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Agility tai

Psyger 0


Recently agility taijutsu was nerfed in damage and it's youthful spring along with it. I hear its because the mastery is spammable which isn't the case.

Agility Taijutsu already does low damage in return you're allowed to dish out fast damage DUE to the MELEE SPEED not the skill spam-ability.

Only1 taijutsu skill is spammable and that is Breaking Kick.

While the other 3 after 20 have 18+ Cooldown i don't understand how its spammy.

The only jutsus that should be in the damage/nerfs for agility tai was breaking kick and Youthful Spring. The rest of the kit should of went untouched.

Now at 70 agility you barely do 60 damage with the Morning Peacock and whirlwind kick which is the average amount of agility to go if you plan to play anything else with agility taijutsu.

At 140 agility you deal 80 damage with both these jutsus when you have other masteries doing way more with the same stats.

Agility tai was nerfed badly and its opposition...Gentle Fist is the better choice now days even after its nerf simply because the skill damage is better and the melee damage is better.

Agility taijutsu has great speed with poor damage now. before it had average damage with great speed. 

I suggest undoing some of the nerfs to it or tweaking the skills to be worth the nerfs that it received.

Also im not Agility tai im GF im just going off my perspective

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the skills already did low damage. 

You barely do 40 damage with a kick now at 70 stat points.

You also have to look at the PVE aspect which was made harder with this nerf cuz the skill damage is used more over its melee damage output.

The melee damage is weaker than gentle fist PP melee and any other melee...

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Who uses a tai for PVE? Yes it's looked at in the balance changes when Rory decides to change things for a class but PVE on tai would be at the bottom of the priority list. 
Tai is great in 1v1's.
Tai is great in small skirmishes up to 3v3s.
It has great cancels and great pressure. It has AOE moves that carry fights (Whirlwind kick and peacock). Yet you don't see that, you look at the one thing tai was reduced in, it's melee DAMAGE not output. Why should it be GREAT at everything? 
Your argument for PVE aspect is also null and void as Pure Wm is shit at PVE too. 

Your point about gentle fist PP melee and any other melee isn't a great argument as tai's melee's are FASTER than any other melee/weapon. You want it to also rival the dmg too? You're out of your mind

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Agility tai was better than GF because of it out-ranging it. Especially since there is a gameplay issue where the two hit combo can cancel the other taijutsu users two hit combo. I cannot, however say for certain now who is better after the balance changes. I do not play that much because of the poor optimization and kage abuse.

I think when looking at agi tai people also take into account the blood tonfas which really makes the mastery a tier above. If you have tonfas and fully invest in agi you will do extremely well 1v1. If you go hybrid you will not do good 1v1 at least in a tournament type setting. You need the extra room for the charges and projectiles.

People need to see that AGI Tai's range, longer combo, and speed > short burst dmg

tldr: AGI Tai was never weaker than GF.

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As someone whose been slightly invested in agility taijutsu during my play time, I feel that the nerfs were very light. Taking a few points of base damage away is not even the difference of one or two additional melees being landed. Tai is in a weird spot right now because of the existence chakra scalpels and tai med which makes it a nightmare to balance pure tai or tai + any mastery that's not medic. Giving an already strong tai mastery the incentive to go higher chakra does a few things:

Chakra scalpels already has pretty beefy base damage compared to agi weapons @ a level 60 players chakra pool and it scales better now than higher agility builds because of the nerfs and changes to agility scaling / weapon attack speed this year

Going high chakra allows you to constantly pressure on a tai which is already designed to constantly cancel casts and chase without letting up.

In my opinion before tai can be looked at any deeper there needs to be a way to address chakra scalpels effect on tai without hurting chakra medic players. In a world where anyone can pick up 90agi 130fort 80chk tai med go brr build and succeed it's kinda of demoralizing trying out any other taijutsu combinations. Yes I know rory is aware of agi weapon + chakra scalpel stacking and we'll just have to wait for the fix down the line so that agi weapons can rebalanced.

At the end of the day tai is a joke mastery and you're no better than a gentle fist running for combo.

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