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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2013 in all areas

  1. I would assume that the devs prefer true teamwork to be a group of people who actually fight well together and complement one another. Adding a stat boost as a variable and calling it teamwork is kind of a bland way to go about it. There are those who know real teamwork, and the honey badgers who will throw their most powerful area of effect attacks at a single enemy, hitting several allies without even thinking twice.
    3 points
  2. We will see how competitive you are when the game comes out.
    2 points
  3. The History of Nin Online More images coming soon.. Introduction Nin Online's history dates back to 2006. This was the year which I decided I wanted to make a Naruto online game. What made me want to do it? During one long holiday back in 2006, I started watching the early episodes of Naruto and I was really obsessed with it. I was sure that there must have had been an MMO based on this world. I knew that It was too good a concept to not have one based on it and sure enough, I was right. At the time, there were two projects attempting what I would soon find myself doing. They were NarutoQuest and NarutoRealm. The latter being the game project created by Robin, who I'll talk more about later on. After realizing that none of these were released, I decided why not make my own! So I googled "MMORPG Maker" and found a Visual Basic 6 engine called "Konfuze" to use, I started learning to do my own graphics badly, opened a forum and which became the rise of.. 2006: Naruto Project Back then, I gave the game a working title. It was called "Naruto Project". The graphics the game was based on was mostly edited from other sources, graphics released into the public domain, and even rips from another Naruto game project back then known as NarutoQuest. The game was based on a really crappy engine, which back then I was modifying and programming on. I was really bad at pixel art or any form of graphics for that matter. Suprisingly, the game gained a large amount of attention. Though the Internet was a much different place back then, and there wasn't any good Naruto BYOND games released at the time. Early 2007: Hidden Villages Online I renamed the game to "Hidden Villages Online" abbreviated as HVO. The game was still really bad, based on the same horrible engine. The graphics slowly improved as people pointed out the faults with the game's graphics and I started working on them. The game was starting to shape up, it saw a release at one point, the server was hosted "24/7" by a guy who volunteered to do it on his VPS. It saw constant downtime due to the server files being unstable and buggy. I eventually decided to close the server and rework the game entirely. I was a dumb kid, and after receiving a few fake C&Ds, I decided it would be best to throw aside the Naruto theme and make it a purely "Ninja" online game. Mid 2007: Hidden Villages Online: Inochi Yes, I did a sequel to a game which was barely ever released or known to anyone. Inochi means "Life" and the reason I added that into the title, which seemed to make sense at the time, was because I was going to focus the game on the living aspects of the game, like being a civilian. I'm not sure how I expected this to work out, and so the idea never lasted. Late 2007 Nin Online This eventually came to be the title i stuck with for the next 6 years. it grew onto me, it was my game - the game I just had to make - from that point on. I continued using the graphics from Hidden Villages Online: Inochi. The game was going to be less about civilian life, and more about Ninjas. The game also lost a huge part of its fan base when it became a ninja online game and I almost entirely left out anything related to Naruto. Because of this, my motivation to create Nin Online literally vanished one day. I hated everything I did in terms of planning and graphics that point. Early 2008: A Short break I took a long break from working on Nin Online, I started working on a few other projects and because of one of them I met Robin the creator of NarutoRealm, one of the games that inspired me to start making games and what was back then known as Naruto Project. One day, I pitched to Robin, to bring Nin Online and Naruto Project back as one project. He agreed, and we started working on an amazing project. We had a large, active community with thousands of members. Late 2008-2009: Nin Online remake 1 Nin Online started off with whole new graphics. They were good at the time, and I was finally grasping how to make really good, solid graphics, thanks to working with Robin who had an eye for these things. The game project's development dragged on for over a year without seeing a released. This was due to both Robin and I having really busy schedules. Initially, because I was studying at the time, I was working on the game a few days a week, which soon became just the weekends, and slowly.. progress just stopped there. The game's graphics was constantly being reiterated by myself, and I spent so much time redoing the graphics just as Robin had spent a lot of the time rewriting the game engine (for the better). But because of this, the development never made substantial progress. The community was large, active and filled with enthusiastic members. But eventually, my graphics skills improved too far that I despised all the work I had done up until that point. The game died in 2009 with a long apology to all our followers. But I promised that Nin Online would be back, better one day. June 2013 to Today: Nin Online Yes, it took 4 years. But I improved a hell lot since then. I'm determined this time to create a game fast, to get a release early, and work our way up from there. Nin Online has always been on my mind since that day in 2009. I missed the project, wanted to work on it again, but every time the idea of bringing Nin back came to mind, I felt it wasn't the right time. I was waiting on a good game engine to be released, one which Nin would be perfect on. But then I realized, there is not going to be a better time to make Nin online than now. I started making graphics for the new Nin online. Day after day, I just kept making these graphics with one goal in mind - release a game. I was determined that I would learn to code the game myself as well.. But that's when I met Whack/Eddie. At first, when I posted around forums for any interested programmers, I was looking for just anybody to take on the role. But this guy came in and blew me away. He is talented, hardworking and fun to work with. That's when we started getting online everyday to work together on. Lets see where we can take Nin Online from here
    1 point
  4. Rory's Development Log #6 Hokage's Office & Hot Spring Interiors Hey since yesterday's development stream (and I apologize for the bad streaming I did yesterday, with the constant errors and going offline) I've completed two unique interior types. One is for the Hokage Building and another for the Hot Springs. The Ninja Academy is almost mostly complete. First off, I'll this is the Hokage office. This is just such an important location in the Leaf village! I'm glad its done. As promised, being a member on the forum has it's perks, as you get to see screenshots like this before anyone else. Here are the screenshots! The second location isn't so well documented, but I did what I could from my research and made the tiles below! The layout might change later on, but this is how the Spa/Sauna/Hot Springs looks like at this moment As you can tell, I take suggestions really seriously, and I really love the idea of having nice hang out spots within the village! Of course, for those who tuned into my development stream, you've probably seen more or less the work below with the exception of some new tiles and decorations. So please do stay active on the forum, when a livestream is up on Twitch.tv or Join.me, I will spam the links in the Shoutbox! In advance, I'd like to congratulate anyone who is going to sit in this wonderful office. Till the next update, see you! (Very soon)
    1 point
  5. I demand to smoke my blunts in this game like its saints row
    1 point
  6. This Game Looks Intresting
    1 point
  7. Thats Why you don't betray Microsoft. They are the brain implent mind control chip multi national company of the future.
    1 point
  8. ...Dammit. Welcome to the forums.
    1 point
  9. Haha, Reox you've been following me through whatever I do for the longest time. Love you mate.
    1 point
  10. That's a different world like Crees Summer's.
    1 point
  11. Lucky Bastard.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Lol I see, damn :/ I spent 30 Minutes looks for that too.. Well thanks bro.. I think it should be pinned @Rory
    1 point
  14. Yes Akatsuki. That's how it will be
    1 point
  15. I would say no due to the fact it'll be a .exe I do how ever feel they should port it once they have enough content, It would be a bit naive to think it would be mac compatible upon release maybe after a few version seeing as porting is rewriting the code.
    1 point
  16. @Takezo Kensei Hm. Action based Final Fantasy set in a more modern world. I predicted this a long time ago. I'll play the game, though I can't say if it'll be good or bad until I do.
    1 point
  17. Well in which case, if there is a Swordsman who is willing to switch/trade swords with another Swordsman, they might be able to do that. That's just up to the the programmers if they're allowed to do so. But if not, you should be able to save your points in order to keep your sword. You don't have to move up in ranks if you don't want to.
    1 point
  18. Max out pushups, I'm talking have a pillow or do this shit in the grass because you gotta do this till you don't feel your arms not "k that seems like enough". After you finished run to your bed and have porn open already. You'll notice that your arm moves super fast and feels like a feather when you fap. I normally do like 15 sets of this throughout the day.
    1 point
  19. Well it might seem unfair that you earn your sword but you loose it later. But I would imagine that tournaments are only 1 or 2 times a week, you don't lose your sword right away, you just lose your position. If you lose your position, you get ranked down to the previous sword. Think about gungame on Call of Duty. Only that you go back a rank if you 'die' in this case if you are inactive. So technically, the higher in the seven swordsman you are, the longer you'll probably have a sword. Fair? I think so!
    1 point
  20. We don't need to know about your homosexual experiences.
    1 point
  21. Waste of time for a useless feature.
    1 point
  22. It is downloaded to your Pc, we're just saying that maybe there could be a launch button on the forum .
    1 point
  23. No i would rather have it downloaded to my computer it would run faster
    1 point
  24. Looks great! Keep it up! And the chat systems looks great too some akatsuki emblems
    1 point
  25. No, because you're supposed to ride regular skateboards.
    1 point
  26. Administrator has been banned for violating forum rule #1.
    1 point
  27. You are now forever in debt to me ;o
    1 point
  28. I failed he five minute challenge. :'( took me ten. I feel I nailed the trunk, so pointers on the leaves and shadow at the bottom of the tree will be greatly appreciated, as well as a Gold star from me to your account. :lol:
    1 point
  29. here is your lead programmers official tree this is why i am a programmer lul
    1 point
  30. It looks like it has down-syndrome. .___.
    1 point
  31. Not every former GOA'er should have this opportunity.
    1 point
  32. Probably the most strangest thing ever. Some guy makes a joke online and appearantly someone tracked him down and incarcerated him. On the story behind it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc_4XpbK72o Petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/release-my-son-justin-carter-in-jail-for-a-facebook-comment
    1 point
  33. The reason that it's such a big deal, even if you don't do anything wrong, is that if you do something the government doesn't like, illegal or not, they do everything in their power to take you down. In the past the U.S. government has arrested and destroyed lives of CEOs and others who were not willing to send them their customer's information. Let's say you piss off the government, well they happen to have recorded every phonecall you've ever had, every text message, and every email for quite a while. They use everything they can to scrutinize and cherry pick details out of the things you say. For example, in one text message you were talking to your buddy and you said "The club last night was the bomb". Now the government uses that sentence to say you're a terrorist who planted a bomb in a nightclub. While many people think that it's incredibly silly and who could ever believe such a thing, it does happen, and it will continue to happen. Just take a look at two recently arrested young adults. One of them arrested for making a sarcastic facebook comment, he was talking to someone about league of legends and was called crazy, then makes a sarcastic comment about shooting up a school and eating baby hearts with an lol jk at the end, and he's been arrested. There's also the kid recently arrested for making sarcastic comments in runescape of all places. Someone was being a piece of shit, told him to kill himself, and his reply was basically he would take out everyone in school with him. Despite not having the knowledge, equipment, or capability to even pull it off he gets arrested anyways. I did read a story not too long ago but am unable to find it at the moment where a guy who actually did absolutely nothing wrong, and had nothing to hide, was being mistakenly targeted by the government. From what I remember the guy ended up being in jail for months and was facing up to 8 years in prison or something. Again, the government was cherry picking all of his calls and emails and everything about him to see that he is taken down. Coupled with the fact that people in general are dangerous, shady, and use what power they have as an advantage, do you really think people like that don't exist in the government? I guarantee that there are those in the government who use their spying capabilities for all sorts of reasons. Spy on their girlfriend/wife, neighbor, competition, whoever. Regardless if it's for money or some kind of advantage I have no doubt that happens as well. Edit* Why doesn't the government just let the guy go knowing they fucked up? That's an easy one to answer. The government doesn't apologize because they never think they're wrong, even if they know it. They believe an apology after making a mistake is a sign of weakness and want everyone to think they are and can do whatever they want. On July 3rd 1988 the United States shot down an airliner, Iran Air Flight 655, killing 238 Iranians, 13 Arabs, 10 Indians, 6 Pakistans, 6 Yugoslavians, and 1 Italian, 66 of those people were children. They mistaked the plane for something else and since never apologized.
    1 point
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