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Bi timer/warrior



Nostalgia hit the deck and black rain reminded me of this a few days ago

On byond there the  game we played when you died you had to stick in the hospital untill a timer based on your lvl is over

How about we completely remove battle injuries and just lock players inside hosp for a certain amount of time based on their lvl?

(removing BI is not necesarry but it should since you would have to stay in hospital for intended time anyway? good way to counter BI warrior gameplay.

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Mixed feelings about that like in the scenario when there’s five min left on a blessing and u go bh to get ur vmw etc and u decide hey I can’t make it back home in time lemme suicide to bears, boom stuck in hosp til bi off missing the blessing 

It’d be easier if every village adopted the mists bi rule 

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3 minutes ago, Buragan said:

Mixed feelings about that like in the scenario when there’s five min left on a blessing and u go bh to get ur vmw etc and u decide hey I can’t make it back home in time lemme suicide to bears, boom stuck in hosp til bi off missing the blessing 

It’d be easier if every village adopted the mists bi rule 

It would be exactly the same with mist BI rules then cause you're supposed to sit inside hosp with injuries and if you go outside you can't engage in combat, while if your village is being raided you will get camped anyway 9/10 times

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Locking hospital is bad idea. It should be heavily incentivized in some way, but not forced. As Rory has stated many times, being forced to sit in a room with nothing to do is not fun. And the majority of the time, you get bi from things that aren't related to a village raid. 

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6 hours ago, Buragan said:

Mixed feelings about that like in the scenario when there’s five min left on a blessing and u go bh to get ur vmw etc and u decide hey I can’t make it back home in time lemme suicide to bears, boom stuck in hosp til bi off missing the blessing 

It’d be easier if every village adopted the mists bi rule 

this is abuse in my eyes, of course i do same thing like every time i take Bounty for mission but in this way we decrease a immersion of player in game. 
Its abuse because you use dead as "TELEPORT MECHANIC". 

People do suicide because there no real punishment for dead.

I belive make a "Battle Injuries" players not able to run, but walk only -> people still are able to farm or do stuff but they feel for real a BATTLE INJURIES 
(Also i would add a mechanic where you became dead then you drop 15 tools of every type and 2 chakra/blood pills if you have any, also 1 toad oil, but thats too hardcore i think for players here)

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12 hours ago, Slifer said:

Locking hospital is bad idea. It should be heavily incentivized in some way, but not forced. As Rory has stated many times, being forced to sit in a room with nothing to do is not fun. And the majority of the time, you get bi from things that aren't related to a village raid. 

Sounds like a BI warrior making excuses :P

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I think the biwarrior only should be able to go inside village building/villages, not other map, cause the funniest part inside villages is the constant fight u get because alot of biwarriors coming, for the rest biwarrior shouldnt pass village map, imagine waiting 10m each time u kill anyone or u get killed, missing the whole fight lmao 

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