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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2013 in all areas

  1. Nin Online Release Date: August 1st! Though Rory has already revealed the release date blatantly and rather pessimistically in his last dev log, I'd like to do the honors here. The release date for the first beta build of Nin Online will be the 1st of August, 2013. We will update it from there, and add many new features. What you see on that day will be mostly skin and bones for Nin Online. We have a bright future, so don't judge a book by its cover, unless the cover looks great to you. Then judge that cover. What this Early Alpha will be? Our ideal in making games is to release early, and work our way up from there. As you may or may not know, development of Nin Online started on the 5th of June. Less than 2 months ago. The amount of progress for a game this grand a scale, in such a short amount of time has been largely thanks to all the support that has been given by the community, we are motivated by all the love that's been shown and all the fans who roam the forums daily to see what's new with Nin Online. That being said, do not expect much for the Early Alpha, as it serves these purposes.. Early Demo of Nin Online (Basic gameplay)Allow players to start exploring the game's ever growing worldGive the supporters a hang out to chill and chat inStress test our VPS/ServerHelp us find bugs so that we can weed out the problems before going further We hope to see you in our Early Alpha release!
    6 points
  2. There is far too much "big brothering" going on in regards to GMs and decisions kages make. If a Kage isn't allowed to make their decisions quickly without being blocked by a GM, then that Kage is not the undisputed leader of their village, the person cockblocking him is. Isn't the whole point of a Coup d'état to get rid of a Kage that the village doesn't want? Why would a Kage need to be banned or forcibly removed at all? If the village isn't willing to revolt, then they deserve to be taken advantage of. Any intelligent leader knows that they are nothing without something to lead. I'm pretty sure that a Kage being assassinated does not prevent/prolong wars, it does the complete opposite. Enemy village has no leader and is in disarray, time to take advantage of that. Not everyone who plays a video game participates in the forum, a 10 post requirement to do the chuunin exam promotes mindless spam just to be able to enter the exam. It also means more work for GMs to verify post count, which will eventually feel like a second job to them. Assuming only one kage needs to be in attendance to a chuunin exam, what's to stop them from choosing only the genin from their village to be promoted?
    6 points
  3. Hey everyone, I've decided to give some information on the system I have planned for things like the Chunin Exams. This is not a entirely new concept as I've heard of things like this in other MMORPGs. This system is called Roleplay Events (RPE) The system can be compared to a game of Dungeons & Dragons, where players will play out their character through the actual game rules, while it is being watched over, moderated and led by a Game Master. More information regarding RPE The player must have a Ninja Biography on the forum to qualify for a RPE. Examples of RPE are the Chunin Exams and Diplomacy by the Kage. Permanent death takes place during RPE. About Game Masters There are 2 kinds of Game Masters, which are the Head GM and Village GM aka. Village Elders. Head GM In charge of events and decisions being made that affects the game on a global scale, such as wars & diplomacy. A head GM will only be necessary once we have released Suna. Village GM In charge of internal affairs (of one village) such as giving ranks. He/she is answerable to the Head GM. About Kages Kages are players who appointed by leaders by the other players through elections. They are in charge of making small and large village decisions. Elections will be held once every 2 months or if a Kage has permadied. The players running for the election will need to be a player who is powerful and well respected by his fellow village ninjas. There will be some minimum requirements before a player can vote for a Kage, these are being registered atleast 2 weeks before the election date, and they have to be at least a level 10 Genin in-game. Kages will have the ability to change their village member's ranks & organization, but he is still a normal player. He is a figurehead, it is a role which comes with plenty of respect but is riddled by risks of permadeath. Kages which abuse power (their actions will be logged for Village GM to look through) will be removed, and banned. They may start a war with any village, but through the discretion of Village GM, who will stop any unreasonable decisions. Permadeath & Permadying Permadeath in Nin Online is not exactly the end for your character. Imagine it as a end for your indentity, but not your character. These permadeath cases will be rare, and only high ranking players will be at a very high risk for this. The system will effective kill your identity, your character will from then on be his own Kin, his son or daughter or a brother etc. as such name change will be required. His items will be passed down as well. As the perma dead characters die, their Kin becomes more willful, and embodies his dreams. Though the characters which permadie will be reset to level 1, they with slightly higher starting stats than a normal character depending on how powerful he used to be, characters who have perma died multiple times will hence be slightly more powerful. To make friendly diplomatic decisions such as forming alliances or settling/ending wars, player Kages must decide decide on a meeting place - preferably & traditionally within one of the villages as a symbol of trust. There, they will discuss and come to a decision which will be executed by the Head GM. How to Start Kages must request a meeting to the Head GM, and then choose a time & date agreeable by both parties and the Head GM. Travelling The travelling/escorting phase of this RPE goes like this.. [*]As this is a dangerous journey to go alone, the Kage should preferably stay away from fighting for himself. He is to find escorts from his most powerful ninja to accompany him for this journey (maximum of 7) [*]Kages may go about this any way they like, without escorts, or even request assistance from other villages to escort them. [*]If players not involved from the village are being annoying, they may be kicked or banned by the GM. [*]If the travelling Kage is killed on the way to the diplomatic meeting, this will be witnessed by the GM who will then determine based on whether any foul play was involved. [*]If the death was fair and it was a planned ambush on the Kage, he will face permanent death. [*]Escorts will not be at risk of Permanent death, but they will be at risk of losing their rank if they fail to protect their Kage. [*]Other players may attempt to overthrow the Kage by force. Assassinations are bound to be attempted. [*]Attempting to kill the Kage so that wars will be prolonged is also an option. [*]The Kages may choose to keep the details of the meeting secret or low profile or change the date and time if they feel it is suddenly too risky. Meeting phase The location chosen as the meeting place can be private. Thus, mostly no external threats will happen from this point on, unless it is badly guarded or planned. Decisions for the diplomacy must take place within the game chat, and both villages should have somebody documented what is said during the meeting. Once the meeting is over, and the decisions are made, Village GM and Head GM will make the necessary changes to alliances, wars, diplomacy. Players should report or announce the news/decisions on the forum. Eventually, there may be individuals or groups of players who want to be "Reporters" and run their own news section. I am all for this! The Kage may allow or forbid reporters at the meeting, and they are not to speak or ask questions unless permission is granted. Ending After decisions have been made and meeting has been called to an end by both Kages. The RPE is over and the Kages are no longer at risk of permadeath. Chunin Exams is a very important and core RPE. It will have a lot of permadeath risks. But at the discretion of the Head GM, if the Chunin Exams has been held poorly, he may decide to call the whole event off. How often is there a Chunin Exam? The Chunin exam will be held once or twice a month by the Kage and Village GMs. How to participate in the Exam? First, you will need to form a team of 3. You must register for the Chunin Exam on the forum, and your account must have made a minimum of 10 posts. Your character must at least be a level 20 Genin to join the exam. You will need to have a supervising Jounin during the event, unless one of the team members is above level 50. If one member of this team is not present on the day of the exam, a replacement is allowed. Registration fee of 10,000 Ryo per ninja in the team is required. The fee should be sponsored by the Jounin supervisor, or can be paid by the Genins themselves. Registration for the Exams will take place 1 week before the actual exam, and the teams applying should work together and practice fighting as a team before taking place in the exam! The exams consist of... Written Test 10 Minutes Not much to explain for this. Forest of Death 20 Minutes (No Permadeath, but Eliminations) Each team will be given a Heaven Scroll or Earth Scroll item which will drop when the player faints. Before they die, they may choose to simply run or surrender the item to the other team. Players may go about this however they like. Teams which fail this round, will be eliminated, hence half of the players or more will not make it past this stage. Once you have both scrolls, you must proceed to the finish point. If a team loses both their scrolls, they may still attempt to ambush other teams to get back the scrolls they need. Medical Ninja will be very important in this round. Preliminaries - 20min - 1hr Finals - 10 - 30min Both the Preliminaries and Finals will be held in different arenas. However, they will happen very similarly. Two ninjas will be pit against each other, they must fight until one surrenders or faints. High level Medical ninja must heal the player if he has fainted. If the player is not healed, he will perma dead. Only the 2 ninjas and the medical ninja will be allowed into the arena. Many possibilities are are available. Obstructing the player who has fainted from being healed is allowed within RPE. However, the player would be subjected to being banished from his village and/or be killed himself during the event. How does the player become a Chunin after the exam? All players who make it to the finals may be promoted. However, the Kage must make the final decision. He may choose any player that he would like to promote, and may hold back any player as well.
    3 points
  4. Thats the best name I can think of. Death sounds too light. Also, the only incentive I can think is players generally having a good time, roleplaying as the "sensei" will be fun. Those few Jounins are fine, but why would his team respect him then? For the early Chunin Exams, I plan to make it free, and not require a supervising Jounin. These exams will take place in the coming months. The stat boost will scale based on what level and stats the player had before he died. Being able to die 10 times is already a great achievement, let alone being at max level to die multiple time. You have to have a legit reason to die, but I'll consider this! Seems like a idea. No, you need to be a level 10 Genin to vote for the Kage. There is an option like that. It's called not participating in the events. You can still play, but you'll be an eternal Genin. 1. I'll think about how I can make it more fair. But mostly everyone who gets into finals should get promoted. 2. Its supposed to feel more like a bad thing than a good one, because the stat boost is going to be very minor. It's just an incentive for people not to feel shitty when it happens. For people who don't have time to train their character, then it's only natural they are weaker.
    3 points
  5. Adding to what Sipher said, Abusive kage's would lead to bigger and more numerous Coup d'états. Leading to....another RPE! If the kage finds out, he could squash the rebellion and perma kill/exile it's leader, hell the sick bastard can permakill/exile all of them. If the Coup has enough players, the entire village goes into a revolution of sorts. If the Coup d'état is succesful, the leader can become kage/choose his own kage. (See my post in "What is the best way to choose a kage" Topic). Though i guess the Kage would need proof to try to squash a rebellion. WHich is where the GM would be involved. Though a Kage killing/exiling a bunch of players under the guise of a revolt? That would be corruption. The rest of the village finding out? Holy Shit. Kages in Naruto aren't exactly squeaky clean, by the way. Corruption makes a game and really everything else interesting. GM's should be more regulative in RPE's, like banning that one fucker who's obviously helping the other village succeed(Though i guess a traitor "RPE" could be put in), starting the RPE, and stopping a Kage from choosing only genin from his village to be promoted(Like Sipher said) There's a lot more fun and RP to be had with Kage's having free rein on the village instead of answering to a buzzkiller.
    2 points
  6. Cover's lookin' good, cover's lookin' good.
    2 points
  7. Can't wait to play this game, looks like it going to be sick. All the pictures I seen so far a very good an detailed.
    1 point
  8. im sorry but those chuunin exam arenas look even better than the anime/manga ones..
    1 point
  9. Very good for a start. Though you need to make them less flat. Objects are flat depending on where the light hits on them or the amount of colors you use. Remember to sculpt with form also. Lighting: Forming: Paleting for Color: Sure looks different, doesn’t it? When I create a color palette, I’m not afraid to make a mess. I treat it like a real painter’s palette (remember that pixel art is much closer to painting than drawing). The idea is in the unity of the colors. Each ramp branches away from the same darkest shade and eventually reach the same lightest shade (notice that the light yellows in the opposite corners are in fact the same color). As a result, the entire palette is cohesive. I suggest that you take a similar approach—don’t feel the need to arrange your ramps into neat little lines just because you’ve seen them organized that way before. The colors need to flow into each other, so keep it organic. You can always rearrange them afterwards. -Jason Perry
    1 point
  10. Kumo Ninja reporting for dooty ;-)
    1 point
  11. I leave tomorrow morning to go on vacation for a week...so really I will only have 4 more days to code it.
    1 point
  12. only bad part about this for me is i leave August 1st to go to Cancun..Smh..guess ill play when i get bacck!! for sure
    1 point
  13. To make friendly diplomatic decisions such as forming alliances or settling/ending wars, player Kages must decide decide on a meeting place - preferably & traditionally within one of the villages as a symbol of trust. There, they will discuss and come to a decision which will be executed by the Head GM. How to Start Kages must request a meeting to the Head GM, and then choose a time & date agreeable by both parties and the Head GM. ---------------- I don't really like how GMs are in control of allowing any orders when thats the kages position to do it anyway, maybe the kage wants to secretly ambush the other guy but is pretending to ally with them? It will be more village involved without the permissions of mods.
    1 point
  14. of course us Uchiha have to stick together and thanks to everyone else for the warm welcome
    1 point
  15. That's totally your choice! It's not unfair. Nobody is obliged to risk themselves to perma death. It's just not as fun as you don't. You can't hold high ranks or titles without risk - is my ideal system. But if you'd like to be a nobody, sure you can be a powerful nobody without risks like Master Chen. Naruto is a powerful Genin killing Kage level enemies on a daily basis. Rank will never determine your power level in Nin Online
    1 point
  16. countdown starts now only 12 days r left very excited
    1 point
  17. This looks simply amazing, I marvel at the level of detail in those hands good work! keep it up !
    1 point
  18. Technically, only if you failed, people would know. Definitely, a failed attempt at that, and the Kage would have a reason to banish you for sure. I would like for there to be a darker way to obtain the title. Like killing him and impersonating him :0
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Why do you always seem to have the appropriate meme for any situation? On topic: Can't wait for this game, it will fill a hole in gaming for me
    1 point
  21. That sucks dude I think we have to delay it a week now just for you. Lol, just kidding! But i wish.
    1 point
  22. To be honest that is some of the best pixel work I have seen in a long time. I have to give you great praise for those arms....
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. So Rory, how' ll be the Genin exam ?
    1 point
  26. Maaaan!~ You need to let us be able to jump walls in certain areas.. I mean.. Who WOULDN"T want to stand atop those Chuunin Exam Hands?
    1 point
  27. Love all of it, Oh dam a day, I might die in that time frame lol.
    1 point
  28. Very sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet B) Nice job, Rory! And Whack of course Btw, will there be the option to walk on water???
    1 point
  29. Chunnin Exams Arena looks amazing
    1 point
  30. Everything looks fantastic. I love everything. Although I think there might be something slightly off with the water portion, I still love it. What I mean about that is that if you could possible add a ripple effect for when you're standing on water with the shadow. Currently it just looks like you're disobeying the laws of gravity and floating just above the water, in a way.
    1 point
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