Fix knockback snare


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There are very few players who have the reactions and mechanics (after lots of practice) who are able to combo from knockbacks. 

Imo this adds more depth and increases the skill ceiling for builds with knockbacks, and should not be changed. I would recommend aiming to reduce knockback chance or distance instead of trying to dumb down the game.

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3 hours ago, BlackRain said:

There are very few players who have the reactions and mechanics (after lots of practice) who are able to combo from knockbacks. 

Imo this adds more depth and increases the skill ceiling for builds with knockbacks, and should not be changed. I would recommend aiming to reduce knockback chance or distance instead of trying to dumb down the game.

There's no depth added, it is a bug that has to be fixed and the only reason you don't want it to be changed is because you are one of the people that is constantly abusing it in order to land your combos. Snaring makes your enemy unable to move which means you are going to land your combo guarantee, I don't get where did you get this'' lot of practice'' from. Your enemy is blocked and you combo, that's all about it, this shouldn't happen.

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2 hours ago, Batman said:

Even tho there are few players able to do it, knockbacks should not snare unless the jutsu description says so. @BlackRain

remember that not only jutsus do knockback, there's weapons with 50% and 100% chance of knockbacking on hit! that's a free snare every less than 2 seconds!

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5 hours ago, Batman said:

Even tho there are few players able to do it, knockbacks should not snare unless the jutsu description says so. @BlackRain

Not a single jutsu descripes snares, however u get snared in a lot of situations.

subbing any homing
warp jutsus

Knockback has a counterplay which most people cant figure out because of bad timing, u CAN cast jutsus when u get knockbacked.

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On 10/13/2021 at 12:46 PM, Batman said:

Even tho there are few players able to do it, knockbacks should not snare unless the jutsu description says so.

Using jutsu description as a means for what a jutsu "should do" is not correct imo, otherwise I should decapitate all enemies and instantly execute them when I land my crescent.

Another thing I want to make clear is that it is not a FREE combo. It has counterplay, try and figure it out instead of just screaming for nerfs when you reach a challenge.

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