General Naruto fanart/OCs?

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I know that most people here are Naruto fans so I thought I'd make a thread for general Naruto fanart/fan characters. My in game character is actually based off a Naruto OC I made a few years back. If anyone has done the same and wants to share their OC, here's a thread for that. Also a place for general Naruto related art. shoukun.png.38ccbbaac0f4b56ab47c1499dd932857.png

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I've tried to draw something to show here, but after an embarassing amount time trying and failing, I gave up cause I can't draw e.e

But I've had this one character for a long time, never pinning out a definitive name or village, but knowing they are an expert in poison and ninja tools/weapons instead of ninjutsu, genjutsu or hand-on taijutsu. After trying the game, I even reset myfirst nin character so I could properly fit it's appearance to the one I imagine such a long time ago. Today, I'd like to believe my in game character is reflecting this old OC a lot, and it's one of the reasons I like to keep myself around.

Following the japanese naming convention, I'd call her "Aruka", hehe

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22 hours ago, Alkahex said:

I've tried to draw something to show here, but after an embarassing amount time trying and failing, I gave up cause I can't draw e.e

But I've had this one character for a long time, never pinning out a definitive name or village, but knowing they are an expert in poison and ninja tools/weapons instead of ninjutsu, genjutsu or hand-on taijutsu. After trying the game, I even reset myfirst nin character so I could properly fit it's appearance to the one I imagine such a long time ago. Today, I'd like to believe my in game character is reflecting this old OC a lot, and it's one of the reasons I like to keep myself around.

Following the japanese naming convention, I'd call her "Aruka", hehe

That's nice! Even if you don't have a reference for Aruka, feel free to share screenshots of her in game and a biography if you have one! I love reading about people's Naruto/Ninja OCs. Eventually I'll add to this thread with info about my own OC (and maybe other Naruto art) but sadly I've been busy QwQ

Having expertise that isn't the usual Nin/gen/taijustu sounds interesting for a ninja character. Look forward to hearing more if you plan to share!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/21/2024 at 3:10 AM, Sabaku no Shouya said:

Okay now that is really awesome :D I love these designs so much and it looks just like Kishimoto's style. I can see them actually being in the anime.

Thank you! I tried to emulate the style as best I could.

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In times of war between the hidden villages, many unfortunate sides of human nature can be observed. This is what was experienced by two refugees of a small settlement west of the Hidden Sand, who had to leave their home after it was turned into a factory of war puppets that backfired upon itself. Not many were left from the calamity that swept the old Komori Village, even fewer were welcomed to live with some of the better stablished clans of the Hidden Sand, but these two not only found refuge within the halls of the Ketsueki clan, but also found purpose with their efforts in providing medical support in the wars that swept the land. Years later, they delivered together a new clan member who would grow up to take interest both in medicine, toxicology and in Komori's puppetry: Ketsueki Aruka

Raised in the midst of ninja well versed in medicine, Aruka was taught some of the nuances of this art starting from her youngest years
. This presented itself in the ninja academy as a commendable skill in by itself, but this focus on first aid protocols alongside a naturally small chakra reserve lead her to falter in other standard disciplines, like taijutsu, genjutsu and even ninjutsu, making her unable to properly perform even the simplest fighting techniques taught to her. Differently from other hidden villages, the students in sand had a more "unique" exam aside from theory: every genin candidate was to be thrown into a pit of scorpions, and only the ones who survive were brought back with a passing grade, something that deeply worried Aruka due to her almost inexistant fighting expertise.

Not long before the time of her exam, when she was absorbed observing the desert critters in the shade of the rocks, she noticed how scorpions were always able to capture and kill prey much bigger than themselves with only a simple strike of their stinger, and this enlightened her on how she would be able to make through: poison. On the night right before her exam, she used all the knowledge learnt from the academy to sneak into the medicine cabinet of her clan, and then created a high dose mixture of many different poisons stored in there, saving it in a small vial for when the time came. Once face to face with the pit of scorpions, the exam proctor prompted her to enter, and once there, she opened the vial onto the scorpions, quickly killing them all. But before she could set out a victory smile, the proctor said that he knew where that poison came from, since she was spotted by one clan member of higher rank that gave her in. At least her shock didn't last long, since he said concocting such a mixture almost unseen and using it successfully while living to tell the tale was already worth of her becoming a Genin, but she'd have to initially focus on healing before moving to poisoning to be able to follow her clan's traditions.


Right after ranking up to Genin level, she was assigned her first team in the Hidden Sand ranks: a girl who was proficient in the use of a giant fan in her fights and a boy who was still developing his skills in water style ninjutsu, all lead by a Chunin in charge of leading their training and missions. Together they went of a good few missions, including low rank missions like helping keep the village clean and also higher rank missions like scouting the whole Land of Wind to see if there were traces of enemies coming to invade the village. Sadly, this synergy of a meci, a suiton and a fuuton ninja didn't last long, because soon the wars between the hidden villages started to break out once more, leading to many fights where Aruka, due to working in the backlines providing first aid and medical support to the other Sand shinobi, ended up becoming the sole survivor of her first team, a bitter memory to hold on to.


Because of this loss, she started to focus more on the one way she knew to protect her close ones, studying religiously how to provide better and faster medical aid despite of her inability to properly use medical ninjutsu by preparing special remedies and ointments through lower doses of the poisons she got used to handling, and even training wound dressing to do it under a single second, skills that got her a place in Sand's Medical Corp once shown to the Medical Director at the time. She was assigned as a special medical unit to accompany a team of other 3 Genin specialized in combat lead by a Jonin ranked ninja also specialized in combat, eventually covering one of them on missions when one was unable to go.


Accompanying them in their missions, she noticed that one of them had a very interesting strategy to defeat enemy ninja threatening our village, one that did not use any ninjutsu, genjutsu or even taijutsu: the usage of ninja tools. While Aruka learned with him a few of the nuances of the usage of ninja tools in fights, having ideas of applying her poison to them in ways to make it easier to protect herself for when the time came, a hint of bad blood started to come around the other 2 genin in the team, which lead to an unfortunate fight that resulted in one of them being exiled by a council of the village to live as a hermit in Takumi, the artisan village populated by rogue ninja in the Land of Rivers. Even though she was branded as an enemy of the Sand and made sure to behave like one by working together with other enemy villages like the Hidden Leaf and the Hidden Mist, this ex-teammate was relatively close to Aruka, which prompted to climactic yet friendly talks on having her return to Sand whenever both found each other in the wilds, but to no avail. This chapter became even bitter once this exiled genin was never again found roaming the wilds, presumed to have been killed in combat in one of the many corners of the world, which was even more soul-hardening considering the other two ninja Aruka was assigned had just joined the Sand Assassins.

After being officially appointed as the third member of the team
, Aruka started to work up her own usage of ninja tools to complement her poisons and first aid handling, but due to the extensive special missions her teammates had to perform without her as part of the Sand Assassins, she had less time to develop her teamwork on missions together with them, and when the Chunin Exams finally came, she enlisted herself not as an exam taker, but as one of the medical staff who would take care of the wounded, or what was left of them in the exam. When the time came, specially since her healing techniques did not involve extensive use of medical ninjutsu, Aruka's performance as a dedicated healer bringing the defeated genin back up in the exam's final stage lead her to attain the rank of Specialized Jonin due to exemplary usage of medical techniques, rivalling medical ninjutsu itself, even being just basic handling of medical equipment and diluted poison concoctions. This eventually lead to an invite from the Kazekage himself for her to become Sand's Medical Director, and take care of the Medical Corp. where she learned so much from. It was unfortunate that, not a long time after her promotion, her old teammates would once again be declared Missing In Action, landing another dry blow to Aruka's soul, who barely had the time to enjoy this new page of her life with her comrades.


Due to this loss, she noticed she had put too much focus into healing techniques and had barely any offensive capabilities to be able to fend by herself, which could lead to a horrible scenario, since as a medical ninja she had to be the last one to fall in battle in order to protect her comrades. This prompted Aruka to begin training with different tools even more, sacrificing healing kits in her pockets for concentrated poison vials, swordsmanship training - which turned out to be a failure due to her lack of taijutsu fight experience - and even the extensive study of human anatomy to know what the better places would be to provoke a major bleeding wound that would quickly win her a fight if any broke out. While having to cut her healing resources by half to have more room for tools and poison forced her to make the best out of almost nothing, it still did not interfere with her hability to lead young genin in tasks like collecting medicinal herbs, or obtaining medical supplies while infiltrated within enemy territory.


But, it was still visible that her skills were still lagging behind in both combat and now a bit in healing as well. This lead her to look back towards her past, the reason her parents were welcomed within Ketsueki arms, the forbidden puppets of the old Komori village. After some research into documents of the Puppet Brigade and talking to old Mugen, the sole survivor of the puppet factory calamity, in search of insight into how to handle these tools of war, she took interest in training to use puppets in battle as a possible resort to make it easier to protect the genin she would lead in future missions. After a short internship in the Puppet Brigade, she learned how to call a puppet from a summoning scroll and manipulate it's strings, allowing her to use a specially prepared puppet full of her poison mixtures as a yet another weapon in case it was needed to protect herself and others around her in missions. Eventually, she would make it back as Medical Director and keep providing the Sand medics for their good work, and keep leading more young genin in medical focused missions around the territory of the Hidden Sand and more.


It must be said, though, that many stories also have a dark side to be told as well, and Aruka's story is not an exception. Being always profoundly worried by how her lack of ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu proficiencies made her lag behind her peers in many aspects besides her medical skills, she usually went to research alone in hidden corners of the world in search for a possible way to unlock her potential, to allow her to have enough chakra to perform simple ninjutsu, to have another edge in both combat and support to add to her village. One day, after extracting the venom of a few snakes for upgrading her own resistance to poison in vain hopes of enhancing her chakra control, Aruka noticed some of those snakes were following a specific path towards a cave in the wilds, and decided to follow one of the snakes in order to find where they were going.


In their destination, she found ruins of an abandoned lair, where hidden scrolls citing human experimentation and DNA modification stood, as well as a formula to perform a seal that allowed the subject to tap into the chakra of nature and creatures around them instead of having to rely on their own chakra, but possibly resulting in severe body transfiguration and mind numbing if done wrong, as registered in tattered journals left on the ground in this profaned place. Desperation hit her, and she started to study the techniques that would allow to perform this formula, no matter the cost. After an extensive period of time missing from her village to perform the necessary body modifications, with only venomous snakes keeping her company and possibly presumed dead by her comrades in sand, she managed to successfully seal away the chakra of the snakes around, flowing it into her own body as if it was her own. Shortly after, she lost control of her arms, which created a massive wave of earth spikes that crashed upon the wall, revealing her chakra nature, earth release, to be taking form, flourishing for the first time since ever. She almost started to lose control of herself in the abandoned lair, fearing that her life would indeed end there because of this reckless chase for an unlimited supply of chakra to perform ninjutsu, but a sybilling voice from within the halls echoed, telling her to focus, to send her influx to chakra into a spot for it to accumulate, leading to the formation of a seal that held all the excess chakra she was now burdened with. This voice revealed itself to be from a missing nin for the Hidden Leaf, who left his village in the pursue of eternal life, saying Aruka was one of the few who managed to not only survive the use of that formula, but also keep her natural body, and wanted to study her methods in exchange for a few other forbidden gifts...


After following him to his current laboratory, it was possible to see the disfigured human experiments roaming around, a view that worried Aruka, but her determination to learn how to properly control her massive chakra influx was strong to the point she would do it even if it cost a major chunk of her own health to do so. She was assigned by this missing nin a snake from the snake valley to keep vigilance so she wouldn't run away, but she never tried. More and more experiments were done, and Aruka shared some of the techniques she learned from all the study done during her whole life. Days and days passed, more and more parts of her body started to demands bandages to avoid health complications, and in the end she was able to not only be able to control this massive influx of chakra from living beings, but also survive the implantation of a cursed seal that allowed her to also hold onto the chakra of the earth itself. More experiments were made, and soon after Aruka was able to perform a perfected form of the creation rebirth medical ninjutsu not only on herself, but also on others. This, unfortunatly, came with a cost of denaturing the poisons she caried with her as well as making her hands unable to properly use tools as she was able to, since her enhanced state made her often lose control of her arms, leading her unable to use her poison and tools alongside earth release and creation rebirth at the same time. This was still a successfull scenario for both of them, which quickly prompted her to desire to come back to her home, to her friends...


Choosing the path of sincerity, Aruka was open about her desire to now return back to her village, and after a short negotiation, the missing nin let her go on one condition: having the snake assigned to her as her guard to be a companion, helping her in clutch battles, but most importantly giving him reports of her new body's performance on the field. Once back to the Hidden Sand, she made amends of her disappearance to the Kazekage, showing her new unlocked potential to aid her fellow comrades once more, being accepted back on the condition of always putting this power to the benefit of the Hidden Sand. She now dedicates her full potential into her tools and poison to their utmost power while having this extra wildcard of activating her cursed seal and strength of a hundred seal together to quickly heal her teammates and herself in clutch moments and well as perform widescale earth release jutsus, even if it takes a toll on her overall health to use these techniques. This is so far as the story of Aruka Ketsueki goes, and even though there is more reserved for the future, including plans to allow her to tap the power of her cursed seal into the strength and precision of her tools, poison, and healing kits, there is still many times of war...


...times of peace...


...and even times of littering the hokage office with trash...


...before her story reaches a proper conclusion.


Thank you~

So! After a reallyyy long (embarrassingly long e.e) time writing about Aruka's biography, here it is! I put it in a spoiler cause it's actually kinda big, the reason I took this long was because I wanted to take the extra mile writing about some actual stuff Aruka lived in nin (a lot dramatized and a bit out of chronological order, but it makes sense in the story lol) instead of only having an in game reference of her in here!

TL;DR Aruka was born in a clan of healers, but had to learn to use poison to survive and create remedies in the ninja world, since she is bad at ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu. After enduring the pain of loss of her team member multiple times, she learned to also use ninja tools to help protect herself and others. After a while, she went after forbidden means to be able to perform ninjutsu, which cost her health, but gave her much stronger power. Now she uses her strength to make sure sandies keep them selves safe in the wars that plague the ninja world!


One day I'll be able to draw like you guys do and have her drawn as a proper OC T-T

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