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Grand Puppet



Currently Grand Puppet for the Sand Corps Puppet Brigade may not seem like a big deal when fighting them but low-key it is.

in the past these puppets got an health nerf and a nerf on the multiple times the water wave can hit I believe. These two nerfs weren't bad but the health shouldn't of got nerfed.

Currently the Puppet is killable but can immediately be respawned when a simple equip/unequip of the weapon/item which just instantly respawns it with full hp. 

I suggest there be some kind of draw back on constantly respawning an item/summon so easily with no cost.

Either raise the weapon swap cooldown of the item and in return raise it's hp back up

Or simply make it an Summoning jutsu that doesn't take up a slot nor counts as a summoning jutsu. (Ie Similar to how sandies can have more than 1 elemental puppet summon + a animal summon)

This way it can have a cooldown/chakra cost and not be so spammy.

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23 minutes ago, JunPachi said:

Currently Grand Puppet for the Sand Corps Puppet Brigade may not seem like a big deal when fighting them but low-key it is.

in the past these puppets got an health nerf and a nerf on the multiple times the water wave can hit I believe. These two nerfs weren't bad but the health shouldn't of got nerfed.

Currently the Puppet is killable but can immediately be respawned when a simple equip/unequip of the weapon/item which just instantly respawns it with full hp. 

I suggest there be some kind of draw back on constantly respawning an item/summon so easily with no cost.

Either raise the weapon swap cooldown of the item and in return raise it's hp back up

Or simply make it an Summoning jutsu that doesn't take up a slot nor counts as a summoning jutsu. (Ie Similar to how sandies can have more than 1 elemental puppet summon + a animal summon)

This way it can have a cooldown/chakra cost and not be so spammy.

Check imhoteps post about puppets rework, he had put the cd option instead of constant respawn.

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Puppets should be mad tanky. If it weren’t for the infinite respawn they would legit get outperformed by Pandas and Weasels easily (they currently are if you let them fight and don’t respawn them).

However, PB is not the strongest buff. Akatsuki/7SM has the edge.


BUT something should still be done about the infinite respawn and wave. Puppets used to have way more Justus(or buff the current ones). They should get them back and wave should be heavily nerfed. Rory already explained that  he’d need to get done with the new client before even thinking about fixing the infinite respawn. Basically the only thing you can do is stay patient.

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Maybe balance the grand puppets strength by taking away its player collision, if they can't physically block players they are less of a defensive tool just having a wall of them up on a thin map ya know. Might give melee more opportunities to play against grand puppet users without feeling zoned out.

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We agree. The TL;DR is: Buff HP, make the different jutsu more viable (apart from water wave) and put the puppet on CD when killed. Plus a couple of behavior changes for the puppet.

Hopefully Ueda gets the time to rework puppets soon, it seems like he's taken notice and made a few puppet changes. We all know he's a busy man though, so we'll have to wait and see.

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5 hours ago, Wanheda said:

So give puppets the same shit effect as bubble clone? got it

It would not be the same as bubble clone.

The puppets would have ranged jutsus and melee, but they just are no longer immortal and insta-kill armies. 🙄

Would also be nice if they did not take up half a map. Js

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