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Passive Suggestion



Different passive 

I think there should be more than one village excusive passive which you can switch between by talking to an NPC which has a 24 hr cooldown this helps players get more flexibility on what kind of style they will like to play without asking for a buff for their passive.


Rogue passive

This also opens the idea for rogue passive which @Yamikami suggested so you can change your passive to rogue exclusive one if you like to but only able to use it as a rogue.


Reason to make this post

Passives are talked about a lot in the community some like there passive and some not one of the main reason for disliking their passive that it is good in a thing they don't want for example all leaf say that will of fire is weak but in reality, it's really strong in team fights just not good in 1v1 but some players want something more useful in 1v1 so they ask for a buff for WOF for something it's not supposed to be good at We already got 2-3 buff to of WOF and it's good at what it's supposed to.


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