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OK, can we all just agree that it does not exist? I think that's a great thing to suggest for the game, seeing as how EVERY (BYOND, Play Station, other) game about Naruto makes it a 99% unstoppable, spammable, death ball. Also, if it is nerfed in any game, then it is too weak and rarely ever used. Naruto Manga would be better with Naruto actually knowing Fuuton than only Rasengan and clones (no arguement there, seriously).

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It will probably be in the game eventually, but like everything else, it would be balanced.

D: Are you sure you can handle that kind of effort balancing such a move?


I would like to see how it is done on Nin Online, as with anything, but I will remain doubtful. Nothing personal, of course! Just too many disappointments...

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1. Shouldn't doubt Rory ;) 2. Why so you say it's overpowered? It did really good on GOA until they decided to change how it worked after 5 years. But on the Xbox games, it's stupid, I hate it. But it can easily be balanced. It should be added to the Naruto games because its been in the show for a long time. Not the only reason of course but it isn't as strong as you think it is.

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I know what he means. On the ninja storm games, people always use to spam rasengan which was a pain in the a$$, especially Storm 2. You get hit, get back up, they teleport and use it again. The rasengan is made so fast and it moves so quickly, you need excellent reaction time to catch it. 

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Yea, I only made this topic to point out that every other game that I have played has a messed up Rasengan, so that it will be tested and balanced properly before it's made. I do have high hopes for this game though, so I'm pretty sure everything will work out fine! but the doubt lingers...

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Many jutsu's are way more overpowered than the Rasengan, I agree with Takezo it wasnt that bad in Naruto it was actually well balanced. Most people dont even buy the Rasengan or use it in other video games considering only 3 characters can use it. 



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Why do you have all this doubt over balance, when there really hasn't been much shown in regards to actual PvP or PvE? You're basing bias assumptions off of BYOND games and playstation/xbox games and trying to say there's a good chance it would be hard to balance? Come on now. There's multiple ways you can go about 'balancing' a games techniques and damage modifiers. an example of this would be, while you can increase your chakra regen and capacity, you can make certain jutsu (Forbidden/S rank jutsu) use a PERCENTAGE, which, would ignore the fact you've put 90% of your stat points into gaining naruto-like chakra reserves. So if you have 3,000 CP, and a normal Fire style jutsu like housenka no jutsu (phoenix flower) costs you something like 230 CP, you could say that using Rasengan (even though it shouldn't be that strong of a jutsu, since it's meh nowadays) could be like a flat 12% CP cost. So if you had 3k CP, it would cost YOU 360 CP, and it would cost someone with only 1k CP a whopping 120 CP. The damage can be modified based on your stat points, or it could also be flat damage... It's not really THAT hard to balance certain things, but like all things, it can be changed based upon feedback and testing. That was merely an example.

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@Tydon I get what you are saying, I was making the suggestion not to have itin at all due to how it has been in other games. I only say this because it seems like a very difficult move to balance in most game... (yes I am going to use BYOND Play Station w/e as examples BECAUSE I don't know how this PvP system works) I understand increase/decrease in drains is a good way to balance it, but the damage is what I'm concerned about.


These are just suggestions, no need to take what is said to heart.

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@Tydon I get what you are saying, I was making the suggestion not to have itin at all due to how it has been in other games. I only say this because it seems like a very difficult move to balance in most game... (yes I am going to use BYOND Play Station w/e as examples BECAUSE I don't know how this PvP system works) I understand increase/decrease in drains is a good way to balance it, but the damage is what I'm concerned about.


These are just suggestions, no need to take what is said to heart.


why is this discussion even being held?

you agree that you don't know the battle system, but you're afraid of it being unbalanced... WAIT and SEE, maybe it's the most perfectly balanced equilibrated stable system in the whole universe that has already gone extinct and it is still to come...

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The Rasengan was not made solely for plot convenience.... that statement holds no grounds with actual fact. If you can find a source that says otherwise, I'll stand corrected.


The Rasengan, like any other jutsu, is a technique, whether it be popular, or not. TBH, I believe the most popular jutsu by fan votes was something like Amaterasu or Susano'o. We could just say those are for plot convenience too, but it would be a bold faced lie. It's an iconic technique, yes... but to just leave it out, would be taking away from the spectacular array of different abilities that people CAN and SHOULD be able to learn, given they meet the requirements or are lucky enough to obtain it. Nobody said it would be easy to get. Jiraiya himself said it was a very hard technique to learn, and even naruto has to use a clone just to create it in a normal state. Jiraiya and Minato are exceptions... One is a LEGENDARY (Meaning, not very common at all... and of great reputation) Sannin, and the other is a former HOKAGE (Meaning, top of the shinobi pyramid of Konoha, also he's considered a genius born once every generation). Doubt everyone and their grandparents are going to be running around pretending to be the next Naruto.

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Balance won't really work with this game, there needs to be what is called "Perfect IMblanace."


Basically you don't want things to be perfectly balanced because that will lead to a bored and bland game. Imbalancing a game is good technique, though they have to be subtle and crafty, sorta like that "ooohhhh" feeling when you finally understand something. If you make Rasengan or Amaterasu something that can just be spammed, it's unfair. But then again, if you give it a cooldown of 10 minutes, that can also be unfair considering a fight will probably NOT even come close to lasting that long.


Balanced games create fixed strategies that become repetitive and annoying, and that can lead to the downfall of many games today. It in fact makes the game LESS strategic because one has to really have an amazing understanding of the game to create new ones and counter older ones - an example being Storm 2. A fixed strategy was to substitute then spam - all the jutsus were balanced but strategies were made that really made the game unplayable and not fun. It got better though with the sub-bars added in.


This game needs something called cyclical imbalance, and rather than explain it, I'll use an example.


Say that Rasengan is currently the best jutsu to use, and by best I mean it's better than the other jutsus. A bit faster to cast and gives out a bit more damage. Evidently, everyone is trying to learn Rasengan because it's the strongest. But then, someone learns that casting a water style jutsu causes the Rasengan to be countered. Suddenly, everyone goes for Water Style jutsus or they are in search of scrolls that cast this jutsu. But then, many realize that using a Chidori current will not only get rid of the water, but electrocute the player as well. So, then everyone goes for Chidori Current.


So, in reality, no one jutsu is stronger than other(that are equal in rank anyway), they have their strengths and weaknesses, that's perfect imbalances. I did reference this from a video I watched a few months back as well. 

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@thedigblackbick oh, that's what i would've called balance  :mellow: well if you say it's called "imbalance", idc (may even be called "balanzdroid"), as long it's tha same thing, meaning there's always a way to counter/ i.e. "being paired with the wrong enemy"


big cooldowns could be cool, maybe should be a little worked on, but it's like the idea of "using a jutsu for a limited amount of times during a fight". of course, 10min cooldown means you'll use it once (but oh well, if it consumes a lot of chakra, than it's the same... or maybe reduce cooldowns with lvl-ups)

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