Fody Blicker


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The almighy Body Flicker...more known as  flicker, is a jutsu that INSTANTLY teleport the user in front of his target.  It is a legendary jutsu accessible at lvl 1. Some say it is over powered but the level  requirement kinda make sure that not every players will get it, therefore you dont see it used too often. It is a jutus that require no cast, has a very good range and no self stun. Making it very predictable and avoidable when comboed with another instant jutsu like poison scalpel. The cooldown is very mediocre because it comesback before most of the offensive jutsus. You will have to wait before attacking again. Its chakra cost is very low so you will have to charge chakra for longer than usual.
Until then, we can agree that the jutsu is pretty slow and costy. But do not panic because I am here to teach you guys how to use it!
When you are about to use it, smack your skull full of water on the keyboard so you can teleport and minigun your jutsus like there is no tomorow to do a maximum of free damage.  It is a technique that require skills and timing. This is why I am telling you guys to use your head. You have to go very fast and strong so the teleportation combined with the attacks goes harder on the enemy target. A good indication of when you used the perfect strength is when you have the numbers of the keyboard printed on the forehead.
It will need time before you guys can combo anything from body flicker because it is really a matter of timing. But do not give up. Your headaches are coming soon!

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