Freeing Inactive Usernames


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The support system has become overwhelmed with name change requests, with players using the name changes support system to change names multiple times, or making name changes without gold/silver ninja, instead of it's original purpose to free inactive usernames. We seek your understanding about this change, and hope to streamline the system for name changes in the future.

We've also noticed a huge spike in people trying to reserve names by creating lots of accounts and occupying sought-after names.

As such, the system for the time being to free inactive usernames is now only usable by Gold Ninja, and is exclusively a way to free inactive usernames. We will not rename your account to that name. We've also increased the price of taking such inactive usernames to 5 dollars, at least for the time being. We hope this will reduce the amount of requests, until we can improve our support system.

These changes will be active as of all support tickets created from 5/27/2021 onwards.

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