7sm swords


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So overall

after nerfs from like 1y ago some swords need a little love 


dmg is small compare to other 7sm swords and it hits single target like every other normal sword

10% steal of chakra (edit it doesn't even steal chakra it's just add chakra to you but dont take it from opponent)

50+ chakra

nothing beside it

small dmg buff would be nice for it.



So basically the nerf for dmg was right everyone agree with it

120 hits with tank build were not funny joke XD.

But overall actuall scaling is a joke what i mean by this

Hiramekarei is capable of storing chakra. With the command "Hiramekarei Unleashing" 

so overall sense of scaling with intellect is just meh idea

the best possible option is not boosting dmg or adding new mech to it

just change the scaling from Intellect to Chakra



Boosted lighting spear stun on really long range which hits hard (cough) (small scaling nerf cough)

That's From observations for now

Thanks @Erox @Ueda


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