Beginners Classes - Jutsu


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This post was recognized by Erox!

"Sorry for the confusion, it looks like the wrong information is set up "Z Basic Attack" should show "C Charge Chakra" ​​​​​​​This will be fixed soon,Thank you for bringing this to my attention!"

OldRybak was awarded 10 points.


Apparently, class two is providing characters with their first jutsu. But in order to complete this, you are required to use it whereas you are not given with any chakra -> looks like you cannot pass this class.



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Also, the further I try to advance the more I'm getting lost. After aviary mission, I was given an option to track my missions. As someone who just installed the game, I would love the mission to be somehow tracked on a map or at least to highlight the location that I need to travel to. Now, I'm absolutely getting lost on finding the "Jutsu Scribe" as there is no location with such title on a map. 

Thanks a lot anyway for the support!

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hey @OldRybak u can use the mini map on the top right to see location (blue dots), just hover over them and u'll see the name of each location. you can also ask player in-game using the chat, or head to the discord server where the mentors would be more than happy to help!!

oh and welcome to Nin ^^

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