back when I saw this little girl, and a man, her father I guess. the father stared at me with blank eyes and a hanging jaw. But the girl, oh god, the girl.. She was staring straight at me, grinning with this huge smile that just strecthed so far across her face. I couldn't see any hair on her, and her skin was so dark. Not dark, like a colored girl, but dark like a shadow. And her smile just shone through the window. I convinced myself it was a trick of the eye and looked away. when I looked back they were gone. Then a little while later, you came back out." It was dusk by now. We had nowhere to stay. We had not traveled nearly as much as we hoped to that day and the nearest motel meant going back past the gas station. So we just drove up from the roadside where we were, into the clearing a little way up, where people camped sometimes. We had obviously come the night after a big party - there was broken glass everywhere. When we arrived, however, it was empty. After awhile I tried to reassure her that we were okay. I calmed her down, put my arms around her and we started to kiss. I moved to get closer to her when she suddenly screamed like hell itself. "IT'S HER! IT'S HER!!!!" she screeched, fumbling to start up the engine. I turned in time to witness a small black face, grinning literally ear to ear with only darkness inside. It was crawling into the car through my open window, with its limbs splayed out like an insect. It had too many limbs. Way too many long arms. The fingers feeling my face like antennae. We sped off, back down onto the road. Back on the road, nothing seemed right. There were no stars. That was what I noticed first. I was too shaken to think much of it, but there were no clouds that could be blotting them out. There was just the vast night sky, devoid of all light. Then, a few minutes after we had been driving forward, still sweating and breathing heavy, we passed the gas station. My heart skipped a beat. The gas station was at least a half an hour away, in the opposite direction. All the lights were on, and I saw the door sliding open. As we shot past it Katie was in such hysterics she found it hard to keep driving. We stopped the car, in the middle of the desolate road. I decided we should switch seats, so that I could drive. She shuffled across from her seat to mine, and I opened the door to get out. As soon as I was outside the foul stench of the basement overwhelmed me. I gagged, then vomited down the side of the car. It was then I noticed the runner. A pale white thing, sprinting torwards us through the fog, it's limbs practically a blur. I could make out no face. How long had it been following us? Running after us in the night?! I got into the driver seat as quickly as possible. We drove off again, not talking. Katie whimpered and I silently prayed. Then we got passed the gas station again. The door was open now. There were two figures standing at the door. Waiting. As we forced ourselves on, we both became aware of a soft, barely audible weeping in the back seats. Neither of us dared turn around. "Ignore it", I whispered, my trembling hands gripped the steering wheel. Katie was curled in the fetal position, holding her head in her hands. The wailing increased, becoming extremely loud, ear piercing and horrific. Finally I ordered myself to end it, and looked behind me. For a split second, I thought it was a girl, in a white dress looking back up at me. But she was gone as soon as she had appeared. I checked the seats carefully, there was nothing. In my tiredness and fear I had completely lost track of the road. I drove on, and all through the night Katie whimpered. I touched her once but she screamed. I never tried again after that. The noises from the back seat started up again. We passed the gas station twice more. The people at the door were closer and clearer every time. The finest slither of red light had begun to settle on the horizon, it was still dark as hell, but at least I was able to see the road ahead of me now. Katie had been silent, face concealed under her hands for some times. I decided to check the time, so I turned on the radio. At first there was only static. Instead of time, or anything at all, the digital clock simply appeared black. I fiddled with the dial, trying to change the station. In between the static I found only one audible channel. It had a high pitched buzz in the background. (Writer's note: UVB-76?!??!?!) A man was muttering names and numbers under his breath. "29. Lucy - 30. Adam- 31. Katie -" I switched back to static. I knew which name was next. When we got to Katie's friend's house, it was morning. It was overcast and everywhere had the smell of rain on it. Her friends weren't home. Katie's friends lived way out in the country, with no one else around in a mile. The grass was climbing the walls outside. How long have they been out? As soon as were inside, Katie started whimpering again. I realized that while she had been silent she was biting on her lip - Blood was trickling down her chin and the skin around her mouth was torn and chewed through. She grabbed the newspaper, and some masking tape off the table and began blocking out the windows. After the nights events I didn't know whether I would be insane to join her or stop her. I simply watched. She covered the windows, jammed the door and turned the lights off. For some time, it could have been minutes or hours, we sit silent in the dark. I offered to turn the television on. Katie said nothing, sitting blank and comatose. I turned the television on anyway. A grainy, black and white image flickered to life before us. A white face with empty eyes and an impossibly huge smile flashed up, the smile growing wider and wider the longer we stared into it. There came the sound of weeping. From the television, or in the house? I couldn't tell.. We turned off the TV. It's been three whole days now. I haven't seen Katie at all today. She spends her time in the closet, crying. I once tore the door open and screamed at her. She screamed back, her face contorting into something grotesque, and inhuman. I slammed it in her face. The phone rings, often. A voice, my mother's I believe, whispering under its breath. I can only catch snippets of what it says. "Come back.. You're always welcome to come back..." Sometimes in the background I hear quiet chuckling. I hang up without saying a thing, usually. The bathroom is shining white, I hear the shower running, and will walk in to find nothing. Nothing at all. Then, when I'm in the bathroom I will hear the television flick back on. It always goes to the face. In the background there are muttering voices now. I've called the police. Twice. All I get is the whispering woman's voice. I called Katie's friends too, just as fruitlessly. There are knocks at the door a lot now. Through the newspaper, on the other side of the window I see their hands slam against the glass and slide down. They do this for hours on end sometimes. They press their eyes up to the glass, through the holes in the newspaper... At night we hear screaming from the guest room. I boarded it up. Sometimes I find tiny pieces of glass on the ground. A leak sprang up about a day ago in my room downstairs. Black spots of mold have appeared on the walls. There is a small throughout the house, seeping in from my room. The odor of decay. I pray. I pray hopelessly, and I wish, I swear to god, I wish... That I had never gotten out of that car. Ok Yall would Yall prefer Yalls Creepypastas in video or in story.
    1 point
  15. The story of Yaoyorozu, Izanagi and Izanami, Amaterasu, Ninigi and Jimmu is from the Shinto creation myth. The eight additional kami and their names are not part of the actual myth; they were added to help develop the role-play characters of the forum members I mentioned.
    1 point
  16. I looked for a naruto mmo and found this game
    1 point
  17. damn this pasta this pasta creepy enough for you i created this i gave up 5 minutes of my life for you be happy child
    1 point
  18. Sorry Walker, couldn't watch the videos and read the 1t paragraph then stopped out of fear for my life maybe I'll try again when its day, but as it is night time I won't risk being that scared. EDIT: Finaaly watch and read them, good thing I waited for day time and I see you added more.......... are you tryin to kill me?
    1 point
  19. Omg, this look's so dope! :wub: :ph34r:
    1 point
  20. Here people can post links to creepypastas and type scary storys. just anything thats scary. Jeff the killer..............GO ....TO...SLEEP! <- Mr.Widemouth.......... <- This is the story of THE RAKE This is the scaryist thing i have ever read READ WITH CAUTION During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, humanlike creature sparked brief local media interest before an apparent blackout was enacted. Little or no information was left intact, as most online and written accounts of the creature were mysteriously destroyed. Primarily focused in rural New York state and once found in Idaho, self proclaimed witnesses told stories of their encounters with a creature of unknown origin. Emotions ranged from extremely traumatic levels of fright and discomfort, to an almost childlike sense of playfulness and curiosity. While their published versions are no longer on record, the memories remained powerful. Several of the involved parties began looking for answers that year. In early 2006, the collaboration had accumulated nearly two dozen documents dating between the 12th century and present day, spanning 4 continents. In almost all cases, the stories were identical. I’ve been in contact with a member of this group and was able to get some excerpts from their upcoming book. A Suicide Note: 1964 "As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. It is not the fault of anyone other than him. For once I awoke and felt his presence. And once I awoke and saw his form. Once again I awoke and heard his voice, and looked into his eyes. I cannot sleep without fear of what I might next awake to experience. I cannot ever wake. Goodbye." Found in the same wooden box were two empty envelopes addressed to William and Rose, and one loose personal letter with no envelope: "Dearest Linnie, I have prayed for you. He spoke your name." A Journal Entry (translated from Spanish): 1880 "I have experience the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I see his eyes when I close mine. They are hollow. Black. They saw me and pierced me. His wet hand. I will not sleep. His voice (unintelligible text)." A Mariner's Log: 1691 "He came to me in my sleep. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. He took everything. We must return to England. We shall not return here again at the request of the Rake." From a Witness: 2006 "Three years ago, I had just returned from a trip from Niagara Falls with my family for the 4th of July. We were all very exhausted after a long day of driving, so my husband and I put the kids right to bed and called it a night. At about 4am, I woke up thinking my husband had gotten up to use the restroom. I used the moment to steal back the sheets, only to wake him in the process. I appologized and told him I though he got out of bed. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. He then grabbed me and said nothing. After adjusting to the dark for a half second, I was able to see what caused the strange reaction. At the foot of the bed, sitting and facing away from us, there was what appeared to be a naked man, or a large hairless dog of some sort. Its body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. For some reason, I was not instantly frightened by it, but more concerned as to its condition. At this point I was somewhat under the assumption that we were supposed to help him. My husband was peering over his arm and knee, tucked into the fetal position, occasionally glancing at me before returning to the creature. In a flurry of motion, the creature scrambled around the side of the bed, and then crawled quickly in a flailing sort of motion right along the bed until it was less than a foot from my husband's face. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. The creature then placed its hand on his knee and ran into the hallway, leading to the kids' rooms.I screamed and ran for the lightswitch, planning to stop him before he hurt my children. When I got to the hallway, the light from the bedroom was enough to see it crouching and hunched over about 20 feet away. He turned around and looked directly at me, covered in blood. I flipped the switch on the wall and saw my daughter Clara. The creature ran down the stairs while my husband and I rushed to help our daughter. She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. She said "he is the Rake". My husband drove his car into a lake that night, while rushing our daughter to the hospital. They did not survive. Being a small town, news got around pretty quickly. The police were helpful at first, and the local newspaper took a lot of interest as well. However, the story was never published and the local television news never followed up either. For several months, my son Justin and I stayed in a hotel near my parent's house. After we decided to return home, I began looking for answers myself. I eventually located a man in the next town over who had a similar story. We got in contact and began talking about our experiences. He knew of two other people in New York who had seen the creature we now referred to as the Rake. It took the four of us about two solid years of hunting on the internet and writing letters to come up with a small collection of what we believe to be accounts of the Rake. None of them gave any details, history or follow up. One journal had an entry involving the creature in its first 3 pages, and never mentioned it again. A ship's log explained nothing of the encounter, saying only that they were told to leave by the Rake. That was the last entry in the log. There were, however, many instances where the creature's visit was one of a series of visits with the same person. Multiple people also mentioned being spoken to, my daughter included. This led us to wonder if the Rake had visited any of us before our last encounter. I set up a digital recorder near my bed and left it running all night, every night, for two weeks. I would tediously scan through the sounds of me rolling around in my bed each day when I woke up. By the end of the second week, I was quite used to the occasional sound of sleep while blurring through the recording at 8 times the normal speed. (This still took almost an hour every day) On the first day of the third week, I thought I heard something different. What I found was a shrill voice. It was the Rake. I can't listen to it long enough to even begin to transcribe it. I haven't let anyone listen to it yet. All I know is that I've heard it before, and I now believe that it spoke when it was sitting in front of my husband. I don't remember hearing anything at the time, but for some reason, the voice on the recorder immediately brings me back to that moment. The thoughts that must have gone through my daughter's head make me very upset. I have not seen the Rake since he ruined my life, but I know that he has been in my room while I slept. I know and fear that one night I'll wake up to see him staring at me."
    1 point
  21. Alrighty, to end on what Rory has already answered numerous times, this is the ideal method of the RPE system. Everyone I suggest you just wait and see how it works than start going against it from how you're reading it. The system can still be improved or tinkered with accordingly. Gotta try it out first and see how it goes
    1 point
  22. Uncle Sipher obviously has to start lecturing people. @People from GOA Stop attempting to relate this game to GOA, because it isn't GOA. I know that deep down, probably subconsciously a lot of you want this game to basically become GOA 2.0. A version of the game that didn't go off the deep end and start to suck big time. I have my own doubts as well but you should at least give Rory's plan a try before constantly criticizing. Anyone sitting there right now ready to yell "BUT SIPHER YOU WERE JUST CRITICIZING RORY'S BAD IDEAS", you're wrong. The purpose of feedback is to make Rory aware of the problems that could happen and a possible fix in case they missed something when going to the drawing board. @Rory Stop believing you're so high and mighty over BYOND. Every time you mention BYOND, you associate it with negativity. GOA didn't fall apart because it's from BYOND, it fell apart because of poor decisions made by developers. Many great, original games come from BYOND that did not become the undecisive bi-polar schizophrenic girlfriend that is GOA. The only difference between a game on BYOND and Ninonline is the programming language. From what I can tell, everything talked about in this forum can also be done in DM. A lot of the people in that community are nice and helpful as well. You should quit your prejudice while you're ahead, it's disgusting. I'm making you aware of this for your benefit. If I wanted to be an asshole, you would feel the wrath of a thousand suns come down on you. I know you're sincerely trying to make a fun game for everyone while maintaining a positive outlook and attitude, so I try to be...gentle. @Sipher Stop being papa Sipher all the time asshole, why you always need to have a conscience and logical thinking and shit? You keep looking at the big picture far too often, clown.
    1 point
  23. True, let us have afaith in Rory and his ability to judge character, it'll all be alright.
    1 point
  24. You guyz are missining something hes the KAGE. He got there for being strong, intelligent and charming enough to pull people in. How do you plan on killing the Kage if he has like the strongest ninjas in his back pocket. Can you overthrow the top 10 ninjas in your village to even get to him before he runs and regroups. The point is, if hes too strong he can abuse the game, then you stage a coup, then he kills you all, and goes back to abusing game lol. On second thought that sounds fun, let it happen.
    1 point
  25. Urgh. So much tl;dr posts. I read briefly, it seems you guys still don't understand the system well enough, and are still comparing the game and it's staff to the 13 year olds running BYOND games. If you haven't noticed, this isn't BYOND. You will not face corruption from the staff themselves. We are here to provide a fun gameplay. About the game being a purely PvP game, this has never been said. The game is open to people who would like to play the game for only the PvP elements. You can level, you can get to max level, learn every jutsu without being a Kage, so if its not your thing to participate in RPE, it is your choice. Permadeaths do not make you lose your gear. Permadeaths only happen to people who want to gain ranks above Genin. Permadeaths only give a minor stat boost like 1 point to each stat. People will not farm permadeaths because the difference in power is so minor. To farm permadeaths you would need to constantly be joining RPE which aren't as frequent as you imagine. To die permadeaths in an event could actually be a challenge since medical ninja will be on site to heal you whether you like it or not. GMs will not stop playings from making decisions, or being corrupted. They will stop Kages from being douchebags and/or promoting toxic behavior. I might increase the time a Kage serves. This way it would be more important for people to kill Kages they dislike during a RPE. A mistake here is assuming that leveling in Nin Online will be boring like a BYOND game. We have an actual storyline and unique missions. Compare Nin Online to an actual MMO, with actual content to fill up 100 levels.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. ready set pixel people you need to help rory with items
    1 point
  28. Instead of having a Bijuu system where one person controls the bijuu and is completely over-powered, I believe it would be better if each village had their own Bijuu in a dungeon where other villages could raid. By attacking another villages Bijuu, the attackers Bijuu would get stronger while the Bijuu being attacked would get weaker. A strong Bijuu could have benefits, such as an XP boost for the village. Each village's Bijuu would be EXTREMELY over powered, requiring villages to attack in groups to damage it. I believe that a system like this would encourage a village to work together, giving the Kage and high-ranked ninja the ability to plan attacks. Also, it offers a major PvM element for those who don't like PvP. For example: 5 Sound ninjas attack Leaf's bijuu, who has a current level of 5000. After doing some damage, the Sound ninjas get the Leaf Bijuu down to level 4996, in turn making the Sound Bijuu level 5004. If the default level for each Bijuu was 5000, Sound's Bijuu would be a +4, which would make every Sound Villager have an XP boost since it's Bijuu has a positive rating. Just a suggestion loosely based off a naruto browser game I used to play. Rate/Hate/Masturbate
    1 point
  29. Holy Crap that looks authentic, nice.
    1 point
  30. oh and imma use a straw hat
    1 point
  31. Somehow, the third "yes" is better than the other 2 ones.
    1 point
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