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Dear Shinobi, To all the newcomers on the board, welcome to Nin Online Community! To those returning from old times, welcome back to the community. Nin Online is a 2D Online RPG game based in the Naruto Universe. The game was originally announced in Est. 2006 but was cancelled in 2008. We're back and will be releasing the game very early. More information on this below.. Picking up where we left off! We've decided not to use the assets or engine we created years ago. We've completely started anew, and in the past 2 weeks of development. We did some crazy things! In many ways, we're already ahead of the progress we had when we last left off. Where's Robin and who is this handsome new programmer? His name is Eddie aka. Whack. He'll be taking over Robin as the full time programmer of Nin Online. Robin is busy programming a C# engine in his free time, which is going to revolutionize everything again. He is a competent, talented, fast and hardworking crazy-ass programmer whose coding can keep up with the speed I create graphics at. I'll let him introduce himself to the community below. Q: Naruto fan-games just don't work and this will never happen! A: We beg to pardon. We'll be aiming for a very early release. We've set a tentative launch date, and for now let's just say it's sometime in late July 2013. Which means you have about a month to get ready for Nin Online! This version we release will most likely have very little content for you to play with. We will still be building the world you will eventually play through the storyline, build your own stories and make new friends in, along with cool weapons, jutsus and all kinds of content. But we will open up the server to everyone, so that you can experience the development of the storyline, give us your feedback, and generally help us make the game ready for a full release soon afterwards. Q: Can I play as Sasuke (he's my favorite character in the game)? A: Why Yes! I'm glad that you asked. In fact, upon reaching our character creation screen, you will be given the choice of two characters. Naruto or Sasuke. Everyone will either be a orange-haired demon fox bijuu or the last of the Uchiha clan. I'm kidding. In Nin Online, you play as yourself in the Naruto universe, you path your own destiny and make friends and enemies along the way. Though we plan to launch with only the Leaf village as a playable choice, some players will choose to become Missing-nins, Syndicate ninjas who kill others for bounties. Some may choose to join the Anbu forces. A large amount of people will want to become Hokage. We'll talk about how we plan to choose each role, and the term you will serve as the village leader soon! We'll have more information on the game coming soon. For those who don't believe we'll be releasing in July.. BELIEVE IT! Regards, Rory1 point
Whack's Development Log #2 Ninja Creation! Hi everyone, I'm glad to see the community growing rapidly! This is my second development log, and as you may of noticed Rory has four already! How am I supposed to keep up with that guy? Haha, just kidding, anyways I'm doing this fast because I have to go out to a graduation party tonight, and I just got something done that made me want to tell all of you about our progress. Hair Color Selection Your ninja will be customizable in many different ways, one being hair color. So far there are 14 different hair types, seven for male and seven for female. For each hair, there is 27 different colors. Thats over 300 different combinations from hair alone! Here is a sneak peak of the ninja customization screen! As you can see, there will also be 27 different eye colors to choose from, as well as your starting shirt and pant color. All players will start out as an Academy Student, and progress from there. I am extremely impressed by the amount of work Rory has put in, and I am definitely feeling confident that we will meet our schedule for Nin. The two of us work fantastic together, and I can't stress that enough. Our chemistry as high as it can get! Thanks for reading, and hopefully this makes you more excited for the July release of Nin Online! Regards, Whack1 point
I tried to make this as quick, and straight-forward as possible. In-Game Library: Contains important forum posts and info about the game/players. It could be connected to the forum for real-time update, when things are edited. Real-time fighting: Brings fast-paced action to your fights and forces players to focus on hitting their target, as opposed to the usual, turn-based combat of many MMOs.(Think Tera or GetAmped2) Interactive Enviornments: Able to click on almost any object in-game and get a mini description of each. (Think Pokemon) Elemental Advantages/Disadvantages: Water beats Fire, Fire beats Earth, Earth, etc. Destructible Enviornments: Your attacks have a chance to affect the environment around you. A player shoots a fireball jutsu at another player, but misses and hits a tree. That tree would catch fire and would eventually spread to other nearby objects. Roleplay-Based: Nuff said lol Remove levels, but keep ranks: Ranks would give you faster access to things like; better payment from missions, reduced training times to rank up skills, and other nice benefits one should get from achieving such feats-while still keeping it fair and balanced for lower ranks. Gear: If there are stats on gear, allow players to still where whatever they want, whilst retaining the same stats. Allow ways for players to be perma killed: Adds both fear and appreciation for their character. Jutsu Creator: Adds originality to the players. Teaching Jutsu: Jounin could teach their students jutsu after doing certain tasks to unlock, but would have to have a loooong cooldown and other abuse-free things. Player Housing. Player-Ran Shops: Player can rent out buildings/stands around the map to sell goods. Professions: Similar to that of Runescape or Mabinogi. Character Bio Section: Organized by Village and Rank. RP Stories Section: Players can record their RP experiences. Training: Instead of grinding levels, you would train your skills by practicing on logs or each other :} Ninja Info Cards: These could be used for the player cards. Thought it would be kinda neat lol1 point
Sup, I'm Shoru. And. . . I'm going to be the best "Uchiha" on this game. Thank you for your time! P.S *coughs* best uchiha ever *cough* @ Ashino.1 point
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They could be for Easter eggs or world puzzles that would give you small hints that you would put together, to eventually lead you to the location of a summon, jutsu trainer, or rare item. Alright, so based on my experiences with other RPGs, both Naruto and not, all focused too much on stated gear and leveling, hindering player RP and interaction, because the players were all too preoccupied with trying to out level each other, instead of RP. My idea would be to remove levels, similar to Age of Wushu, and force players to explore new places to find new jutsu, weapons, and masters. Along with a chance of perma-death, players would be forced to squad up and never venture too far alone. To supplement the need for leveling, players could be given a skill point of some sort over x amount of time to purchase skill upgrades. These upgrades would be like a talent tree, where players could have a choice of specializing in Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, or Taijutsu. Additionally, you could specialize in Healing, Sensory, or Kenjutsu, but you could also obtain these through other means, in a respectively weaker version. I was also thinking about having players actually train themselves like target practice, using training dummies, or just using Taijutsu on logs, Rock Lee Style. By doing these training sessions, players would periodically gain skill levels on the particular skill they are working on. Ex: When one first gets a scroll on how to perform shuriken jutsu, their accuracy and efficiency will be considerably low, nearly ineffective, but as they train it on dummies, it will level up, and eventually, they will be able to hit their target nearly every time. Ranks would just have faster rates at obtaining such things,still allowing lower ranked players to be on the same players as higher ranked ones-sorta. LOL I literally was about to write about a shirt not being able to give you super strength. I was thinking if a player dies more than a handful of times over a certain period, they will perma-die. Additionally, there could be a challenge button that players could request to another, like the WoW dueling, except the loser perma-dies. Killing would only be for RP purposes, and anyone that gets ganked could report it on the forum and have the perpetrator dealt with. I was thinking about things like skinning livestock, to create clothes to sell to other players, mining and blacksmithing to create weapons, cooking, and fishing. It would probably be best to PM you an example, don't want to advertise lol1 point
Yeah, i am pretty sure this game will rocks, also, my brother will play too1 point
I want to be Hokage, not because of the rank, not because of the power, but because i get to live in that badass building.1 point
They could just visit the forum Yeah, we have a real-time combat system. The only problem is that we don't know yet if lag will be a big issue. We will have interactive environments, but not to the extent you want. I don't really see the purpose of wanting to know about a certain street fence or crack in the floor. Unless it has hidden purpose, for a mission for example. This we'll try to include. This has been suggested, we have it planned As much as I wish we could have this, most of the environment will be static. It's too big a feature for us to include in the short term. Yup! Both systems will exist together. Levels are the best way we can balance things like stats, equipment, etc. While rank will be mostly for RP purposes. If you can elaborate more on your idea and how a purely rank based system would work, with other features like stats and jutsus, that would be good. The purpose of most gear will mainly be visual. Except for weapons. So this won't be much a problem. I don't think a red shirt and a green shirt should give you any combat advantage if you know where I'm coming from. I'd love for this, I just would hate to see all the disappointed players. Maybe if you character faints in battle too many times? Need more ideas on how this would work, and not suck for an unlucky player. I don't want a 0.1% chance to permadie. I'd wish for this, but it's too hard a system for us to consider at this point. I like this will look into it more. I've been thinking about this myself. But I'm still thinking of how it would work. It won't be in any early releases though! Definitely! something I'd love to have. What kind of professions? Cooking? Fishing? I think a link from each in-game player to their forum account with their character Bio would work? Totally! I'll add this when we have a stable release!1 point
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There should be a think command for roleplayers for more roleplaying experience! That's actually all i can say not much of an idea but just a minor.1 point
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