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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2013 in all areas

  1. The History of Nin Online More images coming soon.. Introduction Nin Online's history dates back to 2006. This was the year which I decided I wanted to make a Naruto online game. What made me want to do it? During one long holiday back in 2006, I started watching the early episodes of Naruto and I was really obsessed with it. I was sure that there must have had been an MMO based on this world. I knew that It was too good a concept to not have one based on it and sure enough, I was right. At the time, there were two projects attempting what I would soon find myself doing. They were NarutoQuest and NarutoRealm. The latter being the game project created by Robin, who I'll talk more about later on. After realizing that none of these were released, I decided why not make my own! So I googled "MMORPG Maker" and found a Visual Basic 6 engine called "Konfuze" to use, I started learning to do my own graphics badly, opened a forum and which became the rise of.. 2006: Naruto Project Back then, I gave the game a working title. It was called "Naruto Project". The graphics the game was based on was mostly edited from other sources, graphics released into the public domain, and even rips from another Naruto game project back then known as NarutoQuest. The game was based on a really crappy engine, which back then I was modifying and programming on. I was really bad at pixel art or any form of graphics for that matter. Suprisingly, the game gained a large amount of attention. Though the Internet was a much different place back then, and there wasn't any good Naruto BYOND games released at the time. Early 2007: Hidden Villages Online I renamed the game to "Hidden Villages Online" abbreviated as HVO. The game was still really bad, based on the same horrible engine. The graphics slowly improved as people pointed out the faults with the game's graphics and I started working on them. The game was starting to shape up, it saw a release at one point, the server was hosted "24/7" by a guy who volunteered to do it on his VPS. It saw constant downtime due to the server files being unstable and buggy. I eventually decided to close the server and rework the game entirely. I was a dumb kid, and after receiving a few fake C&Ds, I decided it would be best to throw aside the Naruto theme and make it a purely "Ninja" online game. Mid 2007: Hidden Villages Online: Inochi Yes, I did a sequel to a game which was barely ever released or known to anyone. Inochi means "Life" and the reason I added that into the title, which seemed to make sense at the time, was because I was going to focus the game on the living aspects of the game, like being a civilian. I'm not sure how I expected this to work out, and so the idea never lasted. Late 2007 Nin Online This eventually came to be the title i stuck with for the next 6 years. it grew onto me, it was my game - the game I just had to make - from that point on. I continued using the graphics from Hidden Villages Online: Inochi. The game was going to be less about civilian life, and more about Ninjas. The game also lost a huge part of its fan base when it became a ninja online game and I almost entirely left out anything related to Naruto. Because of this, my motivation to create Nin Online literally vanished one day. I hated everything I did in terms of planning and graphics that point. Early 2008: A Short break I took a long break from working on Nin Online, I started working on a few other projects and because of one of them I met Robin the creator of NarutoRealm, one of the games that inspired me to start making games and what was back then known as Naruto Project. One day, I pitched to Robin, to bring Nin Online and Naruto Project back as one project. He agreed, and we started working on an amazing project. We had a large, active community with thousands of members. Late 2008-2009: Nin Online remake 1 Nin Online started off with whole new graphics. They were good at the time, and I was finally grasping how to make really good, solid graphics, thanks to working with Robin who had an eye for these things. The game project's development dragged on for over a year without seeing a released. This was due to both Robin and I having really busy schedules. Initially, because I was studying at the time, I was working on the game a few days a week, which soon became just the weekends, and slowly.. progress just stopped there. The game's graphics was constantly being reiterated by myself, and I spent so much time redoing the graphics just as Robin had spent a lot of the time rewriting the game engine (for the better). But because of this, the development never made substantial progress. The community was large, active and filled with enthusiastic members. But eventually, my graphics skills improved too far that I despised all the work I had done up until that point. The game died in 2009 with a long apology to all our followers. But I promised that Nin Online would be back, better one day. June 2013 to Today: Nin Online Yes, it took 4 years. But I improved a hell lot since then. I'm determined this time to create a game fast, to get a release early, and work our way up from there. Nin Online has always been on my mind since that day in 2009. I missed the project, wanted to work on it again, but every time the idea of bringing Nin back came to mind, I felt it wasn't the right time. I was waiting on a good game engine to be released, one which Nin would be perfect on. But then I realized, there is not going to be a better time to make Nin online than now. I started making graphics for the new Nin online. Day after day, I just kept making these graphics with one goal in mind - release a game. I was determined that I would learn to code the game myself as well.. But that's when I met Whack/Eddie. At first, when I posted around forums for any interested programmers, I was looking for just anybody to take on the role. But this guy came in and blew me away. He is talented, hardworking and fun to work with. That's when we started getting online everyday to work together on. Lets see where we can take Nin Online from here
    4 points
  2. This suggestion deals with the distribution of the seven swords known has The Seven Swords of the Hidden Mist. The way this system works is with a point system. Keep in mind that not only is this point system for this event but it could also be integrated into other systems if we're to ever have multiple events in the game. Points To start off, I'll explain the point system. Each victory at the end of a tournament will earn you +1 point. Depending on where you stand on the list, you will have a maximum amount of points you can have. This is to help players who have a sword have too many points & be out of reach of other players getting their chance to be apart of the Seven Swordsmen. Maximum Points List No Sword - 2 points 7th Swordsmen - 4 points 6th Swordsmen- 6 points 5th Swordsmen- 8 points 4th Swordsmen- 10 points 3rd Swordsmen- 12 points 2nd Swordsmen- 14 points 1st Swordsmen- 16 points. Non-Listed Players & Points Everyone starts out with 0 points of course. When you reach 2 points with no sword, you can then challenge the sword user with the 7th sword for his sword. For this fight, you'll be challenging him for his sword. If you lose, the swordsmen keeps his sword & you lose your points. If the non-swordsmen wins the fight, the swordsmen loses 2 points. If the 7th Swordsmen doesn't have 2 points minimum by the end of that fight, then he loses his sword. Note: The 7th swordsmen will be able to have a maximum of 4 points so he'll have 1 chance to keep his sword. Maximum Points List No Sword - 2 points 7th Swordsmen - 4 points 6th Swordsmen- 6 points 5th Swordsmen- 8 points 4th Swordsmen- 10 points 3rd Swordsmen- 12 points 2nd Swordsmen- 14 points 1st Swordsmen- 16 points. Non-Listed Players Everyone starts out with 0 points of course. When you reach 2 points with no sword, you can then challenge the sword user with the 7th sword for his sword. For this fight, you'll be challenging him for his sword. If you lose, the swordsmen keeps his sword & you lose your points. If the non-swordsmen wins the fight, the swordsmen loses 2 points. If the 7th Swordsmen doesn't have 2 points minimum by the end of that fight, then he loses his sword. Note: The 7th swordsmen will be able to have a maximum of 4 points so he'll have 1 chance to keep his sword. Listed Players & Points The listed players will be the players who have a sword, the Swordsmen. Pretty much the same thing will apply to the swordsmen as the non-listed played, the difference is they they'll basically only be able to challenge each other according to their points. 7th Swordsmen will only be able to challenge the 6th Swordsmen. He can either challenge the 6th Swordsmen or keep his points & save them in case he gets challenged by another person for his position as the 7th Swordsmen. This next part applies to only the 'listed' players, in other words, the Seven Swordsmen but this deals with their position in the Swordsmen. If you're the 7th Swordsman, you don't have anybody else to swap weapons with. But if you're the 1st position Swordsmen, you're allowed to challenge any other Swordsmen to swap weapons with theirs. They'll put not only their swords on the line but also the 2 points that I mentioned earlier in my post, so in other words, they'll be putting their position on the line. The Swordsmen & Points For being listed, you get your title as a Swordsmen & you get your sword. Below is a requirement for each sword, position (your title), and the points required in order to receive the next title. Swords Position - (Points to acquire sword) Kubikirib?ch? - 7th Swordsmen (2) Samehada - 6th Swordsmen (4 ) Nuibar - 5th Swordsmen (6) Kabutowari - 4th Swordsmen (8) Shibuki - 3rd Swordsmen (10) Kiba - 2nd Swordsmen (12) Hiramekarei - 1stSwordsmen (14) ?Note: I chose the order by random so don't worry about what order the swords are in. Challenging & Points As far as challenging a player goes, we don't want you to receive a sword & then get challenged immediately just to lose your sword shortly after. So for the 7th position, once you've acquired your first sword, I would suggest that they're 'immune' to getting challenged for the next couple of hours or minutes so that he can get used to the sword. Along with that, 7th position swordsmen, because he'll have more challenges then the rest will be allowed to decline 3 times maximum before the next tournament, after that he'll be forced to fight any fights that he is challenged. If a swordsmen had a fight already for his sword, he is allowed to decline fights for the next hour without penalty. Limitations & Points Along with having a sword, you should be an active player or else it wouldn't be fair to the other players who are looking foward to using the sword. Everyone should get their chance at the sword if they're worthy of the sword. So for that I would also suggest there being limitations as to the maximum amount of points you can have (as I've established before) as well as participating in the tournaments whenever they're hosted. Failure in participating in a tournement will deduct 1 point from you. This will apply to listed played only so that they're active players. If they ever end up losing their sword by inactivity, it shouldn't be a big deal, just earn the sword again. That's what'll make this event on-going & really fun in the end.
    4 points
  3. As many of you already know there isn't a lot of images on Kirigakure, so far what I have found are these. I'll keep updating this post with progress. Village map- Scene- Kirigakure CBD- Training ground/ overlook- A hill with an misty view of Kirigakure. Great place to fight with good scenery. There are large rocks surrounding the area http://narutots.forumotion.com/f36-kirigakure-no-sato Kirigakure's architecture is composed of several cylindrical buildings, with the Mizukage's palace being the widest and the largest. Like its name, the village is surrounded by a thick mist, with several mountains in the background
    3 points
  4. I would assume that the devs prefer true teamwork to be a group of people who actually fight well together and complement one another. Adding a stat boost as a variable and calling it teamwork is kind of a bland way to go about it. There are those who know real teamwork, and the honey badgers who will throw their most powerful area of effect attacks at a single enemy, hitting several allies without even thinking twice.
    2 points
  5. I'd say that we owe you after all hard efforts you put in this game!
    2 points
  6. @ Take a look at this topic for some common questions:
    1 point
  7. Sadly I haven't gotten back into the FF games since FFXI (First FF game I played was X) and as the action was indeed a much faster pace than X, I just couldn't get into it as much as I wanted. Being honest I think it has a lot to do with X being the first FF game I played and enjoying it so much I prefered it or the another reason could been because I was adolecent to gaming I had no idea what was good or bad. Reading this topic of yours, Zach is making me seriously consider picking up the newest FF game that's out or more likely to happen is wait for XV and having a good ol' fashion go. Blitzball ftw!
    1 point
  8. inb4rory i like this idea
    1 point
  9. The game seems to be coded in VB from what I can tell from Whack's livestream. It might not work on a Mac, I would wait for a developer to respond to your query.
    1 point
  10. You should not answer questions you do not know the answer to. It greatly depends on the language the game is coded in, and if the devs even want to make it compatible with Macs. Honestly, worst case scenario, just use wine. It lets you run windows applications on macs.
    1 point
  11. Then he doesn't have to use them. Stop sucking for perks Aido, we can all see through you.
    1 point
  12. I remember seeing those older graphics from time when you worked with Robin. I was blown away . I started as you, wondering if there is naruto online game and then I found your game and several other projects. I decided to make my own online game and googled "free MMORPG maker" which brought me to eclipse/touchofdeathforums and then here, back to the start.
    1 point
  13. @Hermit I've already took all that into consideration. Went through a few BMR, calrorie caculators, etc. My nutritiion is all set and planned until December '13.
    1 point
  14. Max out pushups, I'm talking have a pillow or do this shit in the grass because you gotta do this till you don't feel your arms not "k that seems like enough". After you finished run to your bed and have porn open already. You'll notice that your arm moves super fast and feels like a feather when you fap. I normally do like 15 sets of this throughout the day.
    1 point
  15. @Hermit I have a mixed one. Whey, Caesin, etc. Though I use it for it's purpose. It is a supplement. I eat a good amount of my protein in lean chicken breast
    1 point
  16. Who works out at 2am and 4am? This is too much loll... Pic is me two years before the army. [pic removed]
    1 point
  17. I could buy your family.
    1 point
  18. We don't need to know about your homosexual experiences.
    1 point
  19. I think if you earned your sword you should keep it, Sucks for the people who lost or were to late to join the tournament but it should be announced when it would be hosted. But I also agree on earning your title but your pretty much earning it if your fighting 100+ to gain 1 out of the 7 swords. It's pretty much fair, only way I would say you could lose it is by death(perm-death) I'm not sure if their will be a permanet death system which will send you somewhere into a mysterious world waiting to come back to life after a certain time limit. But if that was added then yes you could lose the sword from their. Meh maybe my idea was stupid maybe not -shrugs-
    1 point
  20. I believe that if you say beforehand, "I'm going on vacation for a week or two, I'll be back afterwards.", it shouldn't be like, sucks, your sword is gone.
    1 point
  21. Ah, another fellow Youth. Welcome to the forums.
    1 point
  22. Welcome to the Nin Online Young One, hope you enjoy the Game when it come's out and our interesting Community
    1 point
  23. I just thought of something that could be useful. A bug reporting system that could either be in-built, or a subforum dedicated to reporting bugs when the game is released.
    1 point
  24. I would find a way to go Rogue if I was placed in Leaf...and if that wasn't possible I would just stick my head into the ground and keep it there until it became possible.
    1 point
  25. Aido's Suggestion Log #1 The Konoha Village Hello everyone, this is just a Suggestion Log to help the Developers by suggesting detailed plans on the forum to help the Developers.So hear me out all the way, I have basically organized this log very well, like I will do with any other Suggestions Log I do, so it's possible to come back and view this Log as pleased. I plan on making up to two to three a week based on what the Administrator need. The Konoha Village Preview This is a preview of the Leaf Village based on the Anime.. Things you notice is how close most of the buildings are in the populated areas I guess you can say near the Hokage Building, there's a building on top of the Hokage Monument which is an Archive Library, a main road which is a trail from the Konoha Main Entrance to the Hokage Building. The Konoha Village Map These are Several Maps of the Konoha Village that I found on Google, hopefully you will start to think more about the village after you see them too. Notice how some state where some of the Clan Neighborhoods are located. The Locations in the Village Here are a couple of Buildings that should be included into the Konoha Map varying from Mandatory Buildings like Hospital and Ninja Academy to stuff that hasn't even been though of like Ninja Tool Weapon Shop. Gate Entrance (Main Gate, Minor Left Gate, Minor Right Gate)Hokage MonumentNinja AcademyIchiraku RamenHokage MansionJounin Standby StationYamanaka Flower ShopHot SpringsAviaryHospitalCemeteryArchive LibraryVarious Training GroundsVarious Division Headquarters (ANBU, Police Force, Intelligence)Ninja Tool Weapon ShopMelee Weapon ShopTrap Mastery Weapon ShopArmor ShopClothing ShopHair SaloonVarious Dining-In RestaurantsApartmentsVarious Clan NeighborhoodsUchiha Hyuuga Akimichi Nara Aburame Senju Sarutobi Yamanaka Shimura Hatake InuzukaThe Preview of the Konoha Village These are several different views of the Konoha Village to learn how to construct the village. Well, that's all for this Suggestion Log! Stay tuned for more coming tomorrow or the day after. Remember, these are daily suggestion logs, but i'm still trying to think of what else could be included in this MMORPG, so it might not become a frequent ordeal. If any Developer wants me to do any specific categories you are welcome to ask me via Skype Messenger. Regards, Aido
    1 point
  26. Didn't realize Konoha ranks held weight after Roi's term.
    1 point
  27. Hi everyone, My alias is Crosswise! I've already gotten to know a few of you, and some I knew prior to joining (Stylishninja and Rory) It's a pleasure to be part of the Nin Online community; the game is looking great so far and I'm very excited to see the finished product. I'm 23 years old, a gym addict, and a weekly reader of the Naruto manga. Best character of all time? Strangely, I knew Rory (a little) from another MMO that he and I played: GhostX. He started up a website for our crew which was very classy and convenient for me on which to compile several user guides, and this board is looking even more aesthetic! I have the great honor and responsibility of being the first forum moderator for Nin Online, but I know you guys won't be breaking the rules anyway. Once again it's nice to meet you all, and feel free to ask any questions. Crosswise
    1 point
  28. For an aspiring Hokage and up-and-coming role player such as yourself, striving to improve the grammatical structure of your writing is of paramount importance. Here are some things I noticed in that post alone. [*]When referencing an idea that can be counted or itemized, use the word fewer instead of less. There are fewer silver-ranked members; they are less common. When using a two-part adjective (like I just did), separate them with a hyphen. Instead of saying "silver rank members," say "silver-rank members." Saying "silver-ranked members" is also acceptable; however, always use a hyphen unless the adjective pair comes after the subject: "Members who are silver rank(ed)."The following sentence is a comma splice. "Pretentious children have no place in the court of a noble, you are better off trying to troll each other." You should separate these two thoughts with either a semicolon or a period.Depending on the style of writing one prefers, all numbers from zero to ten or from zero to one hundred should be written out as words rather than numbers. It is grammatically incorrect to say "5 GOA members." You should instead say, "five GOA members." Again, whether you choose to start using Arabic numerals after ten or after 100 is optional. See what I did there?Lastly, maintain consistency in your regional terminology and spelling. Words like behaviour and flavour are acceptable, but be sure not to switch back and forth with behavior and flavor. Since you are a resident of the United States, my personal recommendation is to stick with the latter examples. I hope this was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.
    1 point
  29. Absolutely love this show , cant wait for the next season
    1 point
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