World Blessing


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World Blessing was a patch also, but we aren't reporting small changes we make to the game anymore. It is up to players to find them. We will post new features and content in detail when it comes out, but it won't be listing the small details. It is just too time consuming for us to keep doing and it is better that players look in the game for them.

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5 hours ago, Konahri said:

I'm pretty sure it does stack, Wilkor's Blessing activated right after the other one ran out. - He might have been just pretty fast and did it in the right timing. xP But to me it looked like it was automatic.


But since the Blessing Image is disappearing the moment the Timer runs out, it's not very hard to use it at the right moment. ' -';

I did start mine as soon as I did seen Rory's one end

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Guest Glitch Yagyu
18 hours ago, Konahri said:

Oh ' w' so its not confirmed XD alright~

23 hours ago, Rory said:

Actually the way it works is that you can't use one while another one is going on, and you can't overwrite another player's. So it's exclusive to one player at a time :)

It was confirmed by Rory, they need to be used after one ends, they can't be "queued".

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Noticed something really annoying today:

Since maps are based on warzone (tigers in example) everyone can hit each other, okay~ that can be managed.


But if someone decides to freak out and keep constantly attacking others, it can get quite annoying, like.. really annoying. 

Imagine, you pay 5$ for a 1.5x buff, but you cant really use it, because some people decide to ruin it just because they're too bored.


In my opinion there should be some kind of "leveling" protection on people, so they don't get forced into pvp while wanting to make use of that exp buff.

Is there anything you guys can do about that? o -o

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