Ninja Bios


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Ninja Biography Guidelines
How to get started with your ninja biography for Nin Online!


What is a Ninja Biography?

Your ninja biography is a write up of the tale of your ninja in Nin Online. It lists details about your character and sums up his past for others to read. While playing the game, you will encounter many players, some of which you will be interested in learning more about. You will be able to visit his ninja biography when you target him.

Why do I need one? Is it compulsory?

It really depends on how you want to play Nin Online. If you are simply into going around exploring the missions, and don't intend to interact with the community as much or join any Roleplay Events. You may choose not to create one. You may also decide to write one up much later, before you participate in your first Roleplay Event - the Chunin Exams. The Chunin Exam is a bi-monthly Roleplay Event held by Game Masters, where you get to pit yourself against other players and decide who ranks up in the game!

How should I start writing my Ninja Biography?

It is not the only way, but I would recommend that Instead of modelling your game character after your ninja biography, you may instead write up your story and describe your character after you have created him and decided how you want to play him in Nin Online. For example, you should leave out things which you haven't decided or attained from your biography, and only add them in once you have obtained them in the game.

I want to be an Uchiha, with Fire Element Chakra Nature, A legendary sword called "easdasd" etc.

You shouldn't mention things that aren't true or you are unsure you will ever be able to do. You should only roleplay things that are believable for the time being.

What happens when your character outgrows his/her biography? For example, he was a leaf ninja but then becomes a missing nin.

For the time being, please write you biographers as a Leaf Ninja, because that's where everyone is going to start. In future, once you become a missing ninja or anything happens that makes your biography "outdated", put everything you have written into a Spoiler Tag and label it "Chapter I: Academy Student Beginning" for example. This way, your entire biography will tell a long tale of your beautiful ninja character.

Biography Format
Things to include in your profile. I have marked the things which you can include anytime as they as regular options in the game, and things which are not a 100% obtainable at the moment or that you cannot guarentee you will have. Please do style it any way you like!

Include at anytime but optional
Include at anytime
Include when you have obtained it

Insert Ninja Photo/OC Design/Appearance here

Full character name - Eg. Eren G. Swagger or Taki Ikaga

Male/Female etc.


Only the Leaf Village is available at the moment.

Eg. Anbu, Jounin, S-Class Missing Nin etc.
Should always be Academy student for a start.


Hair Color:

?Eye Color:



Blood Type:

There will be an in-game time & date system, so this will be a fun roleplay element.

Chakra Nature:
Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water

Signature moves: 
Insert Ninjutsu, Taijutsu move etc. here.
For eg. Rasengan, Chidori, Katon no Jutsu.

Eg. Taki Is a very Spunky girl. She likes going for walks.

Likes & Dislikes: 
Taki likes Takoyaki and Ramen.
She dislikes cakes and pasta.

Eg. Skipping Stones, Killing frogs for fun.

Eren G. Swagger was born in a rural area of Konoha and was raised by dogs on the street.


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@Rory  Que pasara con los usuarios de otros paises, por ejemplo yo soy de colombia, y si hacen el examen chunnin obviamente no podre asistir por el horario, ¿Como hago para pasar el examen chunnin?



edit:What happens to users from other countries, for example, I'm from Colombia, and if they chunnin examination obviously not be able to attend on the schedule, how do I pass the Chuunin Exam?

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My Bio is still to legit  B) but as far as being from the leaf goes HA! I would never xD I'll just pose like I migrated there or something or will probably just wait til Oto comes out but if there is no Oto release guess I would have to go with Kiri  <_<  It's either Oto then stay true or Kiri and go missing.

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From the looks of things my character is still Legit since I based him off my Nin Online Char after I get level 100 ^_^

Well, lets see. You have 4 elements right out the back, not legit since not even at lvl 100 can you have 3. Also, having your skills maxed, as we've discussed is impossible. With 5 points every level and 5 stats, the most you can have is 100 in each which is 1/5 so not max :p

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From what I've been told, the game will use your forum name as your character name. A lot of people don't have the same forum name as their intended character and name changes are disabled at the moment. So that brings up the question, will people be given a chance to change forum names at the "real" launch, or is it going to cost people $20 to pick a character name?

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From what I've been told, the game will use your forum name as your character name. A lot of people don't have the same forum name as their intended character and name changes are disabled at the moment. So that brings up the question, will people be given a chance to change forum names at the "real" launch, or is it going to cost people $20 to pick a character name?

Everyone will get a free name change when the time is right. Also your ingame name is not your forum username, it's your display name, so changing will be done through the forum.
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