New Forum Gaminggg


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Ello Ello Nin Community!

What is everyone's opinion on the Forum Makeover??

Personally liking the badge and rank system but wondering how people who had unique ranks such as Shissei or others might feel with the removal of such tags.
Least Fav change is the inability to modify Bio and Background stuff T_T

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"New Forum Gaminggg"

I dont like this, earning those badges/ranks should involve actually contributions to the community imo not just sale posting things that can get asked in the very active discord server. I dont get what your doing for these new badges/ranks.

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1 minute ago, M1zxry said:

I dont like this earning those badges should involve actually contributions to the community imo not just sale posting things that can get asked in the very active discord server. I dont get what your doing for these new badges.

thats quite fair, for the most part you prob won't get anywhere with just spam posting like hageshi said he was kekw
but defo should have some more involved badges (for instance there is one badge you can get for voting on a poll answer no one picked)


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19 hours ago, Chaotic said:

I personally miss putting music for my profile.

I did not even notice the music got wiped until you mentioned it. :(

I hope we get a customizable background for our Ninja bio textbox and more forum emotes -- maybe some animated ones too!

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