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PvP Suggestion ;; Executions.



Good evening everyone,

I've come with a suggestion that could change the pace of hunting and how groups fights are orientated; with the addition of player executions.

Currently in game, once an opposing ninja is downed, there is nothing that you can do to speed up the kill other than to wait for them to press enter within the 59 second interval. During this time period, allies of the downed ninja can come to interrupt you from getting the kill by reviving them. Executions would not only allow players to counter this, but it would bring a new mechanic to the game that comes with a risk.


How would Executions work?

Executions would act like the Mystical Palm technique, albeit forcing the player into the death screen instead of reviving them. With that being said, players would be required to stand directly beside the body in order to execute the downed ninja. Moving away or being hit with knock-back, stuns, and/or snares will cancel the execution — forcing them to restart. And since executions would be cast-time, there is the risk of being killed yourself by enemies. *All Players who are level 10+ should possess the ability to execute(all levels possessing the same cast time; preferably 7.5-8.5 seconds). With the requirement of level 20-30+ being there to use it, execution animations — if any at all — can correlate to your 1st mastery.


Earth Execution - A multitude of earth spikes emerge from the ground below, piercing and gutting the downed ninja.

Water Execution - A chain-like whip wraps around the ninjas body, constricting around them like a snake; suffocating them to death

Fire Execution - The user snaps, causing the downed body to burst into flames; scorching the poor soul into a dark husk of ashes.


Side Note: We could also make use of @Fuze's aseprite commission services to create the animations for such, if it were be implemented of course. I personally would love to contribute some funds towards this.


How would this change hunting, or even group fights?

At the current moment, whenever an ally is downed, they are either ignored until the enemy is killed or distracted enough to allow for a revive. With executions however, this would prompt groups with a decision — Do we allow the enemy to take the chance at an execution and reposition, or do we defend their body and take the risk for a revive? The same goes to the people who got the kill. Do we push and execute the downed, or do we focus on another objective — possibly giving them the chance to revive/getting W.O.F? More suggestions for executions: - This should be a "hotbar-less" technique, only appearing(possibly above the village logo) whenever the player is standing directly beside the downed enemy. - If it is interrupted, there could be a 20+ second cool down, allowing for only about two attempts max on an execution.


At the current moment, this is all I have in mind for executions. If anyone else possesses any ideas/changes or wanst to contribute to it, please feel free to do so! Thank you, everyone.

- Issa

P.S. It is currently 3 AM my time and I haven't slept in 40 hours. Please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes. Lol.

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Good idea but the cast time for execution is probably problematic though. You won't be able to execute in large fights so the idea should work differently in my opinion.

I would prefer the execution be based around after having taken a certain amount of damage while you're down. I think when you're down you should receive an amount of hp and it should go down every second during the 60 seconds. I like the idea of execution in general though.

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On 4/16/2021 at 10:02 AM, Issa said:

Good evening everyone,

I've come with a suggestion that could change the pace of hunting and how groups fights are orientated; with the addition of player executions.

Currently in game, once an opposing ninja is downed, there is nothing that you can do to speed up the kill other than to wait for them to press enter within the 59 second interval. During this time period, allies of the downed ninja can come to interrupt you from getting the kill by reviving them. Executions would not only allow players to counter this, but it would bring a new mechanic to the game that comes with a risk.


How would Executions work?

Executions would act like the Mystical Palm technique, albeit forcing the player into the death screen instead of reviving them. With that being said, players would be required to stand directly beside the body in order to execute the downed ninja. Moving away or being hit with knock-back, stuns, and/or snares will cancel the execution — forcing them to restart. And since executions would be cast-time, there is the risk of being killed yourself by enemies. *All Players who are level 10+ should possess the ability to execute(all levels possessing the same cast time; preferably 7.5-8.5 seconds). With the requirement of level 20-30+ being there to use it, execution animations — if any at all — can correlate to your 1st mastery.


Earth Execution - A multitude of earth spikes emerge from the ground below, piercing and gutting the downed ninja.

Water Execution - A chain-like whip wraps around the ninjas body, constricting around them like a snake; suffocating them to death

Fire Execution - The user snaps, causing the downed body to burst into flames; scorching the poor soul into a dark husk of ashes.


Side Note: We could also make use of @Fuze's aseprite commission services to create the animations for such, if it were be implemented of course. I personally would love to contribute some funds towards this.


How would this change hunting, or even group fights?

At the current moment, whenever an ally is downed, they are either ignored until the enemy is killed or distracted enough to allow for a revive. With executions however, this would prompt groups with a decision — Do we allow the enemy to take the chance at an execution and reposition, or do we defend their body and take the risk for a revive? The same goes to the people who got the kill. Do we push and execute the downed, or do we focus on another objective — possibly giving them the chance to revive/getting W.O.F? More suggestions for executions: - This should be a "hotbar-less" technique, only appearing(possibly above the village logo) whenever the player is standing directly beside the downed enemy. - If it is interrupted, there could be a 20+ second cool down, allowing for only about two attempts max on an execution.


At the current moment, this is all I have in mind for executions. If anyone else possesses any ideas/changes or wanst to contribute to it, please feel free to do so! Thank you, everyone.

- Issa

P.S. It is currently 3 AM my time and I haven't slept in 40 hours. Please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes. Lol.

amazing post, totally agree on this

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