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Well I haven't seen one of these topic yet, I could be wrong but it could be interesting to see what people's intentions for being a part of this community are. I'd love to read you're comments/paragraphs and probably even your story to how you ended up at our gates.. As a Naruto Realm Veteran and long long long-time forum stalker of Nin-Online, I welcome you all to make a post or two in thread!

Let's get this started!

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Well I came here because of Whack. I was on Zeoworks looking around the forums and I saw a post called Nin Online. I clicked it and learned about this wonderful game. I instantly knew this was gonna be the one naruto game I could and would really get into. The community may not be too big but I can tell this is something special.

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Lol well, i was doing some boring course work on the basics of cosmetology, then i just happend to come along this game and i was really intrigued with the art work, and so i like to post my art on forums because i really want to get better and posting it here and getting feedback really boost's my ambition to become a great iconner, and plus i cant wait to play the game :)

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I used to play this game call ambea pico (Not a no life looser but it was fun)

Will when I played there was a group of people who pretend as ninjas and demons (I was a ninja)

Will it closed so i wanted another ninja game and I found this. ^.^

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Although I haven't been much into any other type of anime, I started reading/watching Naruto when it first began. I was intrigued by its premise and thought it would be awesome if there was a game similar or based on the anime. I found Naruto GOA and began playing that in 2008 off and on. I continued this until its demise a few weeks ago and was told that Nin Online was back up. I had followed a Nin Online and Naruto Realm a few years back. So here I am, waiting to see if this game will be a success and the naruto game for me

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