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Reworked lvl 30 WM Jutsu Concept - (Crescent Moon Spin)




Hey Yall!

Its your boy Voxa! coming with a concept for reworking the lvl 30 WM Strength jutsu:

In the past few weeks that I've been playing - The one thing I've notice is that WM is firstly dope AF and that the lvl 30 WM strength jutsu is not used by WMasters!

Here I present a possible rework: (Note I'm bad at editing and its the idea that counts ignore my bad paint skills and video editing skills :P )

Let me know what you think :) Cheeeeeers!


1) The jutsu Information:


2) The jutsu Hitbox:

(green arrow is movement / red boxes are hit box)


3) The jutsu animation Idea:

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3 hours ago, Seifer said:

Captain America Listening GIF by Spider-Man

So you want to make a dash technique.


14 hours ago, Voxa said:


Hey Yall!

Its your boy Voxa! coming with a concept for reworking the lvl 30 WM Strength jutsu:

In the past few weeks that I've been playing - The one thing I've notice is that WM is firstly dope AF and that the lvl 30 WM strength jutsu is not used by WMasters!

Here I present a possible rework: (Note I'm bad at editing and its the idea that counts ignore my bad paint skills and video editing skills :P )

Let me know what you think :) Cheeeeeers!


1) The jutsu Information:


2) The jutsu Hitbox:

(green arrow is movement / red boxes are hit box)


3) The jutsu animation Idea:


dear lord almighty please for the love of jashin I hope this is never implemented, I love people adding new ideas into the community and such but god no...if wm ever gets another dash/warp whatever imma be blowing the forums up >_> and if its just another move cast aoe jutsu for wm imma have to ask rory why...just why

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It's a cool idea, and if it were up to me all warping abilities would be replaced with dashes (except for sub). However, WM is dominant enough as it is even with an entire jutsu that no one uses. If and until it get's a rework, I'm hesitant to support anything that comes close to a WM buff.

Good to keep in mind though, if the mastery is ever rebalanced.

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