Silver for Rumaki!!


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@Rumaki is easily known as nin's most popular youtuber, at least when it comes to a normal player. He's put out multiple videos that even were featured by @Ueda himself.

Some examples of his uploads (each with over 1k views!)



And many more! He is definitely one of nin's most iconic players and I'm sure he has reached out to new players who found the game because of his work! Justice for Rumaki!!!

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       I started makin nin vids for fun, i was just a toxic annoyin kid back then never expected them to get that much attention. I rlly like when someone appreciate the work I've done that's what pushed me to make more and more n naturally get better at it. As long as nin continues to b fun ill make more.

that being said, I cAn'T wAiT tO pOsT mEMes oN Nin Gen

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