The last announcement of Rory got to my heart.


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"On one last note, there's something I'd like to say that I forgot to write about when I posted this...
In a year like 2020, where myself included, a lot of us were forced to spent a large portion of it cooped up at home, the community has been a nice place to enjoy a social environment with stakes beyond short rounds of finding out who the imposter is, or running through obstacle courses with strangers. Nin Online is a special game, but not just because of what the game is, but what the community has made it become. The Nin Online community is amazing - we have "petty drama" every day, we feel strongly defensive about what they represent, and people have friendships (and pseudo enemies) that go beyond what casual interactions in other games allow you to... because you guys spend months to years in it, interacting with one another, making stories and a history of meaningful events in our collective imaginative world.

Nin Online Community is truly something like no other. I have not felt the amount of comradery and stake in a long time, and as much as I try to stay neutral to everything, watching people form their own personas or show their character makes being around the community a very enjoyable experience.

In 5 years, I don't know if Nin Online will still be around, it might be. In 10 years, who knows?
But the one thing you'll surely remember from your time here are the experiences with people you shared here. People will come and go, nobody can stay entertained on something forever. But during your time in the community, enjoy your share of stories and impart enough for others to remember you. That's what community is about, and on a bigger scale, what life is about. I appreciate what everyone here contributes in their own way as a person to the whole community. Thank you!"


The man got me think about the day later if something worst like this will happen in the future.

Well its normally to be sad or even get into depression cause u lost something that you like and it was a part of your life for many years.

Alpha person always have a plan B or a way to minimize the thing that just happen.

I don't wanna find myself getting into depression cause i really like this game and some ppl around even if it's to harass in game or in discord for some entertainment.

I'm worry cause something like that happen to me long time ago in a game that called asdf Hover Board. Really old game the closed in 2005 and stop me to do my progress when i was actually start climbing to the top.

But the day after i lost this game, The community, The conversation with my friends, The challenging.. I was seeking for a new game with my friends but at this time there's was plenty of anime mmo that hitting the gener so the switching was easier no hard feeling.

But i take this situation to Nin Online, idk where i will be satistfied to spread the harass with an amazing open world pvp raids, spars, and challenging.

This is a harassing world, nothing is obvious. I can't let the emotions control me as a harasser i must move forward and search for the switch to become acclimatized to.

What do you guys do if one day Nin will be closed?



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Glad my words had a moved you in some way. ASDF crew here too hahah!

I have no plans on Nin going anywhere any time soon, but everything will eventually come to an end. Even if the game isn't gone yet, people come and go. I hope that even when Nin is gone, people will stay in touch. It's so much easier to do that then back in those days. I'm also pretty sure I'll keep the Nin official discord running as long as Discord is a thing.


That being said, Nin is here to stay, I assure you I have no plans on slowing down development or closing it down in the foreseeable future! Didn't mean to set off any alarms about that.

EDIT: I think I've been extra sentimental because I just finished watching Community, and the realization that I have no more new episodes to look forward to is making me feel things I don't want to feel.

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I'm still in touch with friends who stopped playing Nin. So I don't think closing Nin will directly cut off friendships formed from it. 
Especially a certain relationship I've started from Nin moved way further than virtual, for which I cannot express how greatful to Nin I am.

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