Alpha Test 2 - Closed Test Phase


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The process is as follows.


1. Download the latest Client available to you.


2. Install the game by double clicking the client.


3. Follow the Installation Wizard that comes up.


4. After installation check and see if the game is working, if it is you're finished, stop here.


////Run Time Errors///


5.Make sure the game client is closed.


6. Go to your program files and locate the Nin Online Folder.


7. When inside the Nin Online folder, click bin and locate the Runtimeinstaller.


8. Double-Click the file Runtimeinstaller and follow the installation wizard. 


9. Let it finish and restart the game using the game's launcher. 


10. Play the game!

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lollolol watch the server be under maintenance until normal member release LMAO


and @Garu Jinsei all you did was run aroun..not anything new..not much of suspense for a "trailer"...good effort though..

A simple thank you would be nice, I mean I made this for you guys. 

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