Regarding Mental Health


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Honestly thought this was another "my life is horrible" post from Rory about mental health. Still garbage anyway.

Instead of telling the community how to "behave". Why not actually release content isntead of those % off schemes you pulling.

"Hey guys you could curse but dont curse okay, life is too short to be negative"- Some random depressed finger tuter

Still hyped for Kirigakure in 2099, gonna be lit. Rumor has it fan revamp comes out the same time #fingerscrossed

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  On 10/12/2017 at 2:48 AM, Roxos said:

Honestly thought this was another "my life is horrible" post from Rory about mental health. Still garbage anyway.

Instead of telling the community how to "behave". Why not actually release content isntead of those % off schemes you pulling.

"Hey guys you could curse but dont curse okay, life is too short to be negative"- Some random depressed finger tuter

Still hyped for Kirigakure in 2099, gonna be lit. Rumor has it fan revamp comes out the same time #fingerscrossed


Bro, chill ma dood. The second line is totally uncalled for.

If I had to deal with the same shit that @Rory does on a day to day basis I would be pulling my hair out in frustration. Cut him a break lol

As for a lack of content, while that IS a bummer, they are waiting on a new engine to do certain things that will really make this game come alive again. That said, there are things to implement, and it is no doubt coming out slowly... But being a game developer is hard and very taxing on the human body AND mind.

I like this post of trying to be more positive and keep negativity out of the forums. HOWEVER, I do not deny that some situations regarding punishments and things said both on the forums and the discord by certain staff members is done unprofessionally. Now, keep in mind, that I love the game and the community and the staff team. I said the word "Communication" on the discord. One word and I got cursed out by an admin (I won't state who)... that's not a way to handle people, but all things considered, other people were trash talking the game (Their creation) and the staff team themselves so I DO understand why things were heated for them.

People are giving hate to Rory for him living his life... Yes, he is the creator and lead developer of Nin Online and I do believe that he could be spending more time both in-game and... well... developing :P BUT like I said, making games is hard, and he's been doing it since when... 2009? So I understand needing a break for a bit ESPECIALLY after the amount of hate from people that he is getting. Ask yourself, how would YOU feel if people bombarded you with slander all the time? How much motivation would you have to do nice things for those SAME people? 

That's all. In short, be nice to people (Like the original post said) and don't be an ass hat... nobody likes an ass hat. And leave the staff team alone haha Let them make their game instead of slandering them all the time.

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The irony in how this conversation went from what it was meant to encourage to a majority of individuals finding faults or situations to attack versus just remaining quiet if they have nothing positive to add to the discussion. @Rory even taking the time to respond back to some of these unnecessary replies should tell you how open he is trying to be with this community, and that is something not many game projects do.  I won't go on as to repeat what others have said but any more back and forth from this point on will result in a forum mute.  Enjoy the game! <3 

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  On 10/12/2017 at 6:08 AM, ReubenNick said:

The irony in how this conversation went from what it was meant to encourage to a majority of individuals finding faults or situations to attack versus just remaining quiet if they have nothing positive to add to the discussion. @Rory even taking the time to respond back to some of these unnecessary replies should tell you how open he is trying to be with this community, and that is something not many game projects do.  I won't go on as to repeat what others have said but any more back and forth from this point on will result in a forum mute.  Enjoy the game! <3 


Open? Lord Third, this isnt open. This is him backing his point to the end like he usually does even when he makes no sense

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My 2 cents are this, if you have mental health issues..  The internet is not a good place for you to be chillen, its a cold ruthless void that only attracts the worst out of people..  I suggest a healthy diet of smoking herb and trying to balance the imbalance in your brain..  



Dr Pervy Sage

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  On 10/12/2017 at 4:53 AM, Itachi Chinome said:

Bro, chill ma dood. The second line is totally uncalled for.

If I had to deal with the same shit that @Rory does on a day to day basis I would be pulling my hair out in frustration. Cut him a break lol

As for a lack of content, while that IS a bummer, they are waiting on a new engine to do certain things that will really make this game come alive again. That said, there are things to implement, and it is no doubt coming out slowly... But being a game developer is hard and very taxing on the human body AND mind.

I like this post of trying to be more positive and keep negativity out of the forums. HOWEVER, I do not deny that some situations regarding punishments and things said both on the forums and the discord by certain staff members is done unprofessionally. Now, keep in mind, that I love the game and the community and the staff team. I said the word "Communication" on the discord. One word and I got cursed out by an admin (I won't state who)... that's not a way to handle people, but all things considered, other people were trash talking the game (Their creation) and the staff team themselves so I DO understand why things were heated for them.

People are giving hate to Rory for him living his life... Yes, he is the creator and lead developer of Nin Online and I do believe that he could be spending more time both in-game and... well... developing :P BUT like I said, making games is hard, and he's been doing it since when... 2009? So I understand needing a break for a bit ESPECIALLY after the amount of hate from people that he is getting. Ask yourself, how would YOU feel if people bombarded you with slander all the time? How much motivation would you have to do nice things for those SAME people? 

That's all. In short, be nice to people (Like the original post said) and don't be an ass hat... nobody likes an ass hat. And leave the staff team alone haha Let them make their game instead of slandering them all the time.


They don't need a new engine to implement stuff that keeps you playing the game. And, why do you think people are giving him hate? Out of nothing? Absolutely deluded.

If he doesn't want to get hate then he should do something for the game. The new engine won't wipe out their current content, so stop acting like ''oh theyre waiting for the new engine''. 

''for a bit'' If we are talking about the un-excusable break he had/is having, then it's over 6 months already. ''im moving!'' no. And he did have breaks before, breaks that he in-fact was completely fine to have.

Nobody is slandering him, do you even know what slander is? And no, if he did his job in the first place instead of being a money-grabbing prick then MAYBE, MAYBE people wouldn't have hated on him.



All in all, I feel like Rory is definitely not a BAD guy in real life, in fact I expect him to be nice if I ever meet him (maybe he'll try to shake my hand like Ricegum), but my problem is that he is making THIS post when he has done the exact opposite of what he has said right now. I think Rory can be a cool guy, like yesterday he wasn't getting mad at people in the VoiceChat and even made fun of his own game and I am up to forgive him if he makes content and EARNS the money he is getting on Patreon and on Nin Online. It's not a case of ''oh shit i hate rory'', it's a case of ''this man is a hypocrite, he is cash-cowing his game''. I think the staff team is un-organised but I won't be getting to that. 

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