Let It Snow 2017


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Dear Ninja,

It's that time of year again! Last year, right before closing our Alpha and launching into Beta, we made it snow throughout the world (which was at the time, just the Leaf village and it's surroundings). We've come far since then, and with the addition of the Sand village and the Missing Ninja village, Takumi village, we need a place to come together as one to celebrate!

To visit the Hidden Village of Joy, where you can win time exclusive rewards just by playing Nin Online, talk to the Holiday Event NPC in the center of each village. There are 4 prizes to win in total.

I hope you all enjoy the first big holiday event, and have a great end of year celebration with your friends and family!

Gold War Armor (Limited Edition)

PS: Nothing to do with the holidays, but there's a new time-exclusive war armor now available in the Cash Shop!
Credit to @Caio for the suggestion :)

Happy Holidays!

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