Bug Report Template


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Hello Ninjas,

For the sake of clarity I've decided to post a bug report template, this will further aid in the staff's ability to squash any of the bugs found in the game in an accurate and timely manner.



	<strong>Map the Bug happened on: </strong>(Leaf Village, Sand Village.... etc)
	<strong>Type of Bug: </strong>(Graphical, Mapping Error, Technical... etc)
	<strong>Description: </strong>( A short yet detailed description of what the bug is, how it happened and what led up to the occurrence)
	<strong>Steps to Reproduce the Bug: </strong>(Optional but exceedingly helpful)

	*Screenshots, Gifs or Videos of said bug here*<br>

	<strong>Detailed System Specs: </strong>(Processor, Operating System, RAM, Graphics Card... etc)


Thank you for your time.

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