Rory Buffing Tai/med LMAO


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so um @Ueda got a question. who suggested that in this patch you should just buff tai/medics??? that chakra scapel base buff has moved them from meleeing for like low 60s to now I see them all hitting mid 70s. I don't know if this was meant to increase the amount of players using the chakra medic style or what but it ended up just boosting tai/meds to an even more annoying power level. I'd just like to hear from the community or maybe rory because maybe I missed the reason why chakra scapels needed a buff when it was already pretty solid on pure chakra medics, alright on int hybrids, and cracked on tai/med.

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He's experimenting with changes and will listen to more player feedback on the next poll which will be in a week or so. It's all just temporary from my understanding and nothing is like "This is the new way the class will work now accept it" kinda deal. 

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Just now, Slifer said:

He's experimenting with changes and will listen to more player feedback on the next poll which will be in a week or so. It's all just temporary from my understanding and nothing is like "This is the new way the class will work now accept it" kinda deal. 

I hope so because chak medic didn't need the melee buff, and tai/medic especially didn't need an increase in damage to their already high pressure gameplay

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