Why are recent updates focused on anti-DZ?

Hayashi Gin

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We keep getting updates that make it so you don't want to go into the DZ? Stamina update made it annoying to run through several maps unless you potentially pay for a mount. Now we have a function that benefits people just staying on the game and AFKing instead of focusing updates on retaining new players and making the player experience better for low levels.


What exactly are the goals behind these updates? To make it longer for people to stay logged on for their dailies? To not upset the people who leave the game on for days? Who does that genuinely benefit?


Even if you change a village to a WZ you still can't kill afk players?

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Hello Hayashi Gin,

All of these game mechanics are here to stay. That being said, the current state of the game is not finalized. The Stamina, Mount, and even the new AFK update have already been tweaked. They will continue to be polished for an overall better game experience so, please bear with us.

Regarding goals, Rory has stated the Stamina & Mount system is "a 'nerf' to unlimited running" and the AFK system was added because "noob killing or killing AFK players leads to instant gains but leads to frustration and people quitting which is less players to kill in the long term" and "you can't force people to PvP, if you try they logout". 

Please continue to make respectful suggestions and give the new updates a chance. Thank you.



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