Community poll?


Community poll?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want from nin online in the future?

    • Cloud Village
    • More jutsus
    • More PvP
    • More PvE
    • More skills like crafting
    • More RP related stuff
    • More events in the rotation like CTF

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These are merely suggestions from someone coming into this community about a week. Apologies in advance if anything has been previously stated/debated:

--- Higher level cap or a way to restart with your previous clans passive of some form.

--- More jutsus; simply because there is already a cap on how many jutsus you can have learned, respective to your level so it will introduce variety amongst even clan members. I also believe clan-specific jutsus should be implemented; again due to the jutsu cap per level factor, this will allow specialization even within clans of ninja. A ninja should be able to learn a jutsu outside of their elemental nature but at a reduced level until full mastery has been achieved(would still be weaker than an opposing ninja who's elemental nature is compatible with the jutsu.

--- New village(Cloud)
I've seen discussions of this in gen and how the player base essentially couldn't handle another village seems to be the main concern...cause and effect. We are essentially testers with the end goal of a full-on active ninja world. My personal opinion is that the veteran players are also growing bored and it would be easier to add early-mid game content so everyone can test out new perspectives. Along with this I also suggest a variety of mission rewards according to each respective village(apologies in advance if this is already a thing). Example: Surveying Sand or Leaf coming from Mist should be at least double the reward of what Sand/Leaf ninja would receive(Sand/Leaf would receive the same for coming to Mist).


--- Balancing
This is related to more jutsus/clans passive. Purely my opinion, but I believe a little imbalance in the game for some time wouldn't be detrimental. We would simply voice our opinions as the players and things can be updated as needed. I also suggest that Chuunin exams become a regular weekly or biweekly event. Kage/Org leader terms should also last 1 month max with the option to defend their position and remain in power up to 6 months maximum(This will encourage activeness and diligence. I would suggest a 1-2 week grace period in which the current leader cannot be challenged for their position. Skills like crafting/cooking would be very nice, as well. This could look like chopping down trees for wood, making a fire with matches(or fire elemental user to light it), and cooking boar meat to feed the team.


PVE -- More maps/monsters or variance of monsters from different villages on different maps. For example --- Mist ninja should have something to farm on the Sea map prior to reaching Kraken..Something that would make it worth the journey for leaf/sand ninja. Sand tunnels should have a different monster deeper inside the cave. I feel like RP related stuff and events are sure to follow once the early-mid game becomes slightly faster paced with more variety of ninja specification regarding jutsus and clans. I mean no offense as I know none of the suggestions are simple implementations. I'm also a developer/graphic designer so if there is any need for either please feel free to reach out!

Thank you for reading

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