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Bi Warrior

Ainz Ooal Gown


Current state of the game is already bad PVP wise. Villages (Leaf mostly) run around in huge zergs daily and it makes the game very boring for the majority and to top it off, I kill 1 person in about 1-2mins they are back bi warrioring. In what world does a ninja die and come back to the battlefield in 2 minutes. It's a joke of a system and it should be changed. Anyone advocating otherwise are clinging on to their one strategy which is to bi warrior until they win. 

I have a couple of suggestions and PLEASE offer more in the comments so @Ueda can implement them on a test basis.

1- When you receive BI you should be LOCKED to the hospital for the timer (Maybe think about decreasing the timer)
2- If ^ is not implemented, every time you RESET your BI the timer adds on. example; Ainz Ooal Gown dies 4 times, bi timer 32 minutes.
3- Medics (chakra stat) should also be HALVED. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever as to why a medic can BI warrior and steal cast HUGE heals. If I focus a medic in a fight and they come back after 2 mins, it's a never ending cycle. I am not here to fight a zombie horde, if I see 6 players, I expect to fight them and not see them run at me every 30 seconds.


It's come to the point where players just press enter and run out with their tongues. What sort of Ninja RP is that? Please change the current BI system, it isn't healthy at all for PVP gameplay, something that's the only sort of END content we have.

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I mostly agree but shouldn't be applied to lowbies... Specially can make more prob for new players to enjoy the game. 

(Yes that mean a place for abused lowbies but still easier to handle lowbies if they do, and it will be better then new players not having an extra nightmare of bi time)

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Just make BI stack progressively. Dying while BI is active gives you BI 2, then BI 3, etc. By the time you're BI 3 you're basically a level 10 and you might as well sit - as you should.

The only group this change would hurt are BI warriors. No need to make BI more severe for everyone else.

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27 minutes ago, Imhotep said:

Just make BI stack progressively. Dying while BI is active gives you BI 2, then BI 3, etc. By the time you're BI 3 you're basically a level 10 and you might as well sit - as you should.

The only group this change would hurt are BI warriors. No need to make BI more severe for everyone else.

Yh this was the 2nd suggestion I made! Definitely worth a look


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As a new player who is a lowbie, the game would be nearly unplayable if the ability to carry on with gameplay normally during BI was removed, since people like the one that created this thread spend a large amount of their time killing new players/lowbies that are trying to level up, and the world map of this game is so small that it is very predictable for them to find and pick on easy prey, probably in hopes of making them leave the game so their opposing village doesn't get any new blood and manpower.

The world doesn't revolve around this guy's problem and his solutions may bring more problems than it seeks to fix. Just keep that factor in mind when touching something like this.

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It's kinda ironic when the ones who complain about getting BI warrior'ed today, are also the ones who trash talk and boast about BI warrioring their opposition yesterday. 


Let that sink in for a minute and grab some coffee. 

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1 hour ago, Klone said:

As a new player who is a lowbie, the game would be nearly unplayable if the ability to carry on with gameplay normally during BI was removed, since people like the one that created this thread spend a large amount of their time killing new players/lowbies that are trying to level up, and the world map of this game is so small that it is very predictable for them to find and pick on easy prey, probably in hopes of making them leave the game so their opposing village doesn't get any new blood and manpower.

The world doesn't revolve around this guy's problem and his solutions may bring more problems than it seeks to fix. Just keep that factor in mind when touching something like this.

Nice try alt acc made with the single porpuse of making this thread sound like a bad one and also insulting its creator. Get a life wasteman

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  • 8 minutes ago, Elevenswords said:

    Nice try alt acc made with the single porpuse of making this thread sound like a bad one and also insulting its creator. Get a life wasteman

    I hope you're trolling with this post, but in case you aren't:

  • 1. My account was created July 10th, we're in July 18th, unless I can see the future, I couldn't have possibly seen this thread coming 8 days prior and created this account "with the single purpose of making this post".

  • 2. I did not insult the creator of this thread, unlike you who have just insulted me in a laughably infantile manner.

3. My reply here is meant for the staff, as they and they alone are the ones who would implement the changes the OP wants, fortunately, the staff can actually check all the information in my account, including real name, payment history, and many other things that would easily prove that I am indeed a new player.


Have a nice day, little fellow.

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unfortunatly for you most people here use their brains. I alone have 8 accs with 8 different emails and billing information including adresses. your not fooling anyone here buddy. the fact that you even took the time to talk about a player targetting lowbies which you wouldnt know if u really only started playing 8 days ago just shows that your clearly not a new player. secondly  how would you know theres such a big conflict between villages if ur really a new said player? nice try wasteman go back to making accs to hate on actual helpfull posts that try to improve the overall gameplay of the game. we dont need people wasting their time making alts just to hate on someone who is clearly trying to improve the game.

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what about make BI owner's not able to run? i mean only walking. 

In this case new player's still can farm his lovely larvas/spiders, 
also add some "RP vibe" and you feel like for real battle injuried, instead of just cut half your stat's
(stuns and heals still op even with BI) 

Player's complain about that for year's... 

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14 hours ago, Ainz Ooal Gown said:

1- When you receive BI you should be LOCKED to the hospital for the timer (Maybe think about decreasing the timer)
2- If ^ is not implemented, every time you RESET your BI the timer adds on. example; Ainz Ooal Gown dies 4 times, bi timer 32 minutes.

Players will find another way to abuse by making more alt to switch out every time they die to push again to get the same effect. Players who don't make alt will go AFK for the next 32 min or play something else. For lowbie, It will be hell there are so many LVL 60 going around who will just keep killing them while they can't do anything and the danger zone will be more dead than before.

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13 hours ago, Imhotep said:

Just make BI stack progressively. Dying while BI is active gives you BI 2, then BI 3, etc. By the time you're BI 3 you're basically a level 10 and you might as well sit - as you should.

The only group this change would hurt are BI warriors. No need to make BI more severe for everyone else.

Good idea but players will switch to another acc to avoid this.

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2 hours ago, Antar said:

Players will find another way to abuse by making more alt to switch out every time they die to push again to get the same effect. Players who don't make alt will go AFK for the next 32 min or play something else. For lowbie, It will be hell there are so many LVL 60 going around who will just keep killing them while they can't do anything and the danger zone will be more dead than before.

Well, if someone spend time for leveling all those alt's it's not a abuse, he just take advantage from his other account's and that's can be stopped with 30 second timer after relog's (that will fix also other issue with quick relogs).

BI Abuse happen when player's get speccialy BI for not lost bounty in danger zones, 
people dont care about BI and use death as teleport in to village pretty often time's, 

I think its all about BI zombie's, when you near village that's a real problem which make your gameplay annoying, 
especially with all those DoT's (Bleeding and Poison) which close you at map for 35 Seconds



Like i say above, make BI owner's able to walk only would fix a lot i guess (dont affect on character's under 20 lvl). 

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11 hours ago, Siekyo said:

Well, if someone spend time for leveling all those alt's it's not a abuse, he just take advantage from his other account's and that's can be stopped with 30 second timer after relog's (that will fix also other issue with quick relogs).

BI Abuse happen when player's get speccialy BI for not lost bounty in danger zones, 
people dont care about BI and use death as teleport in to village pretty often time's, 

I think its all about BI zombie's, when you near village that's a real problem which make your gameplay annoying, 
especially with all those DoT's (Bleeding and Poison) which close you at map for 35 Seconds



Like i say above, make BI owner's able to walk only would fix a lot i guess (dont affect on character's under 20 lvl). 

ppl  can just buy death account and do it simple like that "cough" taka  

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You are already heavily weakened from battle injuries however increasing the penalty might be a good way to avoid BI warriors. Honestly I feel like locking a player for 8 minutes in a place where you can't do anything would to more bad than good. I also don't think Leaf Zerging is as bad as you make it out to be, Sand does the same thing, it's part of the game, leaf has more players and that means it has more lowbies, however Sand is currently full of very strong players, take that as a challenge if you will, it's just how the game is right now

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