No Weapon Challenge

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Hey there just another Legendary Ninja doing legendary things with a challenge for you all!!

Lately in discord a few vets have been saying lets lock Fans/Pipes to the respected masteries and a lot of people disagree with that suggestion.

Why do they disagree? is it because they need the crutch to stand a chance in the world of Nin? is it because they have bad aim and can't land any jutsus?

You don't have the answer do you? Hell I don't either but any who. 

The challenge is if you aren't a Wind user or a Water use try fighting without your weapon and try to get better at the game as a whole. Right now these weapons are carrying some of these ninjas and down the road you never know what can possibly happen. They may become mastery locked or they may receive a higher requirement. 

All I know is Ninja AKA JunPachi is not a Bubble Pipe user and he's from Mist. 

He's a Wind/Fire user with no Pipe relying on pure aim and skill and is enjoying every minute of it.

Be more like him...Don't rely on meta!!!

Meta Changes Will You?!?!


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As a player who came from leaf. I was literally solo water for the last few months. A hard mastery to be solo with if not a mist ninja. I have a good aim, but on my mist character I am wind and use a pipe. I don't use it because I can't aim. I use it because people in sand have fan or people in leaf is Tai/GF. The pipe is a good way to sub punish or even flicker punish. It's a good kiting tool in PVP. I don't use it to aim my jutsu, but if a Tai user can come up and whole Z to beat me down every time then atleast I can punish him being so close with a pipe. In PVP it takes even skill to land a bubble so I won't complain about some ones jutsu aim. I commend you for going without a pipe, and while I see it as a nice challenge, I don't want to see you completely do away with it because it's an advantage mist have to be on par with others when it matters. Yes, you can win fights without it. That's skill in its own, but how many fights could you have won or even protected those around you if you had used it? 

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26 minutes ago, Ceriwyn said:

As a player who came from leaf. I was literally solo water for the last few months. A hard mastery to be solo with if not a mist ninja. I have a good aim, but on my mist character I am wind and use a pipe. I don't use it because I can't aim. I use it because people in sand have fan or people in leaf is Tai/GF. The pipe is a good way to sub punish or even flicker punish. It's a good kiting tool in PVP. I don't use it to aim my jutsu, but if a Tai user can come up and whole Z to beat me down every time then atleast I can punish him being so close with a pipe. In PVP it takes even skill to land a bubble so I won't complain about some ones jutsu aim. I commend you for going without a pipe, and while I see it as a nice challenge, I don't want to see you completely do away with it because it's an advantage mist have to be on par with others when it matters. Yes, you can win fights without it. That's skill in its own, but how many fights could you have won or even protected those around you if you had used it? 

So you reset from leaf to mist? 

Honestly the truth is that when people who play pipe for long periods of time try to play without pipe they literally can't hit anything and it's just kind of sad.

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42 minutes ago, Gilgamesh said:

So you reset from leaf to mist? 

Honestly the truth is that when people who play pipe for long periods of time try to play without pipe they literally can't hit anything and it's just kind of sad.

No, I still have my leaf character. Hardly use it any more though. Still log in once every few days to do a daily. I don't seem to have an issue hitting my jutsu 

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11 hours ago, Ninja said:

Hey there just another Legendary Ninja doing legendary things with a challenge for you all!!

Lately in discord a few vets have been saying lets lock Fans/Pipes to the respected masteries and a lot of people disagree with that suggestion.

Why do they disagree? is it because they need the crutch to stand a chance in the world of Nin? is it because they have bad aim and can't land any jutsus?

You don't have the answer do you? Hell I don't either but any who. 

The challenge is if you aren't a Wind user or a Water use try fighting without your weapon and try to get better at the game as a whole. Right now these weapons are carrying some of these ninjas and down the road you never know what can possibly happen. They may become mastery locked or they may receive a higher requirement. 

All I know is Ninja AKA JunPachi is not a Bubble Pipe user and he's from Mist. 

He's a Wind/Fire user with no Pipe relying on pure aim and skill and is enjoying every minute of it.

Be more like him...Don't rely on meta!!!

Meta Changes Will You?!?!


you are a fire/wind that still meta yes you need aim but your damage is second to none.

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I personally play with fan (as a non wind user) and I think this mastery lock change is very much needed. For me the weapon just provides to big of a benefit with the auto-turn and I think auto turn should br emoved all together. For pipe its pretty much the same although the benefit is arguably better. It's just that these weapons require too little sacrifice and give you too many benefits.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/7/2021 at 4:32 AM, Ninja said:

Hey there just another Legendary Ninja doing legendary things with a challenge for you all!!

Lately in discord a few vets have been saying lets lock Fans/Pipes to the respected masteries and a lot of people disagree with that suggestion.

Why do they disagree? is it because they need the crutch to stand a chance in the world of Nin? is it because they have bad aim and can't land any jutsus?

You don't have the answer do you? Hell I don't either but any who. 

The challenge is if you aren't a Wind user or a Water use try fighting without your weapon and try to get better at the game as a whole. Right now these weapons are carrying some of these ninjas and down the road you never know what can possibly happen. They may become mastery locked or they may receive a higher requirement. 

All I know is Ninja AKA JunPachi is not a Bubble Pipe user and he's from Mist. 

He's a Wind/Fire user with no Pipe relying on pure aim and skill and is enjoying every minute of it.

Be more like him...Don't rely on meta!!!

Meta Changes Will You?!?!



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On 4/9/2021 at 6:39 PM, Booty Gang Pinku said:

I personally play with fan (as a non wind user) and I think this mastery lock change is very much needed. For me the weapon just provides to big of a benefit with the auto-turn and I think auto turn should br emoved all together. For pipe its pretty much the same although the benefit is arguably better. It's just that these weapons require too little sacrifice and give you too many benefits.

All attacks auto-turn now. Even unarmed. If you're using a Fan rn its purely for knockback.

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