• Issues on Medical Jutsus and suggestions


    Report of some description issues on medical jutsus and some suggestions that i notice


    Steps to reproduce issue:

    1. Bugged chakra description on Cursed Seal: cursed seal earth icon insteadspacer.png
    2. Would be also interesting create a new jutsu icon for Flash Flicker Jutsu, atm the same of Flicker Jutsu
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    4. Chakra Scalpel Jutsu wrong description on max lvl, saying it's for 45sec when is actually 60secspacer.png
    5. Status Extraction Jutsu makes sense but almost unused, once debuffs has no significant damage and most ppl ignore it. I suggest to add an immunity to debuff after it cleanses over 2 seconds

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    7. Also noticed that all charms has the same animation, think would be nice to add different match color for every buff animation, like: Green-Taurus Blue-Virgo Gray-Capricorn Red-Pisces instead all red as it is rn

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    9. Can not run/walk while Guild window is toggled on, think it's possible for all others shortcut windows.

    10. Make an hand animation just like all other jutsus for Summoning Jutsu too

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      Would be nice to upgrade the hitting animation while Chakra Scalpel is active, using only punches to attack instead kicks and punches.

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    14. Player sprites bug from time to time idk why just happens, and it blinks, on and off

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    16. Suggest an upgrade for Cursed Seal Mark and Hundred Healing Mark sprites. Making the sprites to show under clothes instead over them.

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    18. For roleplay purposes only, add voice on jutsu casts, pronouncing the jutsu to be casted at the moment the key is pressed. Making an config optional stuff to be enabled/disabled and heard only by the player.

    19. Suggest to add a confirmation window when clicking "Abandon Mission" because if u missclicked like i just did, ur screwed. (happened to village most wanted mission (leaf)).

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