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Weapon Regeneration

Psyger 0


Here I am with another suggestion post...I know I know tiring right?

Today I will be suggesting a change on how weapon regeneration work.

Since the recent changes to how regeneration work with it being heavily based on you having full chakra to start the regeneration process the other ways to regenerate hp are gone.

No longer standing still away from danger to regenerate HP and no more walking to regenerate hp.

Currently the only ways to regain hp is to:

  • A.) Be healed by a medic
  • B.) Being revived by a medic or Will of Fire which grants a % of HP back
  • C.) Leveling Up
  • D.) A weapon that has regeneration attributes

    Well on this thread I will only talk about D. the regeneration ability of weapons.

    Currently weapons such as Bone Sword, Blood Katana, Blood Tonfas, and 1 of the LOI swords offer HP regeneration passively through a sword.

    This however, only regenerates at a slow pace which takes about 20-40 seconds for even 1 tick of health regeneration to proc.

    This means about every 20-40 seconds you may gain 10-30 HP. There's a twist though, this regeneration is chakra based so meaning it's another regeneration which amounts are determined by the amount of chakra the wielder has.

    I Suggest on making these weapons regeneration take less time to kick in/regenerate with the new regeneration system. 

    If the time can't/won't be lowered for the regeneration I suggest to increase the amount of HP that is regenerated.

  • Lower Regeneration Time by 10-15 seconds
  • Increase Regeneration Health Gain by 10-15
  • Make the regeneration based off current chakra in pool ( Ie. 50/250) instead of max overall chakra
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not pure...pure is only strong if u get a gassed up sword like kraken hammer or LOI swords

PURE WM doesn't have much canceling ability and can get severely punished against the right people even in the right hands

and before people say u have 1.6k-1.9k hp....u wont reach 1.9k hp unless u rock 70 str with like 150 chakra meaning u have to sacrifice stats and utility for more hp just to still die just at a slower rate. In this sense high hp builds with the current slow regeneration system sucks cuz it takes forever to regenerate and the amount u regenerate is very low @Indra

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