Fixing Balance


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Crystal Fan knockback instead of stun
Blood Iron Fan knockback instead of stun
Black Fan damage reduced to like 20 damage on 20str.
LOI Swords higher stat requirement, +20 ish
Pkunai damage reduced from 18+16 to 10+16

Wind Claw revert the old selfstun time, Bleed I instead of Bleed III
Wind Claw cooldown to 20 from 16

Earth Wall 0.5sec cast time
Earth Prison hitbox change
Earth Spikes reduce damage -5 ish

Lightning Spear stuntime increased to 1.3 from 1.2
Lightning Feast chakra cost reduced to 30 from 40

Reduce damage on all jutsus, -5 ish

Triple Water Bullet chakra cost reduced to 22 from 30

PSenbon 1.3sec stuntime
PScalpel silence for 0.5sec

Shadow Shuriken silence duration to 1.1sec from 2
Explosive Spiked Ball chakra cost to 35 from 24
EKunai chakra cost to 15 from 10

Chakra Scalpel reduce scaling, too overpowered right now
Treat Wounds runcast 2sec, maybe 1-2 tiles bigger hitbox

higher base damage on all jutsus, +5ish except Bubble Clone

Tornado instant cast, snare instead of stun

Find a way to fix PB Puppets
Find a way to fix Graybar
Find a way to fix jutsus cancelling when pressed too fast
Find a way to fix Toad, Slug, Weasel & Hawk
Regen system deserves a change

Tag me, ill respond to any question

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10 minutes ago, Imhotep said:

What do you mean by fix PB puppets? @Enver

Being able to spawn Puppet instantly when it dies.

''It’s wave is 4 tiles, dragon does 40 damage. It’s current hits from anywhere. And if it uses wave or dragon it completely stops moving after until you re target.'' - Hyach

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I agree with most.

There is just 1 thing I do not agree.

The poison kunai nerf isnt enough. It needs frankly a WAYYY harder nerf. Why would a water earth DOT you every melees? Why would a ligthning water DOT you? The weapon is just way too usefull for any mastery. It has a +5 int req. Its way too low. Its a 100% dot chances. Its way too high. It has the same range as swords. Unrealistic. Hits you for 34 breaking!

Heres some math to let this sink in.

Fist melee : 3. Required point 0. ==> Poison kunai 34. Required points +5 int.  A 11.3333333 multiplier boost. Makes no sense. At all.

To sum things right,

Fist melee : 3. Required point 0.  ==>Religious katana : 47. Required points 65.   A 15.67 multiplier boost. 65 point dumped for that. Make sense.

If we followed the Poison Kunai logic, (5 stats = 3x11.3333333  which is 34 Melee damage.) 34x65÷5. Religious would hit of 442. Sounds stupid right? Well thats the same math used for P kunai. Stupid right?

You're still delusional?

Poison kunai 34. Required points 5. ==> Religious katana : 47. Required points 65. ==> A 1.38 multiplier boost for a difference of 60 points. a total of a little 13 damage diff.

Just nerf this kunai for christ sake.



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