Anna Primal

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The top teir list of players imo since i started playing  it a big boi list if i missed anything tell me :)


wm/light: enver,hasan,ryutekzu

water/light: baller

earth/light: yamikami

medic/light: sparkzz and static

wind/light: vipe the "I've been holding that crown for way too long"

fire/light: prime time kage term vali

tai/light: emiya or zoomy

intwm/light: toska  the thicc queen

gf/light:old chad boi ikage

buuble/light: ahhaahhahaha never gone happen .


wm strenght:

pure: prime time woo/shissei nd redrum.

wm/earth: rai

wm/light : enver,hasan,ryutekzu.

wm/water: ego boosted feinz

wm/fan: judge

wm/wind: tetsuya alt ;-;

wm/fire: jero(all you fake bitches with  25 int dont count)

wm/gf: flicker, old boi midnight

wm/medic: blackrain

wm/tai:no idea

wm/bubble: amatizu


int wm:

wm/light int :toska(marry me ori ;-;)

wm/wind: ninja

wm/medic: kpop taka alt chick sana  somethingi dont know

wm/earth: woo pass his prime

wm/fire: woo pass his prime

wm/fan: yeah never saw that and we most likely wont

wm/buuble: no clue .

wm/water: no idea kvaset was the only onei  know hahahaha

wm/tai : never saw one 

wm/gf:never seen a one



gf pure: virgin flicker

gf/wm : virgin flicker , old boi midnight

gf/light: chad ikage

gf/water :virgin sakashi or something

gf/tai :chad boi ikage that man played it well

gf/wind: virgin luhan

gf/fire: virgin lvhan

gf/earth: hybrid

gf/medic: sava primetime



earth pure: raws alt 

earth/light: chad yamikami

earth/gf:  vrigin hybrid

earth/water: ichika  or hawt

earth/fire: dayum, zabu

earth/wind : king i killed + 6k ppl dona

earth/fan: some taka alt

earth/medic: antar or kyoho

earth/buuble: no clue

earth/tai: dont know



tai/medic : zoomy 

tai/light: zoomy or emiya

tai/water: macdom

tai/gf: old chad ikage

tai pure :always raw and flicker

tai/wind: sadly liongod (dont boo me he is the only one out there)

tai/earth: nobody.

tai/fire: dont know some taka alt i guess

tai/wm int : none

tai/fan/: raitou

tai/buuble: no clue



water/light: chad baller

water/wm strenght : ego boosted feinz

water/wind: chad dairuto,ryujin,hunt ( ainz once he learn to play without  plus  100 damage per jutsu ;-;)

water/earth: ichika and hawt.

water/fire: CHAD PRIME TIME GO BACK TO IT  ZABU nobody else only zabu made that masttery look meta and good

water/fan: nobody 

water/tai: macdom 

water/buuble: nobody

water/gf: sakashi guy or something

water/int wm: no honest idea i only remeber kvaset



fire/light: vali prime time kage term

fire/earth: zabu or dayum

fire/wind: lumy


fire/gf: virgin lvhan

fire/tai: most like a taka alt or something

fire/wm. jero

fire/int wm: woo pass his prime

fire/fan: donatello for like 2 weeks before he reset

fire/medic: angi he(he raped zabu in that video so god dam hard)

fire/buuble. let jsut ignore it at this point buuble isnt loved.


wind int:

wind/light: vipe "I've been holding that crown for way too long"

wind/water : chad dairuto,ryujin,hunt ( ainz once he learn to play without  plus  100 damage per jutsu ;-;)

wind/earth: king who killed 6 k ppl dona


wind/fire: lumy

wind/tai: sadly liongod

wind/gf: virgin luhan

wind/medic: memsky

wind pure: nobody



pure fan: kazane

fan/wm: judge

fan/light: no clue

fan/water; nobody

fan/earth: taka alt

fan/medic: lumy

fan/fire: donatello for 2 weeks before he reseted

fan/tai: raitou



pure buuble: quilp

medic/buuble balcoin

wm strenght/buuble: amatizu 



pure chakra medic: sanshouo ,ruby,mana

medic/fan: lumy

medic int pure: no clue

medic/light: sparkzz and static

medic/water: aghila then boo 

medic/earth: antar or kyoho

medic/int: kpop taka chick

medic/wm : black rain

medic/fire: agni

medic/gf:  sava in his prime

medic/wind :memsky

medic/tai: zoomy

medic/buuble: balcoin

non mastery: roei

summoning mastery : me i got most suck it .






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6 hours ago, Ninja said:

i guess lumy is the best fire wind w/o being fire quit fire wind cuz it was "trash"

Meanwhile im fire wind and the only 1 and wont get mentioned despite being good and active with it

Primal your list is something else 

i never spared the list is based on ppl i spared

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