"Rory doesn't listen to players"


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"Rory doesn't listen to players"

Nin Online has always been a game where I directly involve players in making decisions, taking suggestions and implementing them as much as I can without destroying the game's design. Sometimes players make awesome suggestions, sometimes they don't. But I try my best to respond. I can be in Discord listening to suggestions and have people telling me I'm not listening to players.



So I'm creating this thread as a reference for players who claim that I don't listen to player suggestions because their idea was turned down or not implemented yet.

As a disclaimers, unfortunately a lot of the threads are lost to time due to the forum software having glitched at some point and losing a lot of the posts. So between 2014-2021 there's a lot that are simply topic titles that I had to go by.

I also didn't have the patience to look through specific balance change suggestions that people posted and verify a lot of them, so for the most part, these are feature suggestions, QoL suggestions and balance changes I remember making.

Some of the things suggested have been added but also deprecated like War Events. Some of them are no longer relevant but were added like Tabbing to go between Username and Password boxes in the old login screen.

New Ideas Platform

This is part of the announcement that we're launching a new suggestions section and deprecating the old one.



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This wasn't added but the idea of life steals mentioned here is added


I posted a post asking players in Discord whether they wanted a Balance Team despite what I deemed as the negative impact it might have on content development speed. People unanimously voted for it, so I began weeks of work to implement it.







Okay ending to the Balance Arc before this wastes another second of my life
Reason why Enver will be permanently banned from Nin Online
Antagonizing and harassing admin for weeks on end, spending every waking hour thinking about how to irritate or turn the game's community's positivity into a downward spiral of negativity because you're unhappy with your own life.

Enver has been spending the last 2 weeks making every effort to turn a positive into a negative.

He started off by saying that I put together a Balance team for show and didn't listen to them, while major discussions and training was going on the whole time. He said he would apologize if it turned out to not be true. I showed all the evidence of it not being true, shortly after releasing all of the changes proposed by the balance team, including code changes which was not in the initial plans.

He then changed his tune and rhetoric, making it not about him apologizing, but about me admitting that I was wrong all along and that I should've done what I did long ago, so he has nothing to apologize for.

For years I've been saying that the reason I don't want a balance team is because I want to take all the community's feedback into consideration equally. However, about a month ago, I told the community I'd be open to try it if they understood that the side effects of me not being in charge of the balance directly would be that content updates in terms of future expansions would stagnate. For this balancing team to work, future Kit/Mastery/Jutsu content has been put on hold for the time being. And we'll be re-planning everything around what is deemed at a stable balance once Raitou's team is done. Despite this being explained, everyone voted for it, so I started work into training Raitou and allowing him to put together a team to plan changes.

Enver is of the opinion this team should've been put together long ago, however, this team would not be possible long ago as we did not have over a hundred pages of training documentation a year ago. We also didn't have this much time to run value-added community endeavors because for the past 3 years all our time has gone to remaking Nin Online in C# and fixing major bugs like players simply not being able to log into the game, or the server crashing every few hours.

In other words, in any year before 2022, it would not be practical for us to consider spending more time on Discord teaching players how to balance or having meetings with them to make changes. That is why in 2022, we decided to give it a go. This is not the same format as we did before and a lot of planning had to go into how to avoid the problems of yesteryear.

The last time being in 2017 when Akiro led a balance team, he turned every jutsu into a reskin of one another, and making the game so utterly unbalanced that pvp became about shooting triple fireball/waterball/mudball/lighting senbons/wind shurikens at each other and dodging them. This has been avoided by making the balance team's changes all still go up a chain of command and straight to me to consider, discuss, give critique until changes are agreed upon and then implemented, whereas in 2017, this was not the case.

In early conversations, very bad changes were proposed, and even to this day, large non-considerations are being made, and it is work to get it done. But I'm putting in extra time to make it work. So constantly antagonizing me is only doing one thing - making me not feel like doing it. 
The final reasoning for this ban is because if I am to be constantly making Nin Online a game where the community makes choices, I have to be here, and if there's people like this who can't be pleased and constantly antagonize me for being here, I won't want to be here, and if I won't want to be here, then the game will suffer. So it's either him or me at this point.
The ban is final, no appeals will be taken, and not a single second past this will be spent on this so as to not waste my time ie. waste time that could be used to improve Nin Online further.

A player was banned for spending weeks harassing me despite me doing every single thing he wanted, and explaining multiple times the nuances of why the dev team is how it is, he just responded with more insults each time. Took me weeks to finally decide to ban him because I value players a lot and even if they abuse their time with me, I try to accommodate for the most part, even though there's one of me and hundreds of players actively seeking my time.

In May to June to July, we've maintained an average of fixing/resolving 100 player reported issues every 30 days

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