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Dunno if this is possible, but maybe it'll be cool to have some sort of card game?

The one from Knights of The Old Republic PAZAAK comes to mind: Quick, easy, simple, fun. Based on very simple strategy, simple cards, takes only a few minutes per game etc.

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Promoting roleplay is always a hard thing to do, especially since people will want to grind up to level 50 and often seem to care about nothing else than gathering jutsu, weapons, power, instead of a good story-line. One of the ways i've used in the past is through an event and reward system. Yet players would have to be lucky for an admin/gm/host to be online. This also costs a lot of manpower, and tends to be unfair for those that do not run into GM occasionaly. 


Believe it or not, I have read through a lot of the content and saw a common thing return every time. I believe that I have enough reason to dig up a thread like this. ;)  People need distraction from pvp, other things to do, and stuff that's easy to implement and keeps players busy because the devs are busy on 2 million things already as we speak and have worked their butts off a long time ago, they now have no butts. 


I have roleplayed for over a decade and even while I LOVE it, the desire to get stronger is always present. I have read something about quests where you gain less exp, but get to chill inside of a spa. For a roleplayer like me, this is awesome, yet only in the situation where I would run into fellow nin. An idea I had was that these locations would be locked normally, and as soon as a player picks up the quest to assist in the spa/restaurant/hospital/etc. their village would get a message that these places would have opened up. Drawing players to the location of the RP, and possibly rewarding them a small portion of the exp. (Not completely viable in the hospital ofcourse, because it's always open, but it's still a cool place to draw the rp towards. ) While exp sharing on the high end max exp quests was banned, I believe quests like this should be promoted in a similar kind of way. Simply to let players create their own mini rp events, which can lead to more rp.


This could work for things outside of the city as well. But instead of having the shared quest, perhaps it would work better with a party quest. A daily which is the very same mission for everyone on that specific day. But a mission you can not complete by yourself simply because the game won't give you acces outside of a party of 2-4 members. This would let players find each other, and act accordingly depending on the mission they get. May this be rp enhancing or a variation of the dailies that already exist. It could also add up to the sensei-student thing you want to make relevant. Doing missions like these could be scaled to your level, and possibly reward more if you do them with your team mates, or a bigger boost if your sensei is around. This would make it attractive for both high and low level players to team up together to save cats! -- or whatever you had in mind --  Or perhaps it could get you special sensei student tokens if it's another variant of a daily. Which gives you free spins in the new casino town? With that I mean that the rewards shouldn't always be EXP either. You can bring people together without boosting their asses off into Madara power. I believe daily things like this can  be balanced out easily to go with the rest of the content. At least, I trust you on that. :') 


Bad guys are a necessity as well. I like to RP with my opponents, rather than bashing each others head in at the moment we lays eyes upon each other. Simply because that doesn't create any story. This feels like the hardest point of all, automating a system that prevents each other from bashing in heads. But I believe you've done a fair job with the bounty system that is in place already. At least now there's no reason to bash EVERYONE's head in- just a select few. This makes me wonder if the outposts are going to be neutral zones with guards at least. Or bars, that would be safe zones and kick you out and lock you out for x time if you attack anyone. Because hell yeah for bar fights, but hell no to people that run into rp and begin to spam their fire jutsu for their daily quest. In case anyone wants to mention it, I know you're not meant to chill with the opponents, yet identities can be concealed, your character can just not know, and that fight- well you probably both like pvp if you're on this game anyway- so it will come eventually. 


Unique places shape RP, and yeah I know you've expanded the world by 100x since I previously played, this is key to good RP. Visiting the same places every day gets stale. But since I know you're working hard on this already, I won't even ask a thing of you. x3 Good job team! Though for in the very far future, perhaps it would be cool to get something like a player housing system. Which lets you rent a place for the rp experience, like a house, shop, blacksmith. Once a player would rent it they would get a key, which expires after X time, unless refreshed with the amount of gold. The key could possibly have an interface which allows you to open the door for others, or invite people in. Yet as I said, I don't think this will have your priority right now. Still always a cool idea though. ;) 


Village roles are a great way to promote rp as well, people that rp consistently should be rewarded with a certain title. Like the kage/ counsillor system. I'm not entirely sure how you've brought this in place but a few other cool ideas would be; Head of hospital, Head of police, Head of library, Head of school. If anyone desires to rp these functions, or has been doing so already. Allowing them to have more control over the rp scene as well, and to compete by doing good rp to earn these roles/titles. Ofcourse these would have to change depending on the person's activity. Which I assume to be the same with the council/ etc.  But would expand the possibilities of your RP experience.  Because the people with even a tiny bit of influence can make shit happen. Genin aren't randomly followed in RP because it makes no sense, teachers or the police or medics on the other hand, people would fly for them.

EDIT:  Not sure what kind of roles organisations the cities already have or how influential these are allowed to be.

Another idea which doesn't really add up to my other ideas is rewarding players for staying inside RP zones. Sadly this would create an easy infinite exp/ token loop, which can easily be exploited. Unless there's a way to make it so that you would only get rewarded if you say at least 10 words in a sentence every X amount of time. Botters would easily be caught with such a system in place, since they would repeat the same lines in a smaller map. Not sure if that's doable though. I know little of coding so i'm trying to keep it simple.  (and that goes for the entire post.)


The possibilities are endless, and while I honestly want to keep on ranting-- dinner's ready! :3 

I'll let you read this and wait for a reply before it turns into a book. 'RP with Bloody!' lol x3

Thanks again for all of your wonderful work staff, hope my ideas give you a boost of inspiration somehow. If not, i'll wait for your reply and rant on! >:D 


Bye bye xx

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Yeah that tends to be a habit roleplayers have, i'm sorry. I write essays in minutes. Q_Q Hence I cut it off at some point. I'm just trying to be helpful since i've seen multiple roleplay games suffer from the same issue, which is actually bringing people together.  Finding a balance inbetween making people play the game and ''forced'' roleplay interactions is even harder. lol. Not everyone is the same, and not everyone has the same needs.

Hope it was decent and readable though! xD 

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