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Rogue Corps



This post is to fix the fact that both new rogue corps that were recently added have now just become substitutes for player orgs for a select few people. Bandits was supposed to be a rogue alliance so rogues can fend off villages during raids of takumi but now its just a handful of people who use it as their own player org. Hermits which was supposed to be some cool thing for hermits has now just become a player org that people are using to go out 10+ deep as rogues with zero friendly fire.

Suggestion to fix Bandits would to make it open invite considering its player cap is huge and its supposed to be a rogue alliance not a substitute for someones old player organization.

Hermits would be to require people to stay hermit because its a shame to see the supposed peaceful org just be used by a bunch of criminals so they can hunt deep.

Now this was my not so sexy post to express the annoyance of these rogue corps being used by a select few 😕 

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52 minutes ago, Aesthetic said:

Suggestion to fix Bandits would to make it open invite considering its player cap is huge and its supposed to be a rogue alliance not a substitute for someones old player organization.

Makes sense tbh.

42 minutes ago, Enkidu said:

Just be patient for guilds to come

Can say the same for those using it as player orgs.

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