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Medical Ninjutsu (possibly Gen/taijutsu too?)



I normally go with the medic, support/tank, types of characters with weak (but fast) offensive moves. I figure there will be medical jutsus added in, (as they are very important in the manga and every other game like this) but I figure some suggestions for moves, old and NEW would be good. Only things to keep in mind: Medic are mid-close ranged primarily, close to combat but not leading attacks, and have advanced chakra understanding without massive amounts of it utilizing every bit to the extreme. I played (for about 10 seconds HELL YEA! :D ) so I did not see how anything works, but I did see Nariko (fellow Nin Online forum user) post an idea about weapons and misc. items including Nara Clan Medical Encyclopedia. This would be a great idea for medics to have to 'study' to learn the jutsus (not literally this isn't med school, I hope!) and maybe find the books in the world (for example: Chiyo was in Sunagakure her books could be found by anyone, maybe) since these are very advanced and useful techniques. This is just an idea, feel free to suggest anything you want. ;)


List of techniques seen in Naruto (source: Narutopedia):


Mystical Palm Technique: The basic medic move every medic should have (also what makes them a medic) where the user, AND the target both stay still while the user heals at a constant rate. (not sure how stats of players works so rates would be on the makers I guess) This can of course be stopepd at any time to avoid attacks, but will take some time to activate giving an opening. I would say conversion of users chakra would be good at 1 chakra per 1 health point, but again I do not know how stats work. This can be used to repair tendons or whatever type of wounds (>> feel free to add your own ideas for wound types since this is kind of related <<) with ease, but only if the user understands how scalpels work. (not too sure on that, but hey...)*


Chakra Scalpels: This is the primary combat jutsu of Medical nins. It covers the users hands in chakra in such a way to be as sharp as a real scalpel. This can be used to cut through flesh, or if mastered(?) through flesh and armour for precision hits on tendons, arteries, etc. The amount of chakra and contro over said chakra would be stressful on the user and would be very difficult to be used succesfully, making the medic almost always need a bind or ally's assistance to successfully use. Even then the chances of it working would be low to make the game fair. (not sure if this is too much of a limit on scalpels effectiveness, it is a very powerful technique and the ability to sever important organs and tissue shouldn't be so easy as standing next to the target like in some games, IMO) The Strength of this technique should only vary on where you use it. This jutsu should probably not be just a blade you can slash the opponent up with, but if you prefer it that way, it wouldn't be all that strong, just very fast.


Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique: A VERY advanced jutsu seen in Naruto manga needing 4 trained medics to use and needed reserve medics to swap out due to the massive chakra useage. This jutsu would be very impractical in a fight requiring set-up and a lot of concentration. However, in a Role Playing screnario (Akatsuki(?), Bijuu attacks, Assassinations, Rouge ninjas, etc.) you could have a group resusitate someone. This would be only for players, or if you think using it on important parts of an Rp event (bad guy reviving or w/e) then go for it, could make it more intense if you have to focus on the bad guy and the medics healing him using this technique (I'm thinking an 8th Gate Event, maybe?). In PvP, however, I am not sure maybe after a fight villagers can revive someone on the spot instead of having them wait for respawn and be far away? Seems ok, especially if there is a large drain and amount of time to prepare the move with 2-4 people(?).


Chakra Rebirth Technique: This move basically causes the user to regen all health instantly after storing enough in a gem (Not sure if it should be on the forehead, but it should be visible to anyone so they know to dispatch of you quickly) of pure chakra. This will take time to make and requires complete understanding of all medic jutsu to learn, but can be brought anywhere once made (maybe having to make it everytime you use it or relog, not sure). This move should NOT make you invincible, from what I've gathered so far there seems to be no Over Powered moves in this game planned unless for Rp (hopefully) it can only be used the one time with a long delay (although I doubt anyone will try to charge a gem mid fight). Due to the fact that this move rapidly grows new cells in such a short time (almost instant) it should have repercussions such as: Slower Movement (short time after use then normal speed, and maybe faster?), Health Drain (very slow but enough to matter eventually stopping at 10% Health maybe and due to the fact that this move would be Op without it), and Weakeness (same as Slower Movement, maybe slowly getting stronger as if there were new muscles?). Maybe more, but these side effects would cause for a chance of beating the user back down before they can get to regular strength again, or possibly stronger.


Strength of a Hundred Technique: Lolololololol, no way this is Op no matter what. Maybe for Rp bosses (return of Kabuto :blink: DUN DUN DUUUUUN)? If the Chakra Rebirth Technique slowly increases the users strength from a weakened state, then there would be no need for this jutsu (the player gaining new muscle cells would cause this). This jutsu causes the user to basically tank everything and walk away clean at the cost of their life when they run out of the chakra that was used in Chakra Rebirth. It would require the use of Chakra Rebirth first, making it a time consuming process for the near invincibility. I just want to say again; Rp only, this would be crazy in someones hands.


Body Pathway Derangement: This move utilizes chakra in an electric state (so Raiton users only?) transfered from the user into the spine of the target. This causes a loss of contol (and I imagine hurts like crazy) of movement, possibly reversed arrow keys or mixed up randomly (whichever is easier, both seem fine) Ex: Up = Right, Down = Up, Left = Down, Right = Left. This should also cause weapons to be used on opposite hands (assuming we can dual wield?) and two handed weapons slower swing than usual. This move shouldn't be as simple as a tap like in Manga, it should be a process where you bind the target, allowing them to break free (not easy to do) and making you an easy target. One vs. one it would be a great technique to use, meaing not easy to master. Kabuto was able to figure this move out very quick (too qucik  :huh:) so it should be a timed effect lasting only for a while, maybe shorter with more understanding of Medic/Taijutsu(?).


Yin Healing Wound Destruction: This technique allows the user to prepare chakra in specific areas before an attack hits. This cuses the wound to heal faster and take less damage(?), This move would be hard to make, I would think, so maybe just allow the user to change chakra into health over time. This would be more powerful than Mystical Palm Tehcnique, as it allows you to charge chakra into any body part (Ladies.... ;) ) draining more chakra. Maybe this can be used to reduce damage of impact moves, and not Katon/AoE moves?


Cherry Blosom Violent Impact: This technique requires the user to charge chakra into their hand(s?), then slamming the chakra infused fist into the target/ground. This causes massive damage on impact, or moderate damage from shrapnel if used on the gound. Not much to explain here; Basically Sakura's Rasengan <_< ...


Too long; Didn't Read >>> READ: I'm probably missing something, but that's where the readers come in! Add anything you think is good. Add some twists like I did to make the jutsu balanced, or comment on my own tweaks to the jutsus above. I will check on this forum to add anything that doesn't exist in Naruto world, but probably should in this game as I play it. I hope this gets serious thought put into it Medics are pro and fun.


In closing, Genjutsu and Taijutsu medical jutsu. Who says it has to be just ninjutsu? Not me, that's for sure. Sadly I lack creativity for this (good ideas will probably hit me 3 years from now :lol:). So I look to the fellow.... forumers? Yea, forumers, sounds good. What do you think about this idea?



*I would like to think that this should be available to any player, but it should have limits to how much you can focus on Elemental/Genjutsu/Taijutsu and Medic, unless you guys decide anyone can be anything no limts (not a bad idea, most people stick with a few moves from what I have seen in Naruto games on BYOND, no matter how many they know) @Rory. Only issue here is; People can heal themselves with this technique (y/n) it would make sense,, but at the same time can give huge advanages in fights over people who don't have it. Solution: HUGE Chakra drains that will obviously be lower for players more focused in Medical jutsus than anything else.

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This is actually a good idea.  I was even thinking of posting a thread on the forums dealing with the different Chakara types and their jutsus.  I'm not into the medical but this seems well thought out.  Good stuff. We'll have to see what Rory says.

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I actually like some of the ideas. Helps give medics a fighting chance. It was a long post though. I took a break midway. The raiton-only technique would however, server as a disadvantage to non-raiton users. If there were unique elemental-medical jutsus for each element, then it would be fair and balanced. Good ideas all round though.

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Yea I was throwing question marks all over hoping someone would give me some feedback on those specific ideas. They are there to point out something that I'm not sure about. I agee the Raiton only move could be a big advantage. I just read it changes chakra into an electric state to shock nervous system and screw the nerves.

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I dont like this at all... some of these i dont see being added... some are basic.. Ill try to make a medic suggestion when I get the jutsu and see how they work in-game.

Nothing in particular that you don't like? These moves are just what I could find in Narutopedia with my own twists. If you want, you can post ideas here to make a good list of Medical Jutsu all in one topic, but either way, interested to see what your Jutsu would be like.


So far nothing on Gen/Taijutsu medic moves. I haven't given it much thought, tbh, but I would like to see some suggestions flowing ^_^. I will think up some of my own, and will hopefully have them up here soon.

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