accurate top for players on masteries(stop being biased)

Real Player Top

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1Fire/Water:Best ever encountered @Nefarious(currently none)

2Fire/Wind: @Ninja

3Fire/Light: no top players but best ones @Kagami @Atrane

4Fire/Earth: @Zabu

5Fire/Wm: @Fire or @Swords

6Fire/IntWm: @Kaigen

7Fire/med: @Agni

8Fire/tai: N/A

9Water/Wind: @Ryujin or @Dairuto

10Water/light: @Yin Katara

11Water/Earth: @Ichika

12Water/Wm: @Giyu

13Water/IntWm: @Vinsmoke

14Water/Med: @Boo

15Water/Tai: @Kuraen MacDom

16Wind/Earth: @Dona

17Wind/Light: @Vipe

18Wind/Wm: @Judge

19Wind/IntWm: @Maple

20Wind/Med: not top on it but current best @Memsky

21Wind/Tai: The only one and ALMIGHTY @LionGod

22Light/Earth: @Yamikami

23Light/Wm: @Enver or @Hasan

24Light/IntWm: N/A

25Light/Med: @SparkZZ

26Light/Tai @Emiya

27Earth/Wm: @Choso (lemon)

28Earth/IntWm: @Woo

29Earth/Med: @Lethal

30Earth/Tai: N/A

31Wm: @RedRum

32Wm/Med: @Black Rain or @Grimmjow or @Sakatsu

33Wm/Tai @Raitou 2

34IntWm/Med: @Shinji

35IntWm/Tai: N/A

36Tai: @Esty

37Tai/Med: @Raitou

38Gf: N/A

39Gf/Fire: @Lvhan

40Gf/Water: @Sakashi

41Gf/light: N/A

42Gf/Earth: @Hybrid

43Gf/Wind @Luhan

44Gf/Wm @Flicker

45Gf/IntWm: N/A

46.Gf/Med: @Sike or @Sava

47Bubble: @Quilp(no other pure bubble)

48Bubble/light: @Stun 

49Bubble/Med: @Bubbly or @Mugen

rest bubble combos N/A


Fan/Wm: @Alev

Fan/Earth: @Sage

Fan/Med: @Lumy

Fan/Fire: @Donatello Johnson

Rest Fan NA

Share your thoughts and suggest me who I should be adding or removing from the list

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10 minutes ago, Real Player Top said:

1Fire/Water:Best ever encountered @Nefarious(currently none)

2Fire/Wind: @Ninja

3Fire/Light: no top players but best ones @Kagami @Atrane

4Fire/Earth: @Zabu

5Fire/Wm: @Fire or @Swords

6Fire/IntWm: @Kaigen

7Fire/med: @Agni

8Fire/tai: N/A

9Water/Wind: @Ryujin or @Dairuto

10Water/light: @Yin Katara

11Water/Earth: none of them top at it but these are the best ones rn @Hawt @Saviola

12Water/Wm: @Giyu

13Water/IntWm: @Vinsmoke

14Water/Med: @Boo

15Water/Tai: @Kuraen MacDom

16Wind/Earth: @Dona

17Wind/Light: @Vipe

18Wind/Wm: N/A

19Wind/IntWm: @Maple

20Wind/Med: not top on it but current best @Memsky

21Wind/Tai: The only one and ALMIGHTY @LionGod

22Light/Earth: @Yamikami

23Light/Wm: @Enver or @Hasan

24Light/IntWm: N/A

25Light/Med: @SparkZZ

26Light/Tai @Emiya

27Earth/Wm: @Choso (lemon)

28Earth/IntWm: @Woo

29Earth/Med: @Lethal

30Earth/Tai: N/A

31Wm: @RedRum

32Wm/Med: @Black Rain or @Grimmjow or @Sakatsu

33Wm/Tai @Raitou 2

34IntWm/Med: @Shinji

35IntWm/Tai: N/A

36Tai: @Esty

37Tai/Med: @Raitou

38Gf: N/A

39Gf/Fire: @Lvhan

40Gf/Water: @Sakashi

41Gf/light: N/A

42Gf/Earth: @Hybrid

43Gf/Wind @Luhan

44Gf/Wm @Flicker

45Gf/IntWm: N/A

46.Gf/Med: @Sike or @Sava

47Bubble: @Quilp(no other pure bubble)

48Bubble/light: @Stun 

49Bubble/Med: @Bubbly or @Mugen

rest bubble combos N/A


Fan/Wm: @Alev

Fan/Earth: @Sage

Fan/Med @Lumy

Rest Fan NA

Share your thoughts and suggest me who I should be adding or removing from the list

Finally someone who puts respect on the leaf village's ace in the hole

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